Greater Undead Vampires

Also called Deadrealms Vampires; where most vampires have souls, these do not. These are raised corpses with vampiric abilities. They drink blood to improve their physical health which is poor until enhanced by blood and health consumption.  Death occurs by beheading and impalement of the heart.  HP is based on blood intake, as are higher stamina levels.  Extreme blood loss results in torpor, a cold state of death-like rest (when HP is at 0).

How corpse-like these vampires appear depends on how long they were dead before being raised and the condition of their body when they died. Their condition defines what kind of undead vampire they are; Unblemished, Blemished, Mutilated, Desicated, or even but most rarely Bone. The Unblemished vampires can still be recognized by their 'dead' eyes and aroma of death around them, however faint in those raised almost immediately after death.

These vampires can create other undead vampires, called simply descendants, by draining the blood of one chosen and infecting them with their own blood, which causes a quick death which afterwards raises the body of their chosen as an undead vampire of their kind. Though a descendant retains all their memories, their soul is destroyed or 'passed over' in the process. Emotion no longer rules the vampire which now relies on logic and instinct to base decisions and motives.

These vampires do not form clans but will often gather together to form either bands, arcane covens or legions. Legions are usually ruled by a vampire (usually but not always legendary) who through sheer strength and domination has become king. Unlike other vampire clans, Undead vampires have no sense of clan or kinship. Their relationships are based on safety in numbers and common needs.

Being reanimated creatures which have no pulse, heart beat, or real need to breathe (those who do, do so out of instictual habit), these vampires feel little pain and have no physical needs other the pursuit of blood which strengthens them. Desicated and Bone vampires feel no pain whatsoever.

Base HP: Level +100.  Blood and Healh Drains add +1 HP per success.
Base Stamina: Level +16, Blood and Health Drains add +1 stamina, +1 per ace.
Base Strength: Level +7, Blood and Health Drains boosts +1, +1 per ace.
Improved Mvm: +1 mvm per stamina spent.
Claws: +15
Fangs: +8
Wings: flight, flail strength=damage
Charismatic: +3 charisma, the vampire can pretend to have emotions and remembers how to mimic a more human persona.
Immunities: charms, poison, disease, cold, domination.
Weaknesses: Beheading kills.  Sunlight damages +10 per turn and can kill if exposed too long. Blood loss results in torpor when HP is at 0.

Special Abilities
Drain Blood by Touch: damages and transfers blood to the vampire, +1 HP per success, +1 stamina, +1 per ace. Gains last until reduced by blood loss.
Drain Will by Touch: -1 WP per ace.
Drain Health by Touch: -1, -1 per ace to WP, strength, and stamina, also damages. Transfers health to vampire. Gains last until reduced by blood loss.
Charm by Gaze: mesmerizes for -1 AR, -1 AR per ace to one charmed.  Charm is broken if one charmed is attacked, ut they cannot defend for one attack.
Ranged Touch Attack: spend 1 stamina to use touch attacks supernaturally at range of up to +1 foot per success.
Inborn Powers: any 3 paths

Arcane: any one path
Elemental: any one path

Contents by JD and Sparky © Copyright 2008