
Full Moon Phases on Morashtar: 30th, 31st, 1st of every month.

Lycanthrope Forms
Subrace Form: Their human or elven form.
Animal Form: Shift into full animal form.
Crinos Form: Shift into part animal, part human/elven form.
Dire Form: Shift into very large animal form the size of a small horse, animal stats doubled.

Building your Lycanthrope
1-Choose a human or elven subrace from Bestiary to start your Character Sheet. Take any 12 spells from subrace paths if any, or two subrace paths if replacing Path of Nature with a subrace path.
2-Choose a Big Cat, Wolf or Wild Dog form from bestiary which defines what kind of lycanthrope race you are playing; add animal form and its stats to character sheet. Add any bonuses you come across on this page to animal form.
3-Choose 7 Trait Gifts from this page (8 if specified) and add to character sheet. Add up to 3 subrace trait abilities if any.
4-Choose Gifts from Lycanthrope Gift page (TMK Power; Limited Paths on navigation menu) which you want your lycanthrope to learn. Some gifts grant additional abilities or elemental paths.
5-Find Pictures for your character if you like. Pictures are optional. My assistant Game Author, Sparky, takes commisions for making custom character pictures on request (
6-You are ready to play! Refer to the Lycanthrope Information Page when you need help, or save it to your computer for quick access.

First and Foremost: Werewolves of Morashtar are called Wauru, and werecats of Morashtar are called Wosaer. On earth, werewolves are called Lupus, and werecats are called Felid.

Inborn Traits: (start with subrace checks)
Animal Instincts: They are very in-tuned with the natural world (+6 alertness and reflexes).
Improve with Age: As Lycanthrope age, they become much stronger in every way (+1 physical checks, Trait Gifts, Inborn Traits per five levels gained up to 30). The older a werewolf or werecat, the more adept they are at controlling their shift, and the stronger their inborn traits and gifts become, until they grow old and decrepit.
Shifting at Will: They cannot shift at will when young, but as they get older, they become especially adept at shifting. Lycanthrope between the levels of 1-6 can rarely control their shift, and shift mostly during a full moon. As they get stronger, they begin to learn to shift at will, +1 d6 per level (up to 40). 1 Ace [6] succeeds. Only when they gain superb control, can they restrain themselves from shifting when they see a full moon, 7 Aces [6s] must be rolled to succeed.
Innate Gifts: All of their gifts are 'innate,' and thus they learn them far more quickly than demons and vampires learn theirs (50% XP cost). Their Gifts all have to do with nature, their pack or themselves, all of which they are very in-tuned to, and learning their gifts comes quite naturally, it is having a good teacher, and perfecting them that makes the difference.

Fortitude: Lycanthrope are very tough and hard to injure, +5 (all lycanthrope start with this)
Regeneration: Lycanthrope can recover from injuries quickly, +9 (all lycanthrope start with this)
Regeneration Level Bonuses
41-45: +9
36-40: +8
31-35: +7
26-30: +6
21-25: +5
16-20: +4
11-15: +3
6-10: +2
1-5: +1

Siring: Lycanthrope sire in four ways.
One-Sapiens Breed: When Lycanthrope mate with a human, these children are born human, but only one in eight children might 'come of age' to shift into a Lycanthrope Sapiens, the rest are human but immune to becoming a Lycanthrope. In Morendor Sapiens are called Firwulg (sapiens wolves) and Firsaer (sapien felids).
Two-Hybrid Breed: When a Lycanthrope mates with another Lycanthrope, it makes the line purer but also often results in a Lycanthrope with a permanent animal physical malformation in human form. Hybrids cannot reproduce by mating. In Morendor hybrids are called Waurbesrha (feral werewolves).
Three-Lupine (wolf) Felidae (cat) breed: When a Lycanthrope takes an animal mate the same kind as they (wolf with wolf, tiger with tiger, lion with lion etc.) the lines remains pure but the offspring is born as an animal and remains an animal for several years before making the human shift, and by then, they are an adult as an animal. In Morendor Lupine are called Fiorwaur (true-werewolf), and Felidae are called Fiorsaer (true-werecat).
Four-Lycanus-Breed: The Lycanthrope infects another by bite. These Lycanthrope are called Lycanus. In order to Sire by bite, the Lycanthrope inflicts chosen with a wound and laps at it for a period of half an hour or more, until the wound is licked clean and it heals with the regenerative power of their saliva. The change to the newly sired happens over a period of time. The first shift occurs when the new werebeast is extremely scared or angered, and either put on the defensive, or spurred to attack. In Morendor Lycanus are called Romiel Wauru (bitten werewolf), and Romiel Wosaer (bitten werecat).

