Divine Items
These are optional

Paranormal Sight: Only Angelicans of the 1st-5th orders possess this Trait Ability of seeing auralscope of others and energies.
Auralscope: Reads; Soul, Emotion, Mood, Alignment, and Energy Levels. MOST living things have all colors but violet which is very rare. The color which PREDOMINATES is what determines the mood, nature of a creature. Fluxuation signifies color scope is in transition of a mood or energy. If ALL color scopes are even, or almost even, subject is a true Chaotic.
Color Mood----Alignment----Energy----Scope
White: Generous, Compassionate - Pure Soul, Good, of the Light - Holy, Divine or Pure Light Energies
Rose: Suffering, Sorrow, Withdrawal, Antisocial - Chaotic - Weakening Field of Energy
Red: Anger, Violence - Chaotic - Destructive Energies
Orange: Suspicious, Wary, Antisocial - Chaotic - Reversal of Energies
Yellow: Fear, Faint Hearted, Cowardice - Neutral - Energy Failure
Green: Happy, Good-spirited - Good - Healing and Beneficial Energies
Pale Blue: Shy, Aloof, Passive - Chaotic Good - Dormant Energies
Deep Blue: Tranquil, Peaceful, Calm - Lawful - Tranquilizing Energies
Violet: Part of all Spheres of Magic, VERY RARE - Chaotic - Powerful Quantum Energies
Dark Plum: Part of Negative Sphere of Magic - Chaotic Evil - Powerful Negative and Chaotic Energies-(Most Likely a Lich or Undead Mage.)
Black: Wicked Intentions, Corrupted - Evil - Pure Negative and Dark Energies
Brown: Envious, Jealous, Covetous, Greedy - Chaotic - Chaotic Energies
Healing Touch: Their touch (In Immortal Form) heals the living or undead. Heals +5-per success, +10-per Ace (6).
Devitalizing Touch: Their touch (In Immortal Form) can drain health and stamina. (damages, -1-stamina per success)
Angelic Warmth: Angels have a very soothing warmth which seeps in deep to bask another with their warmth.
Form Shift
Human form: a human likeness of their Tsetar form.
Khorumal Form: a fallen angel which sometimes has horns or antlers, claws and fangs, otherworldly eyes, scales, or other bestial features. Their wings can either be feathered or have membranes like a bat's.
Shade Form: this spirit form is quasi-etheral, a shadowy version of their fallen form which can affect things physically, but takes no physical damage. Fire or lightning can repulse and damage this form. Cannot be damaged by normal weapons. Khorumal can spend as much time as they desire in their corrupted spirit form without risk of losing their flesh forms, unlike the Malkar forms of their past. They can command their paths in this form and even project physical traits telekinetically.
Bestial Form: See Temple of the Beast below.
Fortress of Physique: They can take great physical dmg unless attacked with special weapons, enchantments, energy/magic and particularly holy power attacks (x 2 damage). See Bonuses for Fortitude and Regeneration on Health Bonuses Page.
Base Regeneration and Fortitude
Order of Seraphim: R-50, F-30
Order of Cherubim: R-45, F-25
Order of Thrones: R-40, F-20
Order of Dominations: R-35, F-15
Order of Principalities: R-30, F-15
Order of Powers: R-25, F-15
Order of Virtues: R-20, F-15
Order of Arch-Angels: R-20, F-10
Order of Swords: R-15, F-10
Blood Regeneration: Their blood regenerates rapidly and they heal rapidly from physical damage, although the greater the damage, the more time it takes for them to heal. No amount of blood loss can kill them. -1-Regeneration per 100 damage.
Alluring Scent: Their scent is extraordinary, and a great allure to predatory types, and is very pleasantly intoxicating. +4 Charisma.
Intoxicating Blood: Their blood tastes like each individual angelican's scent. This can attract predator types. +15% chance per day when traveling.
Utopian Temple: Within each angel is a power which can bathe another with their soul, this power shared when the Angelican's soul flows or even explodes into another to fill them with intense sensations of euphoria, which vary from gentle waves, to explosive riptides of orgasmic rushes. This power is most intense when they are immortal, and if their command over the spheres of power outside of themselves is stripped from them, their energies concentrate within their temporal, or physical centers, whereby the blissful sensations of their soul is immensly intensified, to mind blitzing degrees, while all their physical traits and innate powers also become stronger (stamina, and fortitude doubled, +10-strength, +3 d6-Inborn Power). This power is always shared when they mate with another, on their release, and can be very addictive. +6 Charisma when in effect.
