Tsetar - The First Pentacle of Angels
Tsetar Powers :: Levels 5-44
Tsetar Orders and Hierarcy
First Hierarchy
Order of Seraphim
Order of Cherubim
Order of Thrones
Second Hierarchy
Order of Dominations
Order of Principalities
Order of Powers
Third Hierarchy
Order of Virtues
Order of Arch-Angels
Order of Swords
Tsetar Stages
Malkar: They are called Malkar in spirit form. Malkar can feel pain, but it is not physical pain, it is emotional pain and pain their soul feels.
Damage make them feel something similair to being sick or fatigued. They have no touch sense, only energy sense. They breathe the energies which flow around them, and that is how they maintain their vital force. Malkar remember every detail about their lives, even retain memories of times they may have dwelled in Malezar or Meledon forms. Malkar cannot be seen by humans or most mortal creatures, only by those with metaphysical sight, or those they reveal themselves to. This form is lost forever if they become Khorumal dark angels fallen into Acheron.
Malkas: Because all Tsetar have fallen, this form can only be achieved if they become Malkas again by passing over into an afterlife pantheon. Malkas are Malkar which manifest in a physical, quasi-human form for a period of up to one month. If they remain within Malkas form for seven more days, it causes an accidental terrestrial fall, and they become mortal. This transition is called "Earthly Entrapment," at what time the Tsetar is trapped as a Meledon (mortal terrestrial angel), which appear human in every way, only they do not smell human, taste human, or think like a human.
Meledon: This form comes about by terrestrial fall which results in a rebirth. The term terrestrial refers to the ground or soil in the Middle Kingdom of planets. Some angels 'leap' when they fall, and become the soul which gives life at the moment of conception as a child is made between two mortal beings, resulting in the 'Terrestrial Birth' of a Meledon. These angels still have the natural tendencies of angels, but have no idea what they are, only that they are compelled to protect from, and at times, to destroy evil.
Meledon also result when an angel chooses to fall. They wake up mortal as a Meledon, never having felt anything a mortal can feel, for angels in true form are spirits and have no sense of touch other than feeling emotions and energies. Human emotions too are unfamiliar to them, and if they have never visited the Middle Kingdom, everything is a new experience to
them. Taste, touch, smell, sights, feelings in interaction with the strange new world around them. They wake mortal, like a human but maintain some angelican traits, but have none of their angelic powers, only physical traits; empathy, scent and so forth. When they choose to fall, they remember nothing of their existence as angels.
Immortal Transition: A Meledon's immortal soul 'sleeps dormant' inside of them, and when they die a mortal death, they fall into the realm of the dead
where they face their sins (If they have any) and greatest fears as physical or mental demons, and if they survive it, they are resurrected by the powers of
their soul as a Malezar, or immortal terrestrial Tsetar. They have full faculty of their angelic powers when their immortal transition occurs (when they
remember how to command those powers.) If they fail this ordeal, their soul is cast out of the material planes and into the far reaches of the Astral planes
where they may wander lost (until a 100 is rolled on a 1 d100, one roll per year of their existence in the Astral Planes) or become a Malkar (angelican
embodiment of spirit) again (when a 100 is rolled.) They have no alignment at that time and no memory of their past lives, only innate knowledge. The are
resurrected with 1-3 'Ways of Death' all based on their greatest fears or weaknesses. When they die as a Malezar, they either pass over back into one of
the halls of the Upper Kingdom, or they fall into one of the halls of the Lower Kingdom, where their fate is ordained by the god of the kingdom they fall into.
Malezar: The Malezar result when a Meledon dies as a mortal and resurrects as an immortal terrestrial angel. Malezar also occur when a Tsetar Malkar falls to become an immortal terrestrial Tsetar. It is rare for Tsetar Malkar to fall as Malezar, but it does happen and they tend to retain all of their memories. This occurs only as a result of some grand scheme on Yajmha's part, or because the Tsetar simply, and against all odds, slipped past Haman and Acheron's radar.
The Khorumal: These are the Tsetar who become corrupted, who embrace the Morning Star and Acheron's servants as their Lords, or who fall or are cast into Acheron's great Pit. They become the Khorumal, or forsaken ones. See the Khorumal page, for as Tsetar become the forsaken, they cease to be Tsetar and become Khorumal owed to the corruptive forces which reshape and infuse them.
About Tsetar
Appearance: All Tsetar are male, and stunning in appearance. Their wings are feathered and either white, silvery grey, or the color of their hair. A small number of Tsetar are covered with smooth scales rather than flesh, and those which are have bat-like wings. Those with flesh are always hairless, with exception of their locks and the rare few who will themselves to have facial hair. Their skin is flawlessly smooth, even satiny, and their eye, hair, and skin color vary widely. Most but not all are functionally androgynous.
Tsetar Logic: First Pentacle Angels think with a very guileless sense of logic, and see everything through the eyes of innocence, no matter what acts of violence their overlord has ordained they commit in his name, unless they have become 'worldly' by frequent visits to the Middle Kingdom's earthen planes. Even then, they maintain a certain degree of naivety towards worldly matters. Later however, when they are no longer under the influence of their god, they may reflect on this violence and find wrong in it and regret it.
The Fall: This occurs when an angel is 'cast out' of Haman, whereof what world or underworld they fall to is either decided by Yajmha, by chance, or in case of Acheron, by corruption factors. The fall also comes about when they choose to fall to a world or underworld of their choice. Many but not all fall to Morashtar.
When cast down: They fall onto one of the worlds of the Middle Kingdom, usually, but not always Morashtar, and only remember what they are allowed to
remember, so that varies according to their situation. Some, namely those who embrace the Morning Star in Yajmha's stead, are cast into Acheron's Pit.
Angelican scent is magnificent, it is simply the way they smell, and one of their allures lies in the fact that they just smell marvelous. Their blood is
