Scorpion Kin

Levels: 5 d6, 5 d6 checks

Strength: 25
Fortitude: Base Level 9 + Level
Dexterity: +3
Regeneration: Base Level 4 + Level
Immunities: Fire, Heat, Disease, Light and Holy Powers

Pinchers: +50 + Strength
Stinger: +25
Poison: with stinger every other turn, Level +10, paralizes and damages nervous system. Can be deadly. Aggravated damage on a crit, +1 turn per success.
Trample: +40
Tail Lash: +3
Leg Blow: +2
Combat Weapons: they can use various hand held weapons.

Power of the Desert
1-Dehydrate: damages and -1 stamina, -1 per ace, mummifies on a death hit or blow.
2-Pyrokinetic: make fireballs, stream fire, flaming aura, etc. as called.
3-Desert Swarm: summons a plague of flying scorpians; 5 d6 sting. 3-8 inches long. If one of these rather large, gray-blue and black scorpions, with dragon-fly-like wings, is smashed, more come for every one injured. 1 d6 scorpions. +1 d6 scorpions for every one crushed.
4-Desert Graveyard: raise dead, speak to the dead, create bone artifacts and relics, summon desert wraiths and phantoms. See Bestiary for creaturies or spirits summoned. Stamina level roll total = level.
5-Backdraft: snuffs fires, even powerful ones
6-Sand Storm: invokes a sandstorm, stamina roll = # d6 damage each turn caught in storm, mvm check to escape.
7-Sand Traps: sand gives way into rapidly plummeting pit of sand, smothers under massive weight, strength =
8-Catalist: Allows mage to set contingencies with available power, that when a catalist is triggered, an effect or even several effects (up to +1 per ace) occur as called. Can be used for making traps.
8-Sand Form: resists all but earth elemental attacks by 50%, takes no crits
9-Flame Form: aggravated damage on contact, level of form is same as magic level, takes no damage unless by water or ice elements.
10-Bypass Immunity: fire and earth does 50% damage even to those immune to fire
11-Desert Flame Minion: summon a flame minion from the elemental plane of fire. They are 6 foot in height and resembles an angel with feathered wings and horns in an etheral flame form. They can fly and are swift and dexterous in motion, Dex 20, Mvm 21, +2 HB and AR. They take basic commands from their invoker, and last until vanquished by caster and cannot be damaged with normal weapons. They are often used for guards. Level of damage is up to +1 per success, aggravated fire damage.
12-Formulation of Commands: ward, create desert element spells, improvise spells, boost power by these levels, etc.

Earth Elements
1-Quartz Arrow: Arrow of quartz streaks at target, 1 d6-HB. 40 damage.
2-Lightning Sand: Sand trap which target sinks into rapidly. Power vs. Movement. Forms where called.
3-Earth Speak: gain information from an area by communing with spirits of the earth
4-Stone Sword: turns target into stone on a crit
5-Sand Caves: create a haven beneath the sand for protection from the elements.
6-Stone Formation: raise walls, bridges, doors, pillars, primitive formations of stone as called
7-Lava Pit: pit of lava with called radius up to 50 feet forms where called.
8-Earth Morph: morph any earth element into another earth element.
9-Shift Stone: Move a rock or boulder where called.
10-Cavern Sight: Reveals nearby caverns and what is in them.
11-Elemental Wards: Ward something, someone or an area with available elemental powers.
12-Formulation of Commands: improvise spells, create spells, boost spells by these levels, etc.


    These creatures are half human and scorpion in appearance. The torso is where the scorpion's head would be, while the rest of the scorpion form is intact. The organs are not human but scorpion, and in place of flesh is an exoskeleton, while their faces, arms, body to the waist appears human in form. They have no hair. Their eyes are black. These aggressive creatures form desert tribes and are very territorial and distrustful of strangers. Though they can be reasoned with they are also easy to offend. Hostile if they feel threatened or if they are insulted.

Contents by JD and Sparky © Copyright 2008