
Open Class and Class Skills page

Choosing Skills

Go to character building menu, link to Class Skill Sets page. Start with 7 free class skills to split between combat and magic, and take 7 free in common.


Choose a class for your character and place the class and its bonus skills under a Class heading of your Character Sheet (CS). Class does not limit what character can do, it gives your character free extra bonuses and skills in the field(s) they concentrate on the most.

Multiclass: you can combine several classes into one class (battle'mage, arcane'rogue, lore'knight etc.) but you get the same amount of skills as you would in one class and level ups are the same as for single class. Build your class skill sets from those classes you choose to combine.


1. Go to character building menu, link to Class Skills page and select skills from your Class Skill Set/s to place under Class heading, with subheading 'Class' Skill Sets (mage skill set, warrior skill set, thief skill set, etc).
2. Choose skills from your class skill sets to place under class skill set heading, such as Warrior, Martial Combat, Archery, Knight, Shield Combat, Mage etc.
3. If chosen skills are not under your class skill sets place them under a Combat Skills heading on your CS, under Class and Class Skill Sets.

Class Skills

Go to character building menu, link to Class Skills page and choose from class oriented skills.

Combat Skills

Go to character building menu, link to Class Skills page and choose from combat skills such as warrior, knight, archer, sword n shield, etc. If class oriented place under Class skills, if not place under Combat Skills heading beneath Class skills.

Magic Skills

Go to character building menu, link to Class Skills page and choose from magic oriented skills such as Magic, Enchanting and Lore skills. If class oriented place under Class Skill heading, if not place under Magic Skills heading beneath class skills.

Feats and Special Abilities

Go to character building menu, link to Feats page and choose your feats from special abilities list. Choose as you would any Class Skill. Place feats under your Special Abilities heading on CS. Feats grant special innate powers or abilities.

Common Skills

Go to character building menu, link to Common Skills page, choose from common skills list and place under heading Common Skills beneath all other skills.

Magic Paths

Go to Power menu, link to path you desire. Build spell book only if you have a magic class and skills. Option I: Choose up to three paths to start. You start with one spell from each path
Option II: You can also choose to pre-build full Spell Books with all available spells in each path, only using those spells within your level range. Place Spells you can use (up to 12) in your Daily Power Slots. (See Daily Slots below)

Path I

list each spell chosen for this path under path name heading

Path II

list each spell chosen for this path under path name heading

Path III

list each spell chosen for this path under path name heading

Contents by JD and Sparky © Copyright 2008