
Griddaen (grih-day-en) -- Language of the Dragons and first language of the Native Elves as still spoken mostly by ancient elf tribes and landunder elves.

Copyright © 2008 JA Dempsey and Wizard Quest Games
All rights reserved by the Author


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    a: ahh (box)
    a (followed by two like consonants: a (cat)
    ao: A-O
    aeo: A-E-O
    ae: A (shake)
    au: aw (awe)
    aw: aw (awe)
    ae: A
    e: eh (beg)
    eo: E-O
    ea: E-ah (eon)
    ee: ee (eagle)
    i: ee (eagle)
    i (followed by two consonants): ih (it)
    y: eh (egg)
    y-e: I (ice)
    o: O (open)
    oa: O (open)
    o (followed by two consonants): ahh (ox)
    eu: yU (eutopia)
    eur, ur: yer (eureka)
    ow: ow (owl)
    ou: ow (owl)
    oi: oy (toy)
    ai, ei: I (ice)
    yy+ vowel: y (yes)
    yy+ consonant: yih
    ei: I (ice)
    ur-: yer (uranium)
    ue: U-A
    yyu: yoo (ewe)
    uh: uh (under)
    u+ two like consonants: uh (under)
    u: U (boost)
    g: J (jig)
    gh: G (grog)
    ll: (hl)

    -er: -os, so-, +ith
    -en: -ul, +ul, ul-
    and: ak
    relates to: iad, ian
    greater: pen, ur
    past tense: -t, -et, -th
    (plural): -id, itt
    (greater form): a+
    (word combos): +e
    (possessive) la-, -al
    very: ah-, -ah
    (to make a language of): ach-, -u-, -en
    -ed: -en, -oth
    -ful: -del
    -fully, -ly, -y: +du, du-, +iti,
    -ness, -tion: -u, -ue, aer-, -aer
    -ing, progressive action: +wich, -wich


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    abandon, desert: baetek
    abandoned: baataken
    abandoning: baetekust
    abandonment: baetaku
    able: nes, nes-, +nes, n+es
    ability: nesdu
    absolute: naev
    absolutely: naov, nae-, -nae, n+ae
    abstinance: traeow (trA-ow)
    abstenant: treo (trE-O)
    abstenance: traeed (trA-ed)
    abundant: gormodd
    abundant courage: gormahl
    abundance, plethoria: gormoth
    abyss: sgeth, sgaeth
    abysmal: sgaathir, sgethir
    abyss of the sea: morsgaeth
    accept: piro
    accepting: masc
    acceptance: mapiri
    accepted: pirien
    accomplish: dilrhos
    accomplished: wendel, delrhos
    accomplishment: delwen
    accord: blaes
    accorded: blaesu
    accumulate: helaeth
    accuse: baeo
    accuse: griddfan
    accusation: baeeth
    achieve: naen
    acorn: kelegur
    across, cross: tras (trahs)
    across the ages: trasad (trah-sahd)
    act, an act of-: dar
    act crazy, craziness: naddue (nad-dU-A)
    act with conviction (m): Phyneon (fI-nOn)
    acted: aeeth (A-eth)
    action: darthue (dar-thU-A)
    acting childish: athasu (ah-thah-sU)
    adapt: naed
    address: vaethech
    adore: velwi
    adoration: velweif
    adorn: addur
    adornment: addurk
    adorned: addarku
    advance: kelio
    advancing: kelith
    advantage: mantas
    advantageous: mantis
    advantageous: naethid
    adventure: mentu
    advice: wyrm (werm)
    advise: wyrmtaug (werm-tawg)
    advisor: wyrmfoust (werm-fowst)
    affection: imar
    affiliate: gendo (jen-dO)
    affiliated: genen (jen-en)
    affinity: gen (jen)
    age: aod (A-Od)
    ages: eosod (E-O-sOd)
    ageless: woaden (wO-den), w+n
    ageless being: wyneud (wen-yUd)
    aggressive: ghrior (grE-Or)
    aggressive: ghri- (grE)
    agree: tra, tra-, +tra, tr+a (trah)
    agree with: elvaeth (el-vAth)
    agreed: vaeghen (vA-gen)
    agreeable, reasonable (m): Nesvaen, nesvae
    agreeable, reasonable: troi (troy)
    aim: val (vahl)
    air, the breadth of the sky, sky: aedlar (Ad-lahr)
    alien: estein (eh-stIn)
    alike, similar: boghden (bOg-den)
    alike, like: kwynfen
    all: +felk, fel-, ke-
    all of: kei (kI)