Bestial Breed: This breed does not have a human form, but speaks telepathically, and commands arcane gifts.

Blood Loss: Blood loss weakens the Lycanthrope, and CAN result in death if the wounds do not heal, (as from a silver wound or enchantment), but the blood regenerates fairly quickly otherwise, although blood loss leaves the Lycanthrope very thirsty and hungry.

Silver: Lycanthrope are allergic to silver. It does not kill them immediately, but rather makes wounds heal slowly and works its way into the blood to make them very weak, and in time, it will kill them if enough silver gets into the bloodstream. Silver slows regeneration to level 3, +20 aggravated damage until silver is removed

How Lycanthrope can Die: Kill them and they shall die, only it's not that easy. They are tough, quick, regenerate (the stronger they are, the quicker they regenerate) and they have quick reflexes. Destruction of their bodies kills them, and silver can poison them and make them succumb more easily to mortal wounds. Beheading them will kill them as well, and a heart, throat, brain, or femoral wound, injures them badly. Wounds, IF deep enough, will leave scars on Lycanthrope, despite regeneration. Quasi-immortal, or even immortal lycanthrope may grow weary of life and decide it is time to die, whereof they give up their spirits to nature and simply allow themselves to die.

Aging: Mortal Lycanthrope age 1 year for every 30 years. Mortal lycanthrope age very slowly. They can live at most, for two thousand years. Life span depends on their health to begin with, and how healthfully they live their lives. The average lifespan for a Lycanthrope that does not get killed in conflicts, is 1200, for they do live hard lives. Some Lycanthrope simply weary of life and give them selves over to nature at an age they choose long before two-thousand. They age in appearance very slowly, and by the age of 2000 they may only look fifty to sixty years old, for by the code of nature, people do not live to be older than that.

Quasi-Immortal Lycanthrope: Lycanthrope out of quasi-immortal races of humans or elves are quasi-immortal, and they stop aging between the ages of 18-40. This coming of age is dependant on their will. Occasionally, but rarely, a quasi-immortal race stops aging prematurely, between the ages of 15-17, or even more unusually, younger, but this is very uncommon. This desire to remain forever young is very unusual, and usually regretted later in life.

Immortal Lycanthrope: Demonic, Vampiric, or other immortal subrace lycanthrope are immortal and have regeneration. Moru (greater werewolves), Morsaer (greater were-cats) and Elven lycanthrope are quasi-immortal. Immortal and quasi-immortal sapiens, hybrid and true born breeds stop aging between 18-30 in their human appearance, and at 2-6 years in beast form. Mortal wounds will kill elven and greater breeds, and all are immune to silver.

Feeding: Lycanthrope like raw meat, fresh off the bone, but can eat anything. Raw meat gives them more energy though (restores full stamina). Lycanthrope tend not to hunt humans, preferring other game, namely because it is cleaner, tastes better, and makes them feel better. Some do become 'man-hunters' however, due to a lack of game, or grievances against the human race.

The Pack: Werewolves almost always, but not always, belong to a pack. They are unhappy without a pack, just as wolves are. Strong packs have a tight social structure, with a chain or hierarchy, Starting with the Alpha male and female, with each subordinate underneath having their own place in the pack, even the lowest in the order has a place. Every member of a pack is counted valuable for something, or they are driven out, which is the highest order of shame. Typically, packs are tight, and well organized in their own way, but without good leadership, the pack falls apart and everyone suffers for it. The leaders are the teachers as well, and if nothing is learned, pups remain pups, have no discipline and real understanding of survival in that world between. Rare, angelic animal-kin join existing packs, prides, or tribes, often to act as guardians and healers. Packs often accept non-wolf lycanthrope into their packs, and sometimes even races that are not lycanthrope at all.