exceptional and so is their flesh. Most, but not all, Angelicans are androgynous, although their bi-gendered physiology does not always manifest in the fall, but when they do, they look male, and all their 'parts' are fully functional. Most fall as Meledon, while rarely an angel falls as a Malezar (immortal, earthbound Tsetar).
The Three Kingdoms For reference purposes:
The Upper Kingdom: the kingdom of Haman, Arcadia, Zion, Valhalla, and Tuatha are all part of the the Upper Kingdom, also called the Kingdom of Light.
The Middle Kingdom: the kingdom of planets; Earth, Morashtar, Congoril, etc. The Middle Kingdom lies between the center and upper hemispheres of the Universal hourglass, and has many galaxies strewn throughout this universal space. It is also called the Kingdom of Stars, and is where all the inhabited worlds are concentrated.
The Lower or Dark Kingdom: the kingdom of otherworlds, the dead and spectral planes, and netherworlds such as Acheron, Annwn, Tartarus, the Underworld, and Elysium.
The Lower and Upper Kingdoms often overlap the Middle Kingdom to create a demi-plane, or alternate universes that are parented to planets. These netherworlds are often accessible from a world's remote islands, caverns, or mountains. They are sometimes Pantheon oriented. The Lower and Upper Kingdoms can only be reached by the living if they are a creature of these Kingdoms, are escorted by an otherworldly creature of these realms, or are delivered there by death.
Procreation: Angels can produce children with humans and other angels but rarely do so, and never by accident. They will their own fertility. Very
specific rituals must be performed for an angel to be capable of fathering a child out of another immortal that is not angelic. Not many Tsetar are learned in the arcanum to produce children. Meledon (mortal angels) produce mortal children (Valken) who resist disease and arcane or trait powers by 85%. They also live long and age slower, having lifespans of up to 190-350. Malkar cannot produce children at all, and Malkas, Malezar, and Khorumal produce Nephalim out of humans.
Way of Death and Resurrections: All immortal characters get 3 resurrections, and in case of beings with a Geis 'Way of Death' all deaths which
occur that are not a true death by their way of death, get free resurrections. All creatures have a way of death.. Humans die from old age, or disease, or
mortal wounds. Angels can die from heart break, imprisonment, enslavement, loneliness, beheading, whatever geis (WoD) they were granted when created. Once an angel dies a third time from their way of death, they pass over into the afterlife of their pantheon at time of death for all eternity.
Creation of the Tsetar
The Beginning: The Dark Star Anduain and Arcanon were created by the Morning Star out of the forces of chaos as the archetypes of Tsetar and Sephiroth. While the Tsetar were created by the Morning Star out of the plane of chaos; the Sephiroth were created by the Morning Star in Acheron, out of the eternal flame or the abyss. The Morning Star alone holds the secrets of angelic creation. Alamas, who attempted to steal the Morning Star's secrets from him, created the Alamascan, who unlike the Morning Star's angels, have no souls or will of their own. Arcanon are angel-like beings which can shape shift, learn to command any one pentacle of chaos, and who tend to be of any alignment but evil; while Sephiroth can be any alignment and have the same arcane prowess as Khorumal or Malezar, depending on their Alignment. Dark Star are highly resistant to corruption while Sephiroth are not. Adramelech was the first Sephiroth Angel, and Argenien (known as O'Braugh) the first Arcanon. The Anduain was actually the archetype of the First Pentacle Angels and Argenien and the four who came after him the archetype of Sephiroth.
Generations: Each generation in the order they were born is more powerful than the next. For every First Pentacles Angel made, so was an infernal demon, called Morgaus, as the powers which got the angels were split off, those aspects of the fire which were pure {light, warmth, life giving, balanced} was taken into the angels' souls and so they would be the righteous, and the guardians of the light and the pure of heart, while all that was corrupt {the ash, cinder, ruin, shadows and pain} of the flame of the fire, was taken into the demons, so they would have the strength to rule as Guardians of darkness and the dark of heart.
The Morning Star kept the infernal demons a secret for a very long time, and not until long after he was cast down was it discovered these 'evil twins' of the Angels
existed, each the Antitheses of the other. Semyaza and Azriel alone split into Angels instead of angel and demon as the first Pentacle Angels or Seraphim ever
born of the Fires of Creation, Semyaza of the Light, Azriel of Darkness. To be born of the Flame was to be born of Darkness, for it is the flame which burns
and blackens what the flame consumes. Each angel was born pure, and only time, great despair, and terrible ordeals would corrupt them. For many ages, Semyaza
was passed off as an angel of swords named Semmet, while the Anduain, and archetype of all angels, Belorian assumed the identity of Semyaza as a favor to
Lucifer. When Semyaza and Belorian rebelled with Lucifer against Haman and were cast out of Haman, Semyaza fell into the pit to become a Beqidum, while
Belorian was reborn on earth. Semyaza's wisdom was crucial to Acheron and as one who possessed many and uncovered many secrets, he was widely sought after.
This ruse has made Belorian one of the most widely hunted 'angels' for it is believed that he is both Semyaza, an evil possessor of souls, and that Semyaza
is the Anduain.
Corruption: Now whatever a thing is born as, things evolve with their environment, and in time become corrupted. When Light it corrupted, it becomes
diluted with color and darkness, while if darkness is corrupted, it becomes diluted with color and light. Good becomes more evil and evil becomes more good,
which brings the two closer together and likewise causes conflicts, for each is primarily what they were born as. In time, each might become so corrupt, that a
chaotic cathexis occurs, whereby all colors bleed into one, and a true balance occurs as spiritual perfection comes in reach, if in conflict they do not obliterate one another first.
The Tsetar Alpha Orders
The Tsetar are Angels of the First Pentacles (the first created) Fallen onto Earth or into Acheron. All First Pentacle Angels have fallen, many into Acheron.
Character Status
* Played Characters
+ Khorumal (those fallen into Acheron)
~ NPCs with Stats.
Arch Seraphim
First Born: *+The Morning Star
First Order of Seraphim
In the First Order two were born: 1st Order of Seraphim

