Ardennian Bhassah Maul Morgaus

Barrenseas Demons of Mephais

Levels 5-30

Barrenseas Demons are Arddenian demons, the order of demons which many other demons evolved from, and appear elf-like with sienna-brown skin, long elvish ears, claws, large fangs, dramatic brow horns, and reptilian coloured eyes. They can be of any alignment and unlike their badlands cousins, they do not sire but reproduce by having live offspring. This is what demons were like before evolving into Badlands demons or embracing Acheron which corrupted them. Many demons are also the incarnates of these demons souls.

Vulnerable to cold temperatures and extreme blood loss. Strict carnivores.

Immune to heat and fire
Regeneration: Base Level 8, Lowers -1 per 100 damage with blood loss

Stats Human Checks with +5 Strength, and +8 each Sense.

Arcane and Elemental Paths
Sorcery: 12 Spells, limited path
Necromancy: 8 Spells
Fire Elements: Any
Air Elements: Any
Classes and Alignments: Any

Contents by JD and Sparky © Copyright 2008