Haste: +1 mvm per success, or +1 AR per ace.
Angelic Wings
Deflect Weapons and Magic: +15 AC
Winged Cocoon: When embraced within the angel's wings, subject is bathed with their dark powers of presence, can also act as a necromantic life draining, or healing embrace. Presence+4 d6. -1 stamina per success, damage+4 d6. +1-HB per success, +5-HP per ace (6), +4 d6.
Shadowy Aura: Angel can spread his wings and emit a radious of aural shadows which can bring subject trembling to their knees if within 10 ft radious of them, or repell those within sight of fallen angel to make a hasty retreat. This shadow also drains -1 stamina and willpower per ace and can cause a terrible sense of depression if willpower drops too low (poor range).
Quantum Leap
2-leap from location to location over land
4-leap overseas
6-leap anywhere in the same world
8-leap from plane to plane
10-leap from dimension to dimension
12-leap from time line to time line
14-leap light years across the Universe.
The more dramatic the distance in space and or time, the more energy the angel is drained of. Phase into spirit form to become part of the temporal paradox to lapse through time lines and the dimensional folds to close distances.
Soul Eater
Angels of the pit only become soul eaters. Soul eaters rely on souls for food. They can eat normal foods, but souls and not food, sustain their physical embodiment.
Souls of the Recently Dead: Each soul consumed from those who just perished restores +500 health and full stamina.
Lack of Nourishment: HP loss of -100 per day when no soul is consumed. Souls sustain the health and corporeal integrity of the Infernal's flesh form. -125 per day when no food or souls are consumed.
Damage: to restore lost HP from injuries or lack of nourishment, they must replenish health by consuming souls.
Death of Body: if HP falls to 0 from either damage or starvation, the physical body dies whereof the soul eater phases into shade form and sinks into the abyss or the spirit realm. The Khorumal can reclaim flesh form when full HP is fully restored.
Restoring Health: to restore lost HP, they must replenish by consuming enough souls to restore full HP.
Spirit Phase: the shift the infernal angel makes into shade form.
Shade's Vital Force: +50 per level which does not transfer to Flesh form. This acts as a spirit's HP.
Old Souls: souls in the spirit realm or abyss restore +100 HP per soul, The energy they provide is less because they are old spirits that have grown 'thin'.
Consuming Powerful Spirits: restores full health, stamina, and any level losses. Powerful spirits are wraiths and phantoms which are well established and have grown stronger instead of thinner. These spirits will restore full health if consumed, increase HP by +1 per soul consumed, but are dangerous to attempt eating for they will fight back.
Powerful Spirit Levels: random Level Roll; 6 d6, total=level. Powerful spirits include Wraiths, Phantoms and Poltergeists.
Finding Souls in the Spirit Realms: +20% chance of finding 1 d6 soul/s per square mile. 30% chance of each soul being powerful.
Finding Terrestrial Souls: +10% chance of finding 1 soul per day. 50% chance of soul being powerful. Graveyards, tombs and catacombs stand a 25% chance of finding 1 d6 souls with a 40% chance of each soul being powerful.
Feral Prowess: Preternatural Strength+5, +10-Stamina. Keen Senses-Smell and Taste-{+10}, Vision-{+7}, Hearing-{+6}, Instincts-{+5}.
Eyes of the Beast: The ability to see through the eyes of animals.
Hasted Beast Form: +1 mvm per success, or +1 AR per ace in any beast form.
Blood Bonding: Dark angels can bond others to themselves with blood exchanges, much as a vampire does.
Claws: +20 dmg, +35-tears; Death or torpor with heart or vital tear. 4-5 inch, curved, razor sharp claws. These natural weapons are retractable.
Fangs: Bite-(+8/+16 tear)
Bestial Form: Dark angels have a bestial form that is part beast (or beasts), and part angel. The forms vary and all can have wings. +5 Added Strength. +5 Added Fortitude. +10 Added Stamina. Animal type damage +5 each.
Animal Form: khorumal have at least 1 animal form. They can have as many as four, and one or all are combined into their Bestial Form.
Fixed Destiny: destiny is preordained and not their own.
Mark of the Morning Star: soul is marked by the Morning Star and his will is their own when imposed on them. To defy him is to ask for agony, misery, or a hellish death.
Holy Powers: Divine powers do Dark Angels double damage.
Divine Conflict: The First Pentacle Angels and their Dark brethren are hunted by the Alamascen angels, wherefore the Alamascan pit themselves as the enemies of the Tarseran and Dark Angels. Until the Almascan cease in their ordained crusade, there shall be no peace between them.