    all of us: keifelas (kI-fel-ahs)
    all descendants of: keifirden
    allow, permit, let: belan
    allowance, permission: belaneu (bel-ahn-yU)
    alloy, blend: -vir
    almost, nearly: naer
    alright, okay: thidd
    amaze: kaus, kauson, (m) Kauson (kow-sOn)
    amazed: kausawth
    amazing: kauswyne
    amazement: kausek
    amiable: vaeuen (vA-yUn)
    amusement: kifrenakue
    ambitious: pendwill
    anchor: ghurd (gerd)
    anchorage: ghirdrau (gErd-raw)
    ancient: brath (brahth)
    ancient, far reaching: hen, he+n, hen-
    ancient fury: ghryndoch, Grendok (gren-dOk)
    ancientness: brathue (brahth-U-A)
    ancient one: eabrath (E-A-brahth)
    ancient man: aodaen (A-O-dAn)
    ancient ruins: halien (hah-lE-en)
    ancient ruins, from: hallien (hal-E-en)
    ancient woman: danod (dah-nOd)
    danger: branue (brah-nU-A)
    anger: kasir (kah-sEr)
    angle: deighas (dI-gahs)
    angled: deikao (dI-kA-O)
    angular: deighan (dI-gahn)
    angry: branarue (brahn-ar-U-A)
    anguish: brieth (brE-eth)
    anguished: brith (brEth)
    anguished: trystaeu (trist-A-yU)
    answer: aeteth (A-teth)
    ape: simmaeu, simm- (sim-mA-yU)
    ape, great: simmrhas (sim-rahs)
    ape-like: simmtru (sim-trU)
    approach: ressu, (reh-sU) dre (drA)
    approachable: ress, +ress, ress-
    arcane: mhas (mahs)
    arcaic: mhasthue (mahst-hyU-A)
    arch mage: maghai (mahg-I)
    arch sorcerer: magrinn, magryn, (mahg-grin) magnos (mahg-nOs)
    archer (m): dros (drOs)
    archer (f): drostven (drOst-ven)
    archery: drosauff (drO-sawf)
    area/district: ardan, ard-
    argue a lot: dadlaw, dadlae
    argue: dak (dahk), dad (dahd)
    arguement: vaeeg (vA-eg)
    arid: eradrue (er-ah-drU-A)
    arise: wein (wIn)
    arisen: weinvau (wIn-vaw)
    arm: ael-, -ael, a+el
    armor: karko
    armored: karue
    armored (m): Tarien
    arrogance: trelluwich
    arrogant: traesar
    arrow: droso
    arrow-head: drosten
    arrows: drosaud
    arrows, flight of: drosauth
    as: dou
    ascend, rise: gheid, gelel, gh+eid
    ascended: gilloth
    ascended: eurekei (yer-eh-kI)
    ascention: argheid (ar-gId)
    ascend to a high place, divine (m): arghillus, Arghyle
    ash: fech, fach, fegh
    ashen: ulfegh
    ashes: fegzid (feh-zjEd)
    ashy: fegeu (fej-yU)
    ask/command: eurkei (yer-kI)
    aspire: idem (Ed-em)
    assalt, beat: tabirdu (tah-bEr-dU)
    assassin: valek (vah-lek)
    assure: sisul (sE-sUl)
    assurance: sesul (seh-sUl)
    astonish: kaw
    astonished: kawid (kaw-wEd)
    astonishment (or expression of): kouwa (kow-wah)
    at: del
    attack: kircha (kEr-chah), imos (E-mOs)
    attack: rhuthir
    attacked: imosad (E-mO-sahd), kirchken (kErch-ken)
    attacking: imoset (E-mO-set)
    attacker: imosoddi (Em-O-sah-dE), dimosad (dE-mO-sahd)
    attempt, strive: traao
    attention, alert: krau
    attentive, altertness: krauru
    attentive, one who is: krauluwyn
    apartment, chamber, section: aedryn
    apple: aeloa (A-lO-ah)
    apple: falo (fah-lO)
    apple orchard: aeelled (A-eh-hled)
    area, vast: eolyd (E-O-lid)
    arrive/come to a place: ciraeyd (kEr-A-id)
    at the time of: adodyei (ah-dOd-yI)
    austere: konn (kahn)
    author: athrodus
    authority: athrodd
    autumn: gher
    autumn born: ghereth
    awkward: rhof


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    baby: baerg (bArg)
    baby boy: anfed
    bad, evil, wicked: iskeler, iskel
    bad luck, having: lladru
    baker: kifar (kE-fahr)
    bakery: kifenlluidd
    balance: keurethytein (kyur-eth-I-tEn)
    bank, embankment: sempoa
    banner, flag: lliad (hlE-ahd)
    bard, poet: ahthro (ah-thrO)
