
Diabol Scarabs

Swarm Roll: Roll 2 d6; roll = (2-12) d6, roll 2-12 d6 and count total for level of each swarm attacking each target.
HB of each Swarm:  +1 per seven levels +2 HB swarm, precision = HB.
AC: 4, hard shells
Individual Bite: 1 d6
Susceptible: to cold and ice, does double damage.  Exposure to cold can be deadly to these beetles.
Lifespan of 7 years.

Information: 1-2 inches long.  Large, colorful, purple, blue and black colors which fade together from crown of body to underside.  Very iridescent, with hard shells.

These insects are flesh eaters but rarely swarm unless a flood or fire in one part of the desert drives them to another area.  Harmless the first year of their life, flesh eating when they come out of the ground after lying dormant for 1 year.  When they mate, the males die soon after and the females burrow, where the young feed on her when they are born.  For 9-12 months they feed ravenously on carion and then burrow to lie dormant for a year before surfacing with their larger, armored bodies.  They bear live young.  They feed on living creatures only when they swarm and at no other time.

Location: arid lands and desert only

Contents by JD and Sparky © Copyright 2008