Plant Elemental

Lothraen Aothu

Strength: base level +15
Vital Force: Level X 30
Fortitude: base level + 10
Stealth: +8 in woodlands
Dexterity: 10-14
Mental: 14-30
Wisdom: 18-40
Willpower: +15
Ethical: 14-30

Class: Guardian Elemental, Elemental (plants)

Plant Elements: all


    These titans are living, speaking, moving trees, and vary in height from 15 to 90 feet. They are forest guardians, and have plant elemental powers. They are very wise and also very shrewd, and have aural sight, which allows them to see energy and metaphysical streams. They are masters of woodland Lore. These tree titans are ONLY ever hostile if someone desecrates, abuses, or threatens the forest they are guarding, trespassing hunters included.

Contents by JD and Sparky © Copyright 2008