
Demonic Boar :: Warbash Morgaus Phessir

Levels: 6-36, 6 d6
Checks: 5 d6
Intelligence: 9
Strength: +5
Mvm: +3
Dex: +2
Hooves: +8
Bite: +18
Gouge with Tusks: +28
Fortitude: 17 tough hide
Regeneration: 10
Immunities: possession and domination, + any sire has
SA: 3-5 powers from clan paths, usually elemental.

Example Powers
Shadowflame Boar: 3 Fire Elements and 2 Shadow Path Powers
Abyss Boar: 2 Ice Elements and 3 Abyss Powers
Red Boar: 3 Fire Elements, 2 earth elements
Shadow Boar: 2 shadow elements, 1 ice element, 1 fire element
Warlock Boar: 3 curses triggered by bite, gouging, and the boar being wounded, 2 protection spells that are projected


    A Warbash Boar is a boar that has been sired by a demon  Size increases to dire size equal to a pony or small horse.  Sometimes used as mounts.   Often used as guards over an area.

Contents by JD and Sparky © Copyright 2008