Chronomoarte Vampires

5th clan of vampires sired of The Morning Star

Levels 5-35

Undead Forms
Chronomoarte Vampires are Planes and Dead Realms walkers. Their key form is a projection of their sub-race at the age they were sired, though they can assume most any undead, wraith, poltergeist or phantom form.

Sunbane: Sunlight is deadly to Chronomoarte unless they are in shadow or an animal form.  The longest they can last in the sun is two minutes, no matter what generation they are.
Holy Powers: Do double damage.
Beating Heart: If staked in the heart, it paralizes these vampires.
Time Taints: Chronomoarte lose track of time over the ages; time becomes meaningless to them in an infinite Universe, simply because they know time has many parallels which can be redirected and manipulated. They show up at a given place and time when they are ready to, and not before.
Sleep of Death: When they sleep, they sleep like the dead, very hard to wake in day-light hours.

Born with Abilities
Vampiric Form
Claws: +15
Fangs: +10
Regeneration: +6
Strength: +15
Dexterity: +3
Haste: +5
Fortitude: +12
Stamina: +20
Wings: +5 damage, +strength damage, winged shield +15 AC fort.
Shadow Wings: ethereal wings, phase past all things material, allows for flight in tight places.
Corporeal Shadow Form: takes no damage from physical attacks.

Inborn Powers
Domination: +3 Levels.
Charms: By gaze, by mental manipulation
Presence: Command the will and emotions.
Beast Mastery: Limited Paths.
Magic and Energy Rifts: Rifts that open to specified Force and either brings it pouring out in a continuous stream under mage's command, or which opens a rift in magic or energy fields to nullify them.
Power Tearing and Dispersal: Tears the fabric of a weave apart and disperses disjoined particles.
Supernatural Sight: Supernatural sight which allows vampire to see into the spirit and metaphysical veil.
Thief of Life: Drains blood (stamina and HP), essence (strength), soul (WP) -1 per ace for permanent loss until damage is undone, stamina cost of -1 per three levels used, but all that is drained is added to vampire's stats as a bonus next turn and lasts until vampire is torped.
Spiritual Plunge: Plunges spirits into a called underworld, the abyss, the spectral plane, the dead realms, or Acheron.
Time Mastery: Innate understanding of time and its interstellar planes.
Infiltration Commands: 1st-4th gens only. Allows spells, charms, ect, to infiltrate past magic and energy fields.
Eye of the Cauldron: Level 15+ only.  A very powerful enchanted "Seeing Eye" cauldron which lets vampire see called locations and targets, and fortell the future, present and past.
Phantasmancy: see limited paths.
Ritual of Life: Allows for sexual reproduction with a called subject through a specific ritual that must be learned from Sire.
Verduremancy: this full path is innate to Chronomoarte.

Arcane Paths: Chronomancy, Necromancy, Path of Shadows, Verduremancy, or Necromancy and Elementalism.


    Chronomoarte (crO-nO-mor-tah) Vampires began with Beornagh Lionguard; the Sole Omega of this Vampire Clan. He has scattered progeny on Earth and Morashtar and very few of them.

Contents by JD and Sparky © Copyright 2008