Unchained Zombie Ghoul

Levels: 3 d6, 4 d6 checks (or 1-25 played)
Checks: Strength: Level+3, Dexterity: 12, Stealth: 10, Movement: 14, Stamina: Limitless, Intelligence: 13, Instincts: 15
Regeneration Level: Full Regeneration in 3 rounds.
Traits: All are Unchained
Immunities: Immune to Disease, Curses, Cold, Ice, Mental Attacks.

Weaknesses: Death by beheading or explosion (if head is obliterated). Weapons: Sword: +26, Star Mace: +28
AC: Buckler: 15 AC
Appearance: These walking dead look exactly like what their host appeared like when their soul was ripped out of them, while they were still alive. Zombie ghouls are someone whose soul was taken from them while their body was living. They are usually dominated by the one who took their soul or left to roam around as Unchained Grand Zombies.

Contents by JD and Sparky © Copyright 2008