Humanoid Evolution of Morashtar

The presence on this world of great and influencial forces caused several parallel evolutionary branches to spring forth from diverse orders of life.

  • Dragon
  • Dragon Primate (endangered)
  • Dragon Kin
  • Proto-Demon
  • Wobol
  • Scaled Goblin
  • Euraylian
  • Arddanian Demons
  • Enochian
  • Infernal Demons
  • Dragons, among the oldest terrestrial creatures to live on Morashtar, developed over the millenia along two separate paths. The first, toward a sentient consciousness within the animal body, thus, the intelligent, speaking dragons. The other toward humanoid physiology. It was offspring of the red Hellraptor dragons, the violet Chaos Dragons and black Abyss Dragons (a species which is all but extinct now) that sprung the native demons of Morashtar, and the red and scaled goblins, who in truth, have no similarity to mammalian goblin races, except for certain aspects of their appearance. The Arddanian Demons and Euraylians, who represent the climax of reptilian evolution on this world, have evolved out of scales, but the Euraylian remain an egg-laying species while the Arddanian Demons bear live young but produce no milk. Note: all of these species have six limbs.

  • Dragon
  • Great Eagle
  • Tsularian Primate (believed to be extinct)
  • Proto-Tsularian (extinct)
  • Tsularian
  • Tsetar
  • Khorumal
  • Another branch of people which come from Dragons are the Tsetar and the Sephiroth, which developed alongside the Arddanian Demons and Euryalians. The first, toward a sentient consciousness within the animal body, thus, the intelligent dragons which branched off to evolve into intelligent speaking eagles of great size. The other toward the humanoid physiology of the Proto-Tsularian and Tsularian, a bird-like people. It was from offspring of the white Pentari dragon, the Silver Dragons, and violet Chaos Dragons that sprung the great eagles and the Tsularian people who are still very bird-like in appearance but who, when they quicken to evolve into Tsetar are far more human in appearance with feathers mixed in with their scalp hair while their bodies (with exception of their wings) are otherwise naked of feathers or fur. The Arddanian Demons and Sephiroth, who represent the climax of reptilian and Avian evolution on this world, have evolved out of scales, but not entirely out of feathers, inasmuch as the Tsularian people have wings, body feathering, talon hands, and bird heads. The Tsularian remain an egg-laying species while the Tsetar and Sephiroth do not and like the Arddanian, these two species produce live young and no milk (they are not mammalian in other words, but they are warm blooded). Note: all of these species have six limbs.

  • Cetaceans
  • Water Demons
  • Merpeople
  • Cetaceans are the most highly advanced form of sealife the oceans can claim. Intelligent and sophistocated animals, they began to evolve toward an humanoid state in the shallows, where they could be protected from the terrible predators of the deeps, and began to interact with their environment and to build. Water Demons haunt the deeper waters, pushed out from the shallows by the Merpeople who superceded them.

  • Chiroptera
  • Chiroptera Primate
  • Chiroptera Proto-Vampire (believed to be extinct)
  • Pentacles Vampire
  • The most isolated of humanoid development resulted in the Pentacles Vampires, evolved from a blood-feeding species of Chiroptera. Though evolved from bats, these species all have six limbs unlike bats on some other worlds.

  • Felidae
  • Felidae Primate
  • Proto-Goblin (extinct)
  • Goblin
  • Shaamea
  • Vengoath
  • Elves
  • From feline descent came the common species of goblins, and from them, Shaamea evolved from desert, grassland and forest living goblins, and Vengoath from the cave and mountain dwelling goblins, and from these two orders came the Elven races.

  • Human (outland)
  • Human (naturalized)       
    Anua, Escion, Neffari, Sephorai
  • Human (evolved)       
    Tumae, Ssetis, Mugol Trolls, Namas
  • Many thousands of years ago, humans came to Morashtar from other worlds and planes, some of these people spawned new races, better suited to the arcane and dangerous environment they found Morashtar to be and became the long lived Tumae, Ssetis, Mugol and quasi-immortal Namas.

    Contents by JD and Sparky © Copyright 2008