Wraith Warrior

Necromantic Spirit Type

Levels: 5 d6, 5 d6 checks

Size: Human sized

Checks:  none but those mentioned, all others redundant
Movement:  14-16 +Level-Phasing Haste
Stamina: limitless
Dexterity: 15-18

HP: Vital Force-Level x 30.

Viable Entity: Level+10.  They lose shape and become shadow vapors if their viable entity is used up (at 0).  They retreat into the shadow realm when their viable entity is lost.  It requires 2 d6 days for them to recover their viable entity.

Shadow Armor: Level+10-protects against elemental and weapon attacks.  Armor is a full suit, with helm, shield, greaves, arm guards, etc. which covers their entire form.
Ethereality: They take no physical damage whatsoever.

Combat Level:  Specialization: +1 HB, Level +2=Weapon of Choice Skill.  Level+1=Secondary Combat Skill.  Level-1-All other combat skills.

Freezing Touch: -1 stamina, -2 movement per success
Devitalize:  -1 one stamina, strength and willpower per ace, damages, range 1 foot per success.
Shadow Phasing: phase past weapons and armor 1-AR per turn
Dread Presence: -2 Willpower and Courage per success
Vocal Presence: command the will
Wraith Sword: a sword of shadows wraith can summon at will.  Level=Damage.  Drains -1 level per hit, -2 levels per crit.  Sword fades into the shadow realm if touched by anyone but the wraith who summoned it.

Immunities: Immune to Sleep, Hold, Charms, Domination, Presence, Mental Powers, Cold, Poison, Paralyze, anything that effects the physical body.

Weaknesses: Holy powers, electrical, and light, X 2 damage.  Raise Dead spell kills if Saving Throw fails.  Fire will damage their viable entity +5 per hit, and force them to retreat into the shadow plane if used up, but will not kill them.

Bonuses: +2 Saving Bonus for levels 15-20, +3 Saving Bonus 21+.


    Wraiths Warriors are powerful spirits of warriors whose spirits and minds were so weighted with their life burdens, anger, or regrets when they died, that they fell into the realm of shadows on their deaths, where they became wraiths.   They have ethereal forms that are unseen unless they wear armor or clothing to sculpt their forms, which are as they were in life in shape.  Their viable entity allows them to have a shape.  These are among the most dangerous spirit entities, capable of becoming deities, assuming tangible forms, and attaining great power if they survive long enough.  Their intelligence is what it was in life.  They often have a scion, beast, or dragon mount.

Contents by JD and Sparky © Copyright 2008