Light Elemental

Gelanndor Aothu

Aura of Strength: Base Level +3
Vital Force: base level X 30 + 50
Ethereal Stealth: +10
Dexterity: +3
Mental: +2
Willpower: +10, Commanded by their maker
Ethical: Commanded by their maker

Class: Guardian Elemental, Elemental {light and electrical}

Light and Electrical Elements: full paths, up to 2 spells per level


    These elementals take an ethereal electrical form, and can materialize in any size from angelic-like winged apparitions, to the same manifestation in titan form. They command many light and electrical powers. These creatures have been known to bestow powerful light enchantments on weapons to those who invoke it, IF invoker can convince the Gelanndor that they are not corrupt. These divine titans are only hostile if someone without right of passage, or their consent, trespasses on the site they are guarding. Occasionally a maker may free these beings to live by their own will (PC only) otherwise they are guardians over a called area. These elementals are excellent guards against wraiths, devils, some vampires, and abyss creatures.

Contents by JD and Sparky © Copyright 2008