    base, foundation: sek, sech, -sek, sek-, s+ek (sehk)
    bashful: swen
    basement: basaeedor (bah-sA-eh-dor)
    bastion: koadai (kO-dI)
    bat: hatru
    battalion: rheik
    banter: sghoud (skowd)
    battle: kryvren (kriv-ren)
    battle field: ghorkyveu (gor-kiv-yU)
    battle ground: ladao (lah-dA-O)
    battle horn: suirhou, suwir (sU-wEr-how)
    battlement, encampment: segue (seh-jU-A)
    battle, prepare for: erethghoneu (eh-reth-gahn-yU)
    battle, preparing for: erelledd (ehr-eh-hled)
    battle ready: erethghaen (ehr-eth-gAn) Ereghaen
    bay: pormadru (por-mah-drU)
    be: es
    be: es-
    beast, animal: gharo
    beast: ghar
    beast, therianthrope: izghar
    beasts: therianthrope village: izghardyn
    beasts, therianthrope party: izgharue
    beckon: falu
    become: asue, esan
    became: esai
    becoming: esanwich
    beach, shore: trach, trech
    bear: koada
    bear-like: koadi
    beautiful: kelaeled, kelaeyd
    beautiful: addalu
    beautiful: arilwyn (ah-rEl-win), arielwyn (ah-rE-el-win)
    beauty: arill, aryl (ah-ril)
    beauty, divine: arillwen, arylwen
    beautiful like the rose: wynen
    bedroom: athabodwae
    beef: keeg eadowein (kEj E-dow-In)
    befriend: kuwied (kU-wId)
    beg for: bgen (bE-jen)
    beg of: begwik (bej-wEk)
    begs: baksue (bahk-sU-A)
    begging for: ghribek
    begging: baeust (bah-yUst)
    begin/start: addtheru (ad-theh-rU)
    begin/birth/hatch: bir (beer)
    beginning: birwich (bEr-whEch)
    behave: sham (shahm)
    behaved: shanen (shah-nen)
    being, creature: neeud (nA-yUd)
    believe: han (hahn)
    belief: houd (howd)
    believable: haim (hIm), hathor (hah-thor)
    believed: hanen (hah-nen)
    believable: ha+n, han-, ha+r
    believe in-: hai-
    beneath: aoth (A-Oth)
    beneath the surface: wenoch (wen-Och)
    bend: deikon (dI-kOn)
    bend: plibia (plE-bE-ah) plegu (pleh-jU)
    berry patch, briar patch: ghormynd
    best: ghoro
    best, the: ghorao
    bestial: gharu
    betray: datrauf
    betrayal: datrani
    betrayed: datrenn
    betrayer: datrofi
    bewitched, enchanted: tuwarchu
    boastful: weinan
    boastfully: weinani
    bone: ghrimos
    bones: ghrimoset
    bony: ghrimosad
    born small (f): Manue (mah-nU-A) Sorumaen (m) (sor-U-mAn)
    boss: doma (dO-mah)
    botch, fail: kighen
    bottomless: llefir
    boundary: ghorfad
    bounty: erius
    bounty hunter: kaverius, Kerius (m)
    bountiful: eriyn, erien
    bountiful land: eriendor
    bow: droa
    bow, sound of a: tweng
    bow-maker (m): drosto
    bow string: tengue
    binary star: persai, per-
    binary star, born under (m): Persaiuss (per-sI-us)
    bind, tie: rhaef
    bird: adar
    black: du, imos
    blackness: duwethue
    blackbird: velo
    blade: kemeth
    bleed: kavoch
    blood: hao, ha+o, hao-, +hao
    blood: ghir, kavye
    blood let: haero
    blight: mall, ma+ll, mal+, +mal
    blighted: maluen
    blinding: maoll
    blood-red: haon
    blood, bathed in: haoth
    bloody: kavoa
    bloody: haok
    bloody mess: haoken
    bloody: ghirue
    blood line: fir
    blood stains the field: kavythordeomyn
    blood line of kings: uris (yer-Ez)
    blood line of kings: ur+iss (yer+is), ures-, +ures
    blue: ghyllas, eoghrym, ghram
    blue: ghlan, ghlen
    blue: -ghlan, -ghlen
    bluer: ghles
    bluest: ghlasue
    blue eyed: alaru
    boar: saldreg (sahl-drej)
    bold nature: kaa+r
    bold: heddfan
    bolt: drosthent
    book: geom (gE-Om)
    book, tome: ogem (O-jem)
    border: ghorslan
    born small (m): Mandinn
    box, crate: petrasai
    brag: boant
    brain: wadeo
    branch: tor
    brave, courageous, fearless: fenrikk
