Red Demon

Levels 7-35
Path of Fire: +5 d6 MA
Hell Fire: 25% HP damage, per day until cured, antidote specific, Command Inflict, or inflicted by claws or bite.
Black Agony: Imbues Claws or Bite with an agonizing poison, +30-dmg-MA
Immune to Mental Powers
Immune to Possession
Immune to Fire
Fortitude: Level+4-Tough Hide
Claws: +18 damage
Bite: +30 damage
Wings: Flight, Wing Flail; distract -1 AR vs. Constitution, +3 + Strength damage
Tail Whip: +10 + Strength
Horns: +22
Strength: +10,+1 per two levels
Stamina: +5, +1 per five levels
Improved Size: 7 foot minimum,+1 foot per five levels up to 15 feet in height. +1 dmg per +1 foot in height to all physical attacks.

Inborn Powers
Haste: Up to six levels

Elemental Path: Path of Fire, full path. Path of Electrical and Earth at level 36.

Classes: Warrior, Mage-{all are Fire Mages}, Guardian, Assassin, Master of Torture



    Their body a leather suit of muscle and their head is naked but for bovine-like ears and bull's horns. Eyes are goat like and orange in color, and they are very quick. One line, the line of Azaize has Leathery wings. Lengthy sure footed strides are delivered by massive, cloven hooves. They are equipped with claws and sharp teeth. Size can be massive (7 feet +1 foot per five levels), or they can shift size to stature of 7 feet. Snaking tail is tipped with a fleshy arrow and can be used as a whip. They often receive telepathic commands, and are seldom seen outside of Acheron. At Level 36 they begin to ascend into Demi-gods of Fire, attaining that rank at Level 40 at what time they learn electrical and earth elements.

Contents by JD and Sparky © Copyright 2008