WoD - Way of Death: Choose 1-3 Ways of Death, all other deaths transient. 3 resurrections from final death allowed. All other deaths transient-with free resurrections. Each resurrection from true way of death becomes more and more difficult (+10% chance of failure each).
Master of the Psychi
Immortal transition only, all at level of Innate Powers. Stamina cost of -1 per 3 levels.
Receive: thoughts and impressions sent by others.
Channel: thoughts and impressions to the minds of others
Mind Crush: very painful, -1 AR, -1 per ace, and lowers constitution by -1 per ace.
Stupify: -1 AR, -1 per ace,
Tranquilize: -1 turn, -1 per ace,
Mind Blazer: track a subject through their mental path and phase to that place.
Visionary Sending: project something observed, envisioned, or known as vivid and even auditory images to others.
Project Chimera: project illusions, sound included to others as called
Haze: clouds the mind so completely that the subject cannot physically see for +1 actions, +1 per ace. If alarmed suddenly, subject can snap out of the haze.
Mind Scanner: scan a mind to glean +1 bit of searched for information per success. (a name, a location, a relative, hopes, ambitions, alliances, present plans, etc. as called)
Dream Strider: enter the dreams or nightmares of another, implant self or added visions in that dream, or angel can share his dreams with another
Psychic Influence: Ability to force visions on a subject's mind even past wards and to speak through those visions to influence subject. requires concentration and focus.
Angelic Presence
Influence - Calm, anger, sooth, influence emotions.
Intrigue - Angel can cause another to be intrigued with them. This can lead to obsession with a critical success.
Awe - Angel can hold others in awe.
Motivate - Angel can motivate another to have confidence, courage, willpower, etc., or motivate someone to do something with an improved state of mind (+1 per success select mental check).
Majesty - Angel not only intrigues and awes others, but attains their respect and admiration.
Command - Angel can command someone to obey a single command.
Overpower - Angel can overpower the will and influence another's actions.
Dominate - Angel can dominate the will and control dominated party.
Invigorate - Angel's presence can boost stamina (+1 per success).
Benefaction - boost the power of others by up to +1 per ace).
Magnificence - project power ofpresence to anyone within a radius of 1 foot per success.
Imprint Presence - imprints their will in an object, creature, plant, etc. as called. Their will becomes the will of what-or-whoever their commands or desires were imprinted in. Permanent until broken by a higher power.
Use knowledge gained to enhance story lines, to gain wisdom, and to initiate action sequences.
True Sight - See past supernatural deceptions.
Dream Envision - Visionary dreams which come to angelican randomly fortelling of future events.
Sixth Sense - See and hear the dead and speak to them, gain +1 bit of called information per ace.
Intuitive Sense: gain one bit of knowledge or understanding from the impressions someone or something gives off.
Precognition - Angel can follow something which is soon to happen through dreams or visions.
Truth Sight - They can see past ANY lie, deception or untruth.
Postcognition - Angel can summon detailed visions of things from the past.
Decipher: helps makes sense of sketchy dreams and visions by bringing further clarity to them. A candle must be lit to use this power.
Reshuffle Fate: see what can come of things being done differently.
Auspicious Probe - Angel can detect and identify presence of power, energy, disease, and other conditions within select target.
Divination - Actively seeking visions and knowledge of things past, present and very near future.
Sublime Visionary - Angel can use any visionary power at these levels as gained.
take one chosen feat per level
Arrest Movement: catch someone or something mid-air to hold it suspension or let it down as called, up to +5 pounds per success, +100 pounds per ace
Bend: up to +1 strength per success, +5 strength per ace, vs. strength of object.
Lift: up to +5 pounds per success, +100 pounds per ace.
Push: up to +1 strength per success, +5 strength per ace.
Throw: up to +1 foot per success, +5 feet per ace, damage=distance thrown, up to +5 pounds per success, +100 pounds per ace.
Smite: strike a target as called, +1 damage per success, +5 damage per ace. Damage=strength.
Grapple: up to +1 strength per success, +5 strength per ace. Holds without damage.
Crush: includes death grips, choke holds, body crushes, and crush items. Up to +1 strength and damage per success, +5 strength and damage per ace.
Levitation: lift self or someone else up to +1 foot per success, +5 feet per ace. Includes descent as called. Up to +5 pounds per success, +100 pounds per ace.