The Pride: Werelions forms prides and are much like packs in structure. They also accept other races into their pride occasionally, and werecats other than lions often join prides as well.

Lycanthrope Society: A society is a pride and pack that have united to form an alliance that resides and fights together.

Loners: Lone wolves are usually distrusted until it is known why they do not have a pack. If they were driven out, it raises a lot of doubt, for it takes a serious violation to get tossed from a pack. Other lone wolves are the last survivor of a pack that was hunted down, and still other rogue wolves choose to be alone, due to a taint in their nature, or some grievance with their own kind. Lone wosaer that are not of a lion breed are not distrusted for being without a pride, simply because some cat breeds, such as panthers or tigers are loners by nature.

The Lunar Shift: Werebeasts always shift during a full moon if they see it. It is the actual visual connection with the full moon which causes the shift to take place. Once the shift takes place, the werebeast shall remain in shift until the moon sets, or until they are removed from its sight for over two hours. Only werebeasts with exceptional control are able to refrain from shifting occasionally. See Inborn Traits, Shifting at will.

Trait Gifts
Choose 7 trait gifts

Senses of the Beast - Keen hearing, Sense of Smell, Eyesight, Tastebuds. +15 to split between these senses.
Form Shift - Human form shifts into wolf or big-cat breed. +2 levels in half shift or full shift. They can also perform partial shifts (claws, teeth and fangs, tough hide.) Young Lycanthrope have no control over shift and shift whether they want to or not when enraged or frightened. Lycanthrope 100 and older can shift at will at any time.
Dire Form - A very large embodiment of their animal some Lycanthrope can take, which compares to the size of a small horse. Lycanthrope over age 200 can control their Dire shift at will. Lycanthrope under 100 cannot shift into Dire form. Strength, Stamina, Claws, and Bite are doubled in Dire form.
Improved Tracking - Very able at tracking.
Telepathic - Rare. Only one out of a thousand Lycanthrope is born with this gift, while others can learn it.
Telekinetic - Ability to control telekinetic energy.
Call of the Wolf - Roar/Scream of the (bigcat) - Lycanthrope call to each other from miles away.
Animal Presence - Lycanthrope can exude a dominant, terrifying, calming or an inspirational presence.
Gift of Nature - Allows Lycanthrope to learn an elemental path of choice.
Physical Fortress - Great Strength: +10, Speed: +10, Stamina: +20, Stealth: +10, Dexterity: +5, Toughness: +5 Fortitude and Regeneration: +3 Regeneration, Far Leap: up to 6 d6 distance, Improved Balance: +16.
Night Vision - Lycanthrope can see through darkness as if they had infrared vision. When this is active, eyes reflect with a green reflection in light.
Partial Shift - Shift parts of the body into bestial aspects at will, for those who have limited shifts, or to improve how quickly and painlessly one's fangs, claws, etc. shift.

Demonic Lycanthrope: Can have arcane shadow or fire elemental ability, and have other traits and powers connected with their demonic kin.

Vampiric Lycanthrope: Can have vampiric arcane powers, traits and abilities connected with their vampiric kin.

Angelic Lycanthrope: Also have angelic traits and arcane abilities.

Elven Lycanthrope: Also have elven traits and their elven kin's arcane abilities.

Rare Lycanthrope: There are two rare breeds of Lycanthrope in Morashtar, and both are of Elven lines. The Woag Llewoc (great, white stag-kin, elven-RARE) and the Woag Iolain (great eagle-kin, elven-RARE). Both are solitary lycanthrope, meaning they do not belong to a society, pack, or pride.

