
Fir Caval - Man'horse

Buer, God of the Centaur
Levels: 1-8 d6, 4-7 d6 checks

Stats Start with human checks and add animal stats
Kick: +7
Resist Poisons: 50%
Hearing: +7
Eyesight: +3
Olfactory: +10
Willpower and Constitution: +6
Strength: +5
Stamina: +10
Movement: +3
Fortitude: 5

Classes: Warrior-(warrior, guard, body-guard), Bard, Shaman-{healing salves, tend wounds, one elemental gift-(lightning bolt, fireball, quick fire, shadow veil, tangling vines, encase in ice, enchant weapon (with fire, ice or lightning) or turn to stone-by touch} Plant Elemental.


    Body of a horse, with four legs, upper body of man where horse's neck should be. Flesh color can be any human variable. Fur color can be any horse variable, with scalp hair maintaining horse color. Very ethical, mentors of ethics, philosophers. 'Those born of Sagittarius who art evil, shall be cursed with a lameless of the legs, and be blind thereof the wonders of all that becometh green, and yet mighty thy arm's strength, thy sword shalt becometh.'


Rhi Caval - She'horse

Buer, God of the Centaur
Levels: 1-8 d6, 4-7 d6 checks

Start with human checks and add animal stats
Kick: +7
Resist Poisons: 50%
Hearing: +7
Eyesight: +3
Olfactory: +10
Willpower and Constitution: +6
Strength: +4
Stamina: +10
Movement: +3
Fortitude: 5

Classes: Warrior-(warrior, guard, body-guard), Bard, Shaman-{healing salves, tend wounds, remove curse, cure poisons, spirit powers-(speak to the dead, invoke spirits and demons, command the dead, depossession), protection factor, resurrection}


    Body of horse, with four legs, upper body of female human where horse's neck should be. Flesh color can be any human variable. Fur color can be any horse variable, with scalp hair maintaining horse color.

Contents by JD and Sparky © Copyright 2008