
Dark Elves

Levels: 1-43

Class Bonuses and Hindrances:
Single Class: +1 HB, or +1 d6 on all class related rolls
Double class: no bonuses, no penalties
Triple classes: -1 HB, or -1 d6 on all MA or PA rolls.
Straight Mage Class: up to 5 full chosen paths with up to two spells per level where available
Warrior Mage: 6 chosen paths, limited, with 12 spells in each path up to level 40.
Straight Warrior: or non-magic classes have Magic Resistance of 100% per base level
Elven Lore Master: up to 4 paths with +2 spells in each level as available, but cannot be warriors. Lore Masters apply spells to Material Magic, which includes Runes, Glyphs, Scrolls, Artifacts, and Magic Items.
Triple Class Mage: up to 3 limited Paths, with 11 spells in each path, up to Level 35.

Elven Haste
1-Quickness: +5 mvm
2-Improved Haste: +10 mvm, +1 HB or +1 AR
3-Blurring Movement: +20 mvm, +2 HB or + 2 AR
4-Phasing: phase through material things and displace location

Keen Senses
Scent: +8
Vision: +10
Hearing: +6
Alertness: +9

Physical and Mental Fortress
Improved Stamina: +10, can be improved up to 50.
Elven Fortitude: +3, can be improved up to 10.
Elven Constitution: +8, +1 focus
Disciplined: +1 d6 or +1 HB on any roll.
Strong Will: +8
Regeneration: base level 3. Can improve up to level 18.
HP Bonus: +10 per PA or MA level up to +200.
Immunities: Disease, Aging, Forced Time Effects, charms
Resistance: Resist Heat and Cold +2% per level, +1% per level vs. fire and ice, Non-Mages resist magic 100%.
Healing Touch: +5 HP per success, +10 HP per Ace.
Quasi-Immortal: Ageless after coming of age between 18-35 years of age.
Magic Adeptness: All Straight Mage Classes get a +4 d6 level bonus, +1 HB, and all mages get +6 free magic skills.

Metaphysical Senses
1-Environmental Perception
2-Danger Perception
3-Sense Presence
4-Thought Perception
5-Mood Perception
6-Alignment Perception
8-Detect Curse
9-Identify Curse
10-Detect Magic
11-Identify Magic

Dark Elven Presence
1-Subtle Influence: persuade another by up to +1 called influence per ace.
2-Aura of Fear: repell others or cause them to faulter by -1 AR, -1 AR per ace in radius of +1 foot per success.
3-Ambiguity: presence, thoughts, energy and metaphysical ambience are hidden.
4-Mimicry: presence radiates an alternate, physical identity,presence and metaphyical impressions as called. Power of roll vs. true sight or sense powers.
5-Intrepid Heart: +1 per ace on all key mental and physical rolls for duration of +1-AR per ace
6-Cowardice: -1 courage and constitution per success for duration of +1 AR per ace. Those affected who fail a courage check will turn and flee for 1 turn with no defense.
7-Stun Senses: -1 HB, -1 HB per ace, -1 per ace all mental checks
8-Valor: +1 HB, +10 Stamina, +5 Willpower and Constitution, +50 HP, can affect anyone selected within sight of elf.
9-Petrify: 0 HB, -1 AR per ace, -1 Stamina per ace
10-Elven Majesty: great sense of awe, respect, and obedience overcomes those under this influence, boosts elf's wp, constitution, and charisma by +1 per ace, and heals elf by +100 HP.
11-Self Command: elf can resist any power which affects the will, body, or mind
12-Eminent Valor: called subjects in sight can resist any power which affects their will, body, or mind. +1 HB, +10 Stamina, +5 Willpower and Constitution, +50 HP per ACE, or presence used emits at a higher level of power.

Sun Sensitive: Blinds eyes -10 vision, Sunburn 10 d6 damage per hour exposed to the sun, sun sickness.
Talismans: all Maelvanor Elves have at least one talisman of protection, and if this talisman is lost, or misplaced, they suffer adeptness loss of -1 d6 levels and HB per talisman until it is found or replaced. Each Talisman adds +1 to all key mental checks.
Distrusted: by their Mythaen cousins.
Fatal Wounds: kill Maelvanor.
Susceptibility: wizard attacks and light powers inflict x 2 damage.

Resurrections: Maelvanor mages get 3 resurrections. Maelvanor non-mages get 4 resurrections. Maelvanor dark elves have 20% chance of turning into an Arch Wraith, or a Death Wraith on their final death. Arch Wraiths come out of Dark Elf mages, while Death Wraiths come out of non-magic dark elves. The Arch Wraiths are the level of the elf which died, and can gain additional levels as wraiths up to level 43. Elven Death Wraiths are the same level in their class. See wraith stats in bestiary.

Classes: Any

Arcane Paths: Any but light elements
1 spell in each level if 4 paths are learned.
2 spells in each level if 3 paths are learned. 3 spells in each level if 2 paths are learned.
4 spells in each level if 1 path is learned.
Path of Chaos: any but light and wizardry, no other path can be taken, must be a follower or priest of chaos.


    This race of albino, quasi-immortal elves was born out of the Mythaen Elves, who were first seen on Morashtar two thousand years after the Great Continent of Arddanor broke up in the continental earthquake, which occurred in the 2nd age of Fire. The Maelvanor are the second most ancient race of elves known, and the second Elven race sprung of the Morning Star's creation of the Mythaen. They are the sixth branch of the Mythaen race, and have evolved into their own race. Maelvanor are also known as Cavern Elves. The Maelvanor are called dark because they are spawned out of dark natured elves and corrupt ancestors. They are elves which were driven out of their Mythaen tribes many ages ago, to go underground where they sought the only refuge they could find. Over time, as the dark elves evolved into a new race, and grew resentful of their more virtuous cousins, they made war on the elves which lived under the sun, moon and stars. The Mythaen changed their laws, and those elves which committed grave crimes and grew corrupted were executed, or imprisoned, rather than driven out. Like their sun loving cousins; the albino, cave dwelling Maelvanor are very attractive, their bodies hairless except for the satiny, white or flaxen hair on their heads, which is almost always very long, and often braided. They have pink or pale lavender eyes unless of mixed blood. Not all Maelvanor are magic wielders. Only 1 in 10 are born with the ability to command arcane and elemental paths; roll 1 d10, if a 1 is rolled, Elf is a magic user, or get approval of GM. Those who are not born of the mage race, resist magic by 100%.


    Height and Build: Tall, 5'11 - 6'6, and lean. White or flaxen hair, or very light colored variation if one parent is an Elven race that is not Maelvanor. Eyes a pale rose colored, or a very pale variation if one parent is not Maelvanor. Skin albino, white, or a very pale variation if one parent is not Maelvanor. These elves always live in caverns, which they turn into veritable palace fortresses.


    Maelvanor Elves are very adept at whatever they commit themselves to, are very disciplined, and have excellent craftsmen and women which create anything from weapons, beautiful carpets, clothing, and tapestries. Their stone masons build elegantly sculpted cavernous homes, keeps, and cities, and furnishings. Their warriors are well disciplined and train novices to be adept.

Contents by JD and Sparky © Copyright 2008