Sator Devil

Grand Arch Devil

1st born devil, god of chaos, Only 1 in existance and he is played by the Game Author.
Levels: 40-44


    Names: He goes by numerous names but is known on Morashtar as Maelmorda Arghyle Kilcanoragh, High King of An Morendor and Morashtar. He was known on the world of Dark Star, where he created the Anduain, Mogduain, and Arcanon as Arasgal. He was known in Ireland as an elusive sorcerer named Killian Kilcanoragh the Wolf, in Spain he is called simply Diablos, and his legendary name is Lucifer. His true epitat is the Morning Star. He is the brother of Yajmha, king of Haman, the kingdom of light in the Upper Kingdom.
    Race: He is an unknown immortal type to all but his own children of Acheron. He is feared but also known as a protector of the country and world he rules over. He is a fallen deity who became the first devil, known as the Sator Devil.
    Forms: He can trasmute his form into almost anything known to him but seldom has need to conceal himself in such a way unless he is studying the life forms on a new world. He takes a human form when outside of Acheron which diminishes his physical prowess.

    Warning: This character is active in the TMK RPG but the game author lets players choose if their characters interact with The Morning Star. There is always the potential for danger when involving a characters with Maelmorda if a character interests him, or provokes him. No unnesseccary actions will be taken on characters involved with this PC unless a character invites drastic measures.

    See Web Page: for further information; The Morning Star