
Dead Man's Centipede

Bite: 4 d6
Bite Strength: 150 Poison: 10 d6 x 10, progressive!
Lifespan of 12 years.
AC: 4
Resist Cold: 65%
Resist Magic: 85%
Strength: 3 Mvm: 12 Stamina: 34


    5-8 inches long.  Colorful, pumpkin orange centipedes with black bands and white stripes.  Shiny, with hard shells.  These insects are extremely poisonous and should be avoided or killed with care.  Poison acts quickly and death is painful.  Bite stings and burns terribly.  Venom softens flesh, bone, and cartilage to make it easier for them to eat and digest.  They live in forests and mountains and can tolerate, and often remain active in low temperatures, hibernating when temperatures reach -30+ degrees for more than 3 days.  They feed on other insects, small animals, and carion.   They often drop to the ground from branches above.

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