1-Silver - If enough gets into their blood stream it can kill them. Silver also slows regeneration to base level of 3, +20 aggravated damage until silver is removed. Elven, Moru, Morsaer, Angelic, and Demonic werebeasts do not react to silver.
2-Poison - poisons affect werebeasts, with exception of demonic breeds. Angelic and elven breeds resist poisons (10% Elves, 40% angelicans, with purchase of higher percentages as Lycanthrope builds up poison resistance.)
3-Wounds - If wounds are serious enough, and exceed regeneration rate, wounds can be fatal. Beheading, heart, jugular, and femoral artery wounds are usually deadly. Demonic and Angelic werebeasts must be physically destroyed to kill them.
4-Arcane Power - All werebeasts are vulnerable to magic. Elven, Demonic, and Angelic breeds suffer double damage when hit by power opposing their arcane alignment.
5-Heirarchal Rule - (Werewolves and Lions) Lycanthrope each have a rank in their pack or pride and are subject to that hierarchy. Consequences of defying the laws of hierarchy can be perilous.

The Werewolf Packs: The Nine Packs in Morendor are:
Mephendor Masra (wild land pack)
Ves Moru Masra (western primal pack)
Meth Moru Masra (eastern primal pack)
Morendor Wauru (shadowlands werewolves).
Morgwauru (demonic wolf-kin/werewolf)
Sqaith Setis Masra (black caverns pack)
Mordahris Masra (forgotten forest pack) Nis Illarai (three moons pack - mix of wolves, wild dogs and big cats)

Pack Territorries: Their territories in An Morendor are:
Mephendor Pack (eternal wilderlands werewolves, north-central Morendor.)
Ves Moru Masra (western primal wilderness werewolves, northwest Morendor.)
Meth Moru Masra (eastern primal wilderness werewolves, northwest-central Morendor.)
Morendor Wauru (anywhere in Morendor).
Morgwauru (demonic wolf-kin/werewolf)
Sqaith Setis Masra (black caverns mountains, north-central Morendor)
Mordahris Masra (forgotten forest, southeast Morendor.)
Nis Illarai (three moons, Hawker's Fort and wild horse grasslands)

Pride Territory: Their territories are in:
Morseru Eubhar-Black Lion-kin Pride-{Eternal Forest-Central}.
Aermien Eubhar-Silver Mane Pride-{Lion's Head plateau}.
Morgseru (demonic feline-kin/werecat).
Lirendor Eubhar (Dry-lands pride).

About the Prides: Felid (or wosaer) are typically loners, while the Werelions have prides. There are three prides in Morendor, the Aermien (silver mane) Pride, the Morseru (black lion-kin) Pride, and the Lirendor Pride. Other Werecat types are sometimes members of prides.

Tribes: Tribes can be wolf or feline-kin, and are Elven or Vampiric.

Feline-Kin Tribes: Mythaen Wosaer (elven feline-kin) form tribes, rather than prides. The tribes and their locations are:
Bormullach Triev-(table top tribe)-{High Tower Plateau}.
Cunparthio Triev-(paradise cove tribe)-{Paradise Cover south-west Morendor}

Vampiric Felid-kin - Noseru
Nosergoth Triev-(dark feline vampire tribe)-{North and eastern Eternal Wilderlands}.

Wolf-Kin Tribe: Mythaen Wauru (elven wolf-kin), and Noswauru (vampiric wolf-kin) form tribes, rather than packs. The tribes and their locations are:
Liathtir Triev-(grey havens tribe)-{Grey Havens Mountains in northeastern Morendor}.
Morgadar Triev-(demon horn tribe)-{Demon Horn Lake and Lonely Mountains, in southern Morendor}.

Vampiric Wolf-kin - Noswauru
Morbien Tribe-(black mountain tribe)-{Northwest-most mountain in the Sqaith Setis range.}

Antelope-kin - Anlas Triaeva
Central Grassland Clan-(central An morendor)
Westcoast Clan-(grasslands on the west coast of An Morendor)

Rare Lycanthrope: There are two rare breeds of Lycanthrope in Morashtar, and both are of Elven lines. The Woag Cuillewoc (great-white stag-kin, elven-RARE) and the Woag Iolain (great eagle-kin, elven-RARE). Both are solitary beastkin, meaning they do not have tribes.

Contents by JD and Sparky © Copyright 2008