Second Order of Seraphim
In the Second order 4 were born:

Third Order of Seraphim
In the Third Order 6 were born:

Order of Cherubim
In the Fourth Order 6 were born:

The Cherubim and Seraphim are Guardians of the Seven Gates, into Elysium, Eden, Haman, and Acheron, and they are also messengers, and keepers of wisdom. They are also the keepers and Authors of the sacred Book of Apostals. The Morning Star created the Seraphim to serve Yajmha, the god of Haman, as warriors, the Swords of Wrath, in Haman, with the Morning Star as their Prince, but when the Morning Star was cast down, these two Orders were bestowed the highest ranks in Haman.
Order of Thrones
In the Fifth Order 8 were born:

These angels are the Order of Thrones, who served as the eight judges and Arch Guardians each over a domain and its people which Yajmha created. Sammael is the Angel of death.
Order of Dominations
In the Sixth Order 10 were born:

They were the Guardians and collectors of Haman bound souls who worshipped Yajmha faithfully, advisors to the other angels and protectors against demons.
Order of Principalities
In the Seventh Order 12 were Born:

There is also a 13th Apostal Zekiel, who was engendered when it was thought Malkor and Memnoch had been destroyed. Zekiel, Afriel, Coraan and Micha are the only angels of the seventh order of Principalities Memnoch did not bring into Acheron. Memnoch and Tephros were the only principalities to stand with the Morning Star in the First Rebellion and were cast so low they were thought destroyed. For awhile, Zekiel served under Michael. These were the Order of Principalities, the Twelve Angels, created to serve under and protect the higher orders, and to fight the Morning Star and those who served him after his fall..
Order of Powers
In the Eighth Order 14 were born:

These Angels were the defenders of Haman the Upper Kingdoms, the Diplomats, and the keepers of Yajmha's wisdom.
Order of Virtues
In the Ninth Order 16 were born:

Like the Order of Powers, these Angels were the defenders of the Upper Kingdoms, of riteousness and the keepers of Yajmha's wisdom.
Order of Archangels
In the Tenth Order 18 were born:

These were the Arch-Angels of the sword, the swords and harbingers of Yajmha's wrath, the slayers of demons and hammers of justice.
Order of Swords
In the Eleventh Order, 20,000 were born:

These Angels were the Regents of the Sword, the Guardian angels, and messengers. They served as Yajmha's army of Angels and are also called Swords. Belian, though friendly with the Morning Star, fell only on earth and not in Acheron.
Passage from 'The Book of Acheron'
It is written in the Book of Apostals, and in the Book of Acheron, that Once all in the 2nd order of Dominations have fallen into Acheron, with the dark fall of the first order of Seraphim and the Anduain, and the 'Coming into Power' of the second King, would the end of Acheron and Haman as the reigning kingdoms in the Universe be eminent. It is also written, that to prevent this fall in the Celestial order, the Key figures fallen must be brought into celestial ascension or be destroyed.
Yajmha means in the ancient tongue: The Alpha Creator.
See the Fifth Pentacles of Angels: The Alamascan Orders