    brawl: treosoch
    brawler: treodan
    brawn: gharho
    bread: naepoch
    bread, pancakes, cake: kiflafen
    break: adou
    break: bithwyfe
    breath: adlan
    breathe: adluan
    breath: yeuthum
    breathe: yeuthor
    breech: halltue
    breeze: waetha
    bright, brilliant: kem
    bright: briellen
    bright: elidd
    brightness: el+idd
    brightness: briellanu
    bring: adloa
    broken: bithyk (bEth-ik)
    bronze: teldeg, tel+
    brother: dinn (din)
    brotherhood, fellowship: dyneadinn
    bounce, bounce off of, rebound: adlem
    bouncing, echoing: adlamest
    brown: orinn, or+inn, +orinn, orinn-
    brown elf (f): nelwyfe (nel-wIf)
    brown elf (m): nelwaef
    brownie: naebod
    brownie made, of brownie folk: naepych
    brush, lightly touch (v): swirth
    build: erang, ereng
    builder: eredagh
    building: arenu
    built: eren
    built, well: aaroan
    building (n): adelaath
    bull: brehimyn
    bull calf: brewymean
    bum, beggar: verroi
    burrow: valk
    bunny, rabbit: melyn
    burden: trum
    burglur (f): houdwi
    burglur (m): houdif
    burst, explode: kir
    bush: wyse (wIs), wy+s
    buried, in the dirt: bauth
    burn: fenn, fen
    burn them out: trighfenn
    buzzard: ghwastreph
    by: se, saa


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    cache, treasury: ariannu
    cage: wal
    calculate: beod
    calculate time: oaddbeod
    calm: drasue
    calm heart: drasled
    camaraderie: thuean, Thuluss (m)
    can: nan, nan-, -nan, na+n, na+nt
    candle: llumanu
    candle, lit: llumied
    capital: oss, os
    capital, rising: azghyliad
    captor: keraem
    capture: kerhaem
    captured: kerk
    capturing: kerkue
    care: kulor
    care: ealem
    cared: elenidd
    careful: elanue
    carefully: elentue
    carefully, tread: ilai, ilye (E-lI)
    carefully, one who treads (name): Ealai
    caring: ealemwich
    caring lady (name): Elennwi
    caring man (name): Ealen
    care free, devil-may-care,: kulo
    care for (f): kuloriannue
    careful: kulokdren, kulochdran
    careless: kulokdur
    caretaker (f): kulorienn
    caretaker (m): sarkulor
    carpenter: saer
    carry: bethun
    carried: bethunen, uben
    carrying: bethust
    castle: tireth
    cat: kuuno
    catch: doch
    catfish: morghai
    cattle: brehemkue
    cauldron: takeloa
    cautious: eled
    cautious: el+ad, el+ed
    cautious (name) (m): Elior
    cautious (name) (f): Elorian
    cavern: kaathul
    celebrate: dalenreff
    celebrated: dalefain
    celebration: dalenraffue
    celestial: ser
    cemetary: kesghue
    center, middle: medd
    century: ol, ol-, +ol, olr+(ae, i), ol+r
    certain, sure: hedd, hedd-, he+dd
    certainly: roye (rO-I)
    certainty, certitude, to be certain or sure: nabeu, roiyo
    cessation, end, absolution: aros
    chaos/disorder: annrevyn
    change: esseti, san-, +san
    changed: essoth
    changing: essetwich
    chant: medwir
    charge/lunge forward: hethianu
    charging/rushing forward: hethienuth
    charged/rushed forward: hethiaan
    charlatan: kaoghaeth
    charlatan, absolute: markoaghath
    chat, talk: kamsef
    shriek: sghwol
    chatter: sghwath
    cheerful, jubilant, merry: wikk
    chief: sarith
    chieftain: kirsith
    child: bauben
    child of the light (name) (f): Eluera
    child of the light (m): Eliadd
    childish: addesan
    child's play: todd
    chill: orri
    chip: edigh
    choke, strangle: togu
    choke-hold: tregu
    chop: hyeud
    christian priest: kyfeathrech (kI-fahth-rech)
    christian priesthood: kyfeathrachue (kI-fahth-rah-chU)
    church: kyefarch (kI-farch)
