Lygaero Vampire

4th clan of vampires sired of The Morning Star
Levels 3-28

Vampiric Immunities
Passed down to Progeny though weaker with each Subsequent generation Sired.
Sunlight - Weaker in direct sunlight by 1/4 power, that doubled with each sub. Gen. Not affected by sun at all in shady areas.
Holy Powers - Resists Holy Powers by 90%. That to decrease by 10% with each sub. Gen.
Wood - Reaction to Wood resisted 90%. Sub. Gen. decrease same as above.

Born With Abilities
Hasted Movement: +5 mvm, +1 per two levels.
Telepathy: Start at Level 3

Improved Strength: +10
Improved Senses: +38 to split between sensory, or +9 alertness.
Regeneration: Base Level 6
Fortitude: +2

Vampiric Form
Claws: +25, enhanced damage
Fangs: +8, enhanced damage
Wings: +5 + Strength, Height: +2 feet.
Vampiric Temple: see vampire information
Drain Life: By touch, -1 called level, -1 stamina and strength per ace, plus MA damage.

Inborn Powers
Domination - Start at Level 3.
Presence - Vampiric presence, mental and emotional commands.
Arcane Prowess - Lygaero Clan Paths +3 Levels.
Command the Inferno - Innate Masters of Blood Sorcery and Fire, Start at Level 5.
Shape Shifting - One form per level.
Planes Walk - Close distances.
Path of Souls - Speak to the Dead, Summon the Dead, Command the Dead, Capture Souls
Master of Familiars - Create, Summon and Command Familiars
Arcane Creation - Create Spells and Magic Items

Elemental Paths: Path of the Storm, Path of Fire, Path of Shadows.
Arcane Paths: Blood Sorcery (limited) and Necromancy (arcane, all spells)


    Lygaero Vampire: 4th of the vampire races created by The Morning Star.  The Primogen Lygaero was created out of the Angel of Ascension, Azriel, one of the four horseman of the Apocalypse, captured by The Morning Star and brought under his power as he was destroyed and re-created by the Eternal Flames of Acheron as The Morning Star commanded. The Primogen escaped his bonds with The Morning Star by an act of fate, thus is his line free of ties with Acheron.

Contents by JD and Sparky © Copyright 2008