
Black Terror

Class: Minion Warrior-Mage of Hell

Hell Reaper Sword: {+30-dmg.} Enhancers can be purchased when morgrue levels up. 50-XP per +1 enhancer.
Hell Fire: Damage=20% victim's HP per day, antidote specific.
Hell Bane: Turns victim into a Morbid Knight Minion of Hell.
Death Plunge of Hell: Plunges victim into Hell's Graveyard, a place where those sent wait for Lucifer to judge them and determine their fates.

Morgrue Traits:
Armoured Flesh-{Fortitude-PD-Natural Physical Defense, +1 bonus point per Level}.
Starting Level: Morgrue can NOT start out at less than level 12. They are created from human, elven, fallen angel, warrior classes.
50% MR upon Creation, this cannot be adjusted.
Precision Weapons Bonus: +3-HB/DB
Jagged Teeth +20-dmg. (Enhancers can also be purchased for 50XP per +1 with level gains.)
Abysmal Claws +15-dmg. Chills body on hit -1 stamina per hit. Victim Must roll stamina check on each successive round.
Blends with Shadows: +10 Stealth
+3 Stealth when trying to hide in shadows or use shadows for stealth when in demon form.
Drain Life by Touch: Reduces victims' dice rolls -2, if a saving throw fails, loss of levels is permanant. +5 dmg (+1 bonus per 5 levels)
Improved Haste: +5 (+10 mvm at level 10, +15 mvm at level 30+.)
High Dexterity: +5 (+10 dex at level 10, +15 dex at level 30+.)
Immune to Cold and Fire, Immune to Hell Fire.
Improved strength: Double base strength in demon form.

Possession and Domination:
Possession and Domination roll magic/action dice for success against Victom's PD. Possession is a soul transfer, their soul possesses their victim and they take command of victim. At level 10+ Morgrue can Split their soul to possess victim. Domination works much the same, but they dominate victim by their will to command them.

Arcane Skills and Paths:
Selective Casting
Fork Powers
Use Missiles
Spell Craft
Arcane Knowledge
Unfailing Energy Identification: Allows detection of anything that gives off energy, and its sphere or alignment.

Morgrue Demon


    Ok, no cat fights with them, don't stick your hand in their mouth.. or hell even let them hit you with their sword... so you what? RUN! Defend! Ho-pe you are a better swordsman and their accuracy fails!


    6'5, Black Skeletal form of hard muscle that acts as armour with command "Flesh to Magic Armour", at what time flesh deflects magic, and energy attacks back at attacker. Command can be silent or spoken aloud. A striking figure, these black as deep space Knights can be fantastically handsome, despite their unusual physical traits. Morgrue have inborn silent commands over their powers. When Morgrue reach level 30, they may undergo a transformation and become a Morgrue Lich.

    Morgrue created from Elite human, Elven, fallen Archangel, or Dark Star warriors by Lucifer-They serve Lucifer as his Elite warriors and are Morbid Knights before they become Morgrue.

Contents by JD and Sparky © Copyright 2008