
Stat Penalties
Checks and HP: Set checks according to race.
Movement: -5% per -1 foot below 6 feet.
HP: +30
Strength: -3
Dexterity: -2

Stat Bonuses
Stamina: +5
Willpower and Constitution: +10
MR: 90% to all non-magic users.

Magic Paths:  any that their ancestors have if chosen.
Inborn Powers and Trait Abilities: any that their ancestors have

Alignment:  Any, but they do not to tolerate evil clan members in their societies.


    Dwarrow is plural for dwarves.  These people are simply dwarf varities of various mortal and quasi-immortal races, and more rarely, an immortal race.  They have become a race of their own as a result of developing cultures of their own, their own villages and cities, where they have propogated their small size for so long that have become their own race.  These societies often take dwarves in from the outside as well.  Dwarrow who were not born of these often ancient societies of Dwarrow have a 50% chance of producing a tall offspring, while those who call themselves the true dwarrow, only have a 5% chance of having tall offspring.  These tall offspring are treated no differently for their size. 

    Dwarrow have a long history of being enslaved by wicked rulers and being used in mines and caves where they can get into small tunnels, thus they are distrustful of tall people.  They have also been used as novelties, jesters, and oracles by royals and aristrocrats, and while some may appreciate these positions, which often offer a lot of security, most understandably resent being singled out as objects of curiosity.  They do not dislike the tall races per-say, they are simply wary of them and slow to extend their trust.  Dwarrow are a proud people who discipline themselves and take pride in whatever occupation they take on, whether warriors, farmers, poets, smiths, horsemen, artists, chefs, or any other class they choose. 

Dwarrow Structure

    There are three branches of Dwarrow Society; The Hardy Dwarrow (mortal), The Ageless Dwarrow (quasi-immortal) and the Eternal Dwarrow (immortals).  They do not separate themselves into seperate cultures but all live together in whatever territory they have established.  Each society is named after the region they inhabit; The Demon Horn Dwarrow, The Grey Havens Dwarrow, The Wild Horse Dwarrow, The Grasslands Dwarrow, etc.  They are also proud of the lines they come from and introduce themselves by their name and who they are descended from.  "I am Kihlaen, of the line of Halraod."  They are avid historians and each society keeps detailed records of their people's deeds in a library called the 'Dwarrow Chronicles' in book volumes they call 'Lore of the Dwarrow'; each volume titled by the line and age of whom the volume most concerns.  Each library is well warded against destruction and damage.  These people are always welcoming to their own when they come from another village, city, or even from overseas.  If betrayed by their own, the penalties are harsh.

    Branches of True Dwarrow
    The Hardy Dwarrow (mortal): they can only produce offspring with other Hardy Dwarrow
    The Ageless Dwarrow (quasi-immortal):  they can only produce offspring with other Ageless Dwarrow.
    The Eternal Dwarrow (immortals):  they can only produce offspring with other Eternal Dwarrow.

    Omega Dwarrow: A dwarf who does not come from the ancient lines of the True Dwarrow is called an Omega Dwarrow.  They have the same ability to produce offspring as their parents, but if they make children with a True Dwarrow, they must choose a mate of their own branch (mortal, quasi-immortal, or immortal) to do so.

Contents by JD and Sparky © Copyright 2008