
Giant Beetle :: Morciarog

Size: 1-25 feet long.
Levels: 5-29, Length +4 = Level.
AC: Level x 2 +15 hard shell.
Strength: 8+ Length
Stamina: 16-22
Movement: 12-15, +8 Flight
Intelligence: 7-9
Instincts: 14-16
Dexterity: 10-13
Stealth: 14
Willpower: 16-19
Reflexes: 15
Mandible Pinchers: 6 + Length = Damage
Bite: same as manible
Claws: Length +2 = Damage
Trample: Strength + Length = Damage
Wing Battery: Strength = Damage
Battle Ram: ram targets in flight, mvm = damage
Flight: mvm 20-23

Information: Giant, dark brown beetle with iridescent green and blue wings, blue ear spots, and two white spots on the crown of its head.   Lifespan of up to 6000 years.

Location:  These beetles are found around caverns, mountains, large rock outcrops, and abandoned ruins.

Contents by JD and Sparky © Copyright 2008