Rhoasyr - Battle Mounts

NPC Levels: 7 d6, 7 d6 checks

Claws: +85
Bite: +65
Tail Pummel: +30
Trample: +100
Charge: +50 + Strength
Horn: +90
Strength Damage: add to all physical attacks

45-Thick Hide

  Strength: {20-35}  Stamina: {18-25}  Movement: {15-18}  Dexterity: {10-13}  Stealth: {13-15}  Willpower: {18-22}   Intelligence: {9-11}

+40-HP, +1-HB, +1 saving throw

  Age 1-3=[1] +1 level per ten years of age, up to level 40 Bestial Combat.



    Large, gray roan, thick skinned horned animals like Rhinoceros, with thick bodies, their backs sloped, and long, thick, clubbed tails.  Their powerful legs are armed with heavily clawed feet, and they have large teeth for stripping grass, trees and shrubs.  A prehensile upper lip also aids them in stripping leaves and grasses.  They are large animals that are 5.5-7.5 feet high at their broad shoulders, with broad girths.  They are ridden by Mugol Warriors and others strong enough to control them.  They can survive desert conditions if they receive enough water every day, but inhabit large grasslands and plains.  Lifespan of up to 600 years.

Contents by JD and Sparky © Copyright 2008