Conjuration Specifics

Conjuration is a random gate summoning spell which locks on to the desired item from a random location, either on the world conjurer inhabits, or from an elemental plane. Only at very high levels can plants and animals be conjured, and at no time can sentient organisms large or small be conjured.
1 (1-3) Conjure Food: 1 food item, +1 per ace.
2 (4-6) Conjure Liquid: called liquid including beverages, up to +8 ounces, +1 ounce per success. Liquid must be conjured into a ready container like a glass, bottle or jar or it spills onto the ground or all over conjurer. This spell fails on cream when used by a puka owed to a blood curse.
3 (7-9) Conjure Minor Item: conjure a single called item of a size that can be hand held. Items which already have recall on them cannot have recall placed on them.
4 (10-12) Conjure Normal Item: conjure item that will fit into an area of up to +1 foot, +1 per success.
5 (13-15): Conjure Gate: conjure a gateway which not only closes distances through the elemental plane of air, but which can show the conjurer a called location and the items on the other side. Also called a 'Burglary Gate' because it allows conjurer to select items seen on other side of the gate as long as it is open. Air gate can be seen as a slight refraction of anything behind it, and can be entered, while nothing on the conjurer's side can be seen through it.
6 (16-18): Conjure Elemental Item: conjure a called item enchanted with one called elemental power (refer to elemental spell books) or call an elemental power. Items which already have recall on them cannot have recall placed on them.
7 (19-21): Conjure Magic Item: conjure an item enchanted with a called arcane spell (from any arcane spell book) or formulated arcane spell (effects that are not elemental). Items which already have recall on them cannot have recall placed on them.
8 (22-24) Conjure Multiple Items: conjure up to +1 additional normal or minor item, food, or beverage as called per success.
9 (25-27) Conjure Layered Item: conjure an item with up to +1 elemental and or arcane effects, +1 per ace. Items which already have recall on them cannot have recall placed on them. When using this power there is a 25% chance of the item having recall on it when summoned.
10 (28-30) Conjure Plant: conjure a single called plant.
11 (31-35) Conjure Haven: conjure an 'unwarded' mansion or fortress out of a called location or elemental plane. Size can cover up to +10 square yards per success as called, doubled on a crit, with up to +1 room per success. Anyone inside of building when it is conjured is left on the ground where building was prior to being conjured.
12 (36-40) Improved Conjuration: conjure rare item if Level of item as called by GM is met. Scale of 28-80 +1 HB per ten levels = LoD roll, with 80 being only one in existance. Conjure large items and creatures which will fit in an area of up to +10 square yards per success, x 2 on a crit. = total square yards. All precious metals and gems are rare.
13 (41-45) Conjure Beast: conjure a single called normal (not sentient or magical) beast up to the size of a horse (use bestiary).
14 (46-50) Conjure Major Item: conjure up to +1 large item, plant or beast, +1 per ace, such as boulders, trees, ships, lakes, houses, elephants, etc out of a called location or plane. Also conjure multiple plants and animals, +1, +1 per ace.