

Kick: +25
Trample: +80
Charge: +10.
Bite: +8
Horn Gouge: +16
Immortal: ageless after two years.
Regeneration: wounds heal in one day.
WoD: to kill the Re'em its heart and tongue must be cut out while it is incapacitated by wounds, otherwise it shall fully regenerate within a day.


Strength: 22
Movement: 20
Dexterity: 16
Stamina: 35
Fortitude: 21
Willpower: 36
Alertness: 24



    Re'em often live in mountainous or grassy areas. Over nineteen hands high, they have the shape of wild asses, with white or red roan bodies and liver chestnut heads with dark blue eyes. The horn in the center of its forehead is between one and a half to two feet in length.  The color of the horn is eight inches of white at the base at the horn, with a black middle section, and crimson tip. The horns of these magical beings possess highly purifying effects. For example, when the animal drinks from a body of water, the angle of the horn makes it impossible for it to drink without touching its horn to the water, the effect of which is that the water is purified by the re'em's horn when it drinks. If it is slain, the hunter may take its horn and, if made into a drinking vessle, the drinker will find himself immune to disease, and any liquid drunk from the beaker is an antidote to all organic poisons. It is said that to drink the blood of the re'em makes one immortal but at the high cost of an eternal curse (curse called by GM).

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