Shield of Negation: negates weapons and magic damage by power of shield, +5% chance per ace that shield will deflect weapon or power back on attackers for normal damage. Shield lasts until recalled or broken. One shielded can take action while shielded.
Transference: carry a called object to self or another, up to +5 pounds per success, +100 pounds per ace.
Multiple Targets: affect multiple targets with any called feat next turn, up to +1 target per success or ace.
Shockwave: affects a potentially large area with a damaging and stunning wave of telekinetic energy in a radius of up to +10 yards per success, -1 AR per ace to anyone affected, +1 damage per success, +5 damage per ace.
Telekinetic Formulation: level 36-40 only, formulate feats as called.
All Include Selection
Path of Oblivion
Void of Resistance: +10% chance per ace of resisting arcane or elemental attacks.
Cosmic Vault: cast on a pocket, the lining of a cloak, a bag, bottle, jar, etc. to hold +1 item each time this dimensional vault is activated. Items must be placed in dimensional vault by name in order to be called from the pocket by name, otherwise one must get inside the vault and rummage. Can hold up to +1 item per success. Things must fit inside of the chosen recepticle's opening to use it, i.e you could not place a wagon in a knap sack.
Ominous Aura of Riposte: +2 damage per level, -1 stamina and wp to opponent on successful blocks, bathes anyone who contacts this aura in a hostile anner with a keen sense of dread.
Void of Thought: steal up to +1 memory per ace as called and send into oblivion.
Stellar Phase: ascend, descend, and crossover from one called location to another
Vortex of Oblivion: send someone into the vast oblivion beyond the universe by the great vortex which draws empty space into the universe from the great beyond. Deadly to mortal or air breathing creatures, death vs. save or strength check.
Engulfing Darkness: damages, drains -1 stamina per ace, 2% per level that it will stun for -1 AR per ace, affect an area of up to +1 yard, +1 foot per ace
Oblivion: fills the mind with emptiness, all thought, memory, knowledge disappears for as long as this infliction lasts. Without the mind the body is helpless; the lungs only continue to draw breath and the heart to beat because the arcanum of this power forces the body to continue functioning; duration of up to +1 day per success as called.
Sleep of Oblivion: a very restful and refreshing sleep in which no dreams or thoughts disturb the one resting under the influence of this power
Precipice of the Abyss: the ground yawns open vastly on one side to a sheer cliff of unknown and immense depth, the subject stands between the precipice and the Khorumal. (unless otherwise called) This potentially bottomless pit may be used as an intimidation factor, or to send a victim plunging into Acheron's abyss with a shove.
Breath of Desecration: breathe in and soak -1 per ace, stamina, strength, wp, const, or -1 level (life) as called from target at range of +1 foot per ace. Verve taken is converted into stamina, health, strength, wp, const, or life for khorumal as called. Lasts until spent for subjugator, lasts until victim finds a way to restore the loss.
Obliterate: this power obliterates the body completely on a crit if counter and or save fails. A black orb of vaporous energy rockets at target and if it hits and crits, death and destruction is immediate. Movement of Orb is +1 per success, and precision is +1 HB per ace. If it hits and does not crit, it can still delve a great deal of damage.
Lair of Bleak Integrity: fallen one can create a dimensional lair for themself which is entered through from a designated area on the face of a rock wall, cliff or otherwise (angels of the abyss often choose to do so in the Pit of Acheron). This lair can have up to +1 chamber per ace. Trappings must be brought in and if the rock face is destroyed, the way to the lair is lost. These lost lairs can sometimes be found through dimensional travel, as can the lost lairs of others.
Companion of Oblivion: the one protected by this power has a 10% chance per ace of being rejected by death, oblivion, and the powers of oblivion and abyssmancy.
Master of Oblivion: at levels 31-40, formulate powers, artifacts, items, wards, etc. from this sphere of power.
Acheron's Inner Sanctum
...Practices... Full Path
Allowed Paths: Choose from Arcane, Elemental, Limited, Inborn, or take Path of Chaos in place of all (chaotic aligned only).
Prohibited Paths: Wizardry becomes sorcery, light harms to use if abyssmancy is taken.
First Hierarchy
Order of Seraphim: Unlimited
Order of Cherubim: 8 Paths
Order of Thrones: 7 Paths
Second Hierarchy
Order of Dominations: 6 Paths
Order of Principalities: 6 Paths
Order of Powers: 5 Paths
Third Hierarchy
Order of Virtues: 5 Paths
Order of Arch-Angels: 4 Paths
Order of Swords: 4 Paths