    church tower: kyefurth (kI-ferth)
    church grounds: kyfeardeo (kI-far-dE-O)
    city: aedyn
    citadel: lliadd, lliath
    civil: kiddwen
    civilized: kiddwich
    civilization: kidduwaa, kiddwaa
    civilized lady: Kyddwinn
    civilized man: keddiwaa, Keddwyn, Keddwaa
    civilized place: kiddwich
    chair: athabod
    chairs: athabodid
    clan, family: tuelu
    claw (n): rhaegh
    claw, rake (v): rhae
    claws (n): rhaghid
    claws (v): rhakanue
    clawed (adj): rhaken
    clawed, raked (v): rhaenir
    clear, clean: syn
    clever: aesok, aesog
    clever, cunning: korghen, dal, krighen
    cleverness: dalue
    cleverly: dali
    clever, a-: da+l
    climb: napai
    cloth: basai
    cloak: basim
    cloaked: basimen
    close: ghes
    closed: gheseid
    closing: gheswich
    clothed: basyeen (bah-sI-en)
    club (v): tabir
    club (n): taboa
    coal: ghloth
    coarse, rough, rugged: ned, ned-, ne+d, -ned
    coil: vek
    cold: anwidd, eor, eorfel
    cold, chilly: ogir
    cold, chilly-: oghir-, ogh+ir
    collide, clash: klath
    collision: klathue
    color: wani
    colorful: waniu
    come: dael (dA-el)
    coming: daellu (dA-el-oo)
    come here: daaell (dA-el), daeal (dA-ahl)
    commander: lluor
    committee, tribunal: wodvaa
    common: beo
    complain: ghrid
    completely: aont
    complex, convoluted: sil
    compliment: seth
    compose: chausok
    composed: chauswen
    composure: chauson
    comrade: hedwir, hed-, he+d
    concede: tydach
    concentrate: ethai
    concentrated: athoa
    concentration: ethyeeu (eh-thI-yU)
    concur, agree: vaeth
    confidant, trusted friend (m): Helliadd, Tres
    confidant, trusted friend (f): Heddwen
    confidant: tre (trA)
    confidence: tres (trAs)
    confidence, great (m): heghoriad
    conflict: kiros
    comfort: winai
    confused: kuen
    confusion: kuadue
    confusing: kuwesathu
    conquer: deomirus
    conquered: vaomir
    conqueror: deomus
    constrict, squeeze: vekoru
    commandment, injunction, bidding: brigheth
    command: brighath
    commanding: brighast
    comrade: ader
    comradeship: thueansai
    conceal: bwaerth
    concealed: bwaerthen
    concealment: bwarthoa
    concealer: bwarthue
    condition: bioch
    condition, good: bioth
    condition, poor: draughbioth
    conjecture: nabuost
    consider: nabuon
    constant: braviriadu
    constant (f): Helbeth
    constant (m): Hibren
    continent: ardd-
    convict: phyns (fIns)
    conviction: phyneonni (fI-nah-nE)
    corrupt: karredigh
    corrupted: imdenghes
    cost: bighul
    costly: bighulue
    consult: tynnu
    consultation: tynnue
    contempt: rhudir
    content: dyen, dien (dIn)
    council: kamsefal
    counsel: kamsefan
    count: hau
    countenance, demeanor: telwir
    countenance, stern: klastelwir
    country: siri
    countryman: siritheo
    courage: mar
    courageous, brave, bold, dauntless: marghal
    courage/feirce heart: duirdar
    courageous: aduur/aduur:
    course, rout, way: chau
    courses, routs, ways: chauid
    court: tarf
    courtyard: tarfu
    courteous: adfedienn
    courteousness: adfediannu
    couth, etiquette: dam
    cow: brylbek
    cow calf: bryldegh
    crack: kech
    cracked: kechenu
    craft: tall-, +tall, ta+ll
    craftsman: heurydd
    craftsmanship: harddue
    crave: navol
    crazy: nad-, +nodd, na+dd
    creation: bydcriad
    creature: trughar
    creek: enyn
    crest, emblem: seghal, +seghul
    crime: haud
    criminal (f): hawen
    criminal, outlaw (m): haudan
    criminal; outlaw, son of an outlaw: Hauden (m)
    criminal act: hawi, hawid
    crimson: haom
    critic: berniad
    criticize: berniadu
    critical: berniado
    croak: kroash
    croaking: kroam
    cross: rhyde
    crossbreed: rhydewyth
    cross examine: trasfeddien
    cross examination: trasphradianu
    crossroad: rhydean
    crossroads: rhydeanid
    crow (f): vauskri, (friend of crows) Vaukri
    crow (m): vossk, vausk, (friend of crows) Vaukor
    crowd: tarth
    crown, top: urbyde (yer-bId), arrbed
    crush: sath
    crushed by: saeth
    crushed by a dragon: sadraeth
    crust: kreff
    crusty: kreffue
    cunning, clever: nichi
    curse: venles
    cursed: venlasue
    custom, tradition: arferian
    cut: chaul
    cut down: heush (hyU)
    cut down with a sword, swordsman: (m) heu, Heugh (hyUg)
    cute, adorable: kychwenn
    cute: molli


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    damn: dyche (dIch)
    damnation: dycheanue (dI-chahn-yU)
    damned: dychen (di-chen)
    damned, the: dychlem (dich-lem)
    damning: dychelaem (dich-el-Am)
    damnit: dychlamue (dich-lahm-yU)
    dance: kyniouwa (kin-yow-wah)
    dancer (m): kyndaen (kin-dAn)
    dancer (f): kynewen (kIn-wen)
    dancing: kyneyallu (kIn-yah-lU)
    dare/defy: baetheo
    dark: nossue
    dark, black, shadow: krinn, kryn, noss
    dark-, black-, shadow-: kri+nn, kry+n, -noss-
    darker: denoss
    darken: nossdoru
    darkness: denossu
    darkening: nossdes
    dark daughter: keadannes
    dark father: keathaad
    dark lady: keawinn
    dark lord of the forest: klinndarthak, Klyndarth, Kryndark
    dark lord: keanghennue, Keanguss
    dark nature: kaa+inn, kaa+int, +kaa, kaa-
    dark man: keadryn
    dark son: keadinn, keadyn
    dark skinned: kauennue (kah-wen-yA)
    dark spirit, dark natured: keanos (m) keanosa (f) (kA-nOs)
    darkness: krinneu, kryneu
    dark priest: kyfeth
    dark bishop: kyfethak
    dark mage: haghreth
    dark magic, necromancy: haghori
    dark monk: kyfaellek
    dark priesthood: kyfaellakue
    dark soul (m): Nosdreus
    dart, dash, leap: witt
    daughter: onyya (On-yah) Onyya (only daughter)
    daughter of good fortune (f): Elansai
    daughter born of common blood: olrynn
    dauntless (m): marsai, Marsol, (f) risella
    daydreamer: verhos
    dead: kavon, llath
    deadly strike: korlannue
    death: illath, dulath, arghah, omdrass
    deaths: arghahd
    deadly: arghoss
    debate: rhydak
    debt: luth
    debt, in: taluth
    debt, in deep: talsor
    deceit: blaen
    deceitful, dishonest: blaendel
    deceive, to be dishonest: blaendalue
    deceive, betray: blaendarthue
    deceiver (m): sarkusta, Sarku
    deceiver (n): thadllu
    deceptive: ku
    deceitfully, dishonestly: blaendurth
    decipher: wirpasue
    decline: duusem
    declined: duusen
    decompose: samal
    deduce, determine: syfe (sIf)
    deep: llef
    deeper: llefenu
    deep under: llefur
    deep underground: llekfeddienn
    deeper underground: llekfeddiannue
    deer (f), doe: danfon
    deer (f): fael
    defame: ghoghlidd
    defamation: ghoaghir
    defend: nebrydd, nebrhod, rhohaer
    defended: rhohaen, nepysh
    defending: rhogharreth
    defense: rhoghaero
    defense: nepryde (nA-prId)
    defense: ghar, ghur
    defenses: nepynetas (nA-pIn-tus)
    defender, guard: deinedan, dyneadan (dI-neh-dan)
    defenders, guards: deinedun, dyneadun (dI-neh-dUn)
    definite, finite: dupar
    definitive, finiteness: duparu
    deflect: nabuesen
    deflection: nabuesenth
    deflected: nabuesid
    deflecting: nabuest
    deft handed: asai
    degenerate: nargh
    degenerated: narghen
    degeneration: narghu
    delay, hesitate: velwich
    delicate: ellai
    delicate, of: -ellai, -ellai, ