Clan Demon Knight

Lethir Brumir

Levels 10-30
Claw and Tooth: +8
Improved Strength: +6
Armour Class (AC): Black Diamthrill Armoured Flesh; 80, +1 per level, Armour Flesh
AC Vulnerable Spots: Fortitude 8, +1 per level, between Flesh and Armor (chinks)
Abyssal Ice Broadsword: +Spell dmg. +4-HB free, strength 100.
Shadow Dagger: +12-dmg, long dagger which phases through solid material with corporeal shadow magic.
Star Mace of Ice: +15-base dmg, light mace which freezes on a hit, -50% mvm. and dex. +20 MA dmg.
Domination by Possession: +6 MA vs. Willpower.
Immune to Fire and Ice.
Sire Clan Knights: by blood out of death.
They take double dmg on Wizard Spells.
MR: +65%.

Classes: Warrior-Mage

Innate Powers - Abyssal
Drain Life: -1 level per success
Abyssal Death Plunge: turns warrior victims into minion Morbid Knights (see Demons, Morbid Knights in bestiary) and non-warrior victims into dead realms zombies which can be enslaved (see Demons, Dead Realms Zombie in Bestiary).
Black Fusion: fuses elements with flesh, or other elements.
Abysmal Wall of Force: drains life -1 level per success, +MA+Spell Level dmg.
Wrath Plunge: Turns victim into a Wrath Demon, see Demon, Wrath in bestiary.
Additional Innate: choose +5 more Abyss spells from arcane SB, ice included at x 2 damage, +2 abyss spells gens 2-4


    Same as Clan demon but in black subrace or demon form with full suit of black diamthrill armour which is fused to demon as an outter layer of hard, very resilient flesh. They all carry Abyssal Ice Swords which they can activate by command to channel their Abyss Ice spells through. These swords are actually made of ice with immunity to heat and shattering. Clan Demon Knights are clan demons that were completely dedicated to the protection of the clan, Lord or Kingdom they serve, and were willing to undertake the painful process of having their flesh fused with the valuable, strong metal diamthrill. These Knights are never inducted, they only ever zealously prove themselves and volunteer to become Clan Demon Knights or are exceptional warriors that are sired by Clan Demon Knights. All of these Knights bear the insignia of the clan or kingdom they serve on the breasts of their armour.

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