
Giant Fire Beetle :: Shivas Morciarog

Size: 1-25 feet long.
Levels: 5-29, Length +4 = Level, SA +3
AC: Level x 2 +5 hard shell.
Strength: 8+ Length
Stamina: 16-22
Movement: 12-15, +8 Flight
Intelligence: 7-9
Instincts: 14-16
Dexterity: 10-13
Stealth: 14
Willpower: 16-19
Reflexes: 15-16
Mandible Pinchers: 5+ Length = Damage
Bite: same as mandible
Claws: Length +1 = Damage
Trample: Strength + Length = Damage
Wing Battery: Strength = Damage
Flight: mvm 20-23
Immune to Fire
Susceptible: to ice and cold, does double damage to these beetles.

Special Abilities: Fire attacks, aggravated damage. +3 d6
Fire Burst:  fire erupts from body and spreads out in 1 foot radius per success.
Flaming Bite: double fire damage and added damage to bite
Flame Shell: contacting them in anyway results in sever burns
Stream of Fire: billowing stream of fire with range of up to 1 foot per success. 
Rear Attack: beetle shoots fireballs from rear end which explode and damage in 1 yard radius per success.  +1 HB targeting.

Information:  Giant black beetle with iridescent blue and purple wings, red ear spots, and an ovate, yellow spot on the crown of its head.

Location:  These beetles are found around volcanos, geisers, in deserts, in arid lands, the barren lands, and hot, dry wastelands of any kind. 

Contents by JD and Sparky © Copyright 2008