Winged Kelpie (DeoMehr)

Physical Attacks

Trample: strength +80
Kick: Strength +25
Bite: +10 dmg
Horn Gouge: +28, Horn imbues victim with nightmare delusions.

Vital Stats

Regeneration: auto-regeneration, one way of being harmed, all wounds heal in three turns, cannot be beheaded or dismembered.
Stamina: 35
Strength: 34
HB:  +1 combat attacks.
HP Bonus:  +75

Fire elements

Firey Breath: Breaths Fire from mouth
Flame Gaze: Projects streams of fire from eyes
Throw Flame: Flame thrower effect.  Range-1 yd per success
Wall of Flames: Creates wall of fire between kelpie and target
Aura of Flames: Acts as a shield, does not affect rider if kelpie has a master


One way of death: specific, gained only by experience, amputate horn at base while the horn is embedded in flesh.
Nightmare Blood: Contact with Blood lasts 1 d6 turns and causes violent nightmare hallucinations, -1 Willpower per success, -1 courage per success, damages, -1 AR per ace per turn, blinded by visions, -1 HB per ace.  If swallowed or if blood gets into bloodstream, effects last +1 day per success, on a crit effects last +25 years per success or until cured.  If a natural crit is rolled, poison can be deadly.

Check Dice

Physical Check Dice: Strength: 34 Stealth: 12  Movement: 17  Dexterity: 17  Stamina: 35
Sensory:  Vision: 21  Nightvision:  20  Scent:  24  Hearing:  16  Taste:  15  Touch:  13
Mental Check: Intuition: 15  Instincts: 17 Intelligence: 19 Willpower: 16  Courage: 20  Logic:  25



    Their name, DeoMehr, means Winged Devil Horse.  These animals were born out of the shadow marches of Anwnn, from the souls of great battle mounts.  Each is crowned with a single spire, and all have massive, leathery wings, like a dragon.  They breed like normal horses, and cannot sire.  If their blood is consumed, it causes horrible nightmare hallucinations which can last for hundreds of years, and even lead to suicide.  If too much blood is consumed (8 ounces or more, a natural 20 crit) it causes death after the mind is assaulted with horrifying visions.  Paralysis occurs in one half hour before death.  Death occurs in one hour. For horn attributes, see Kelpie.

Contents by JD and Sparky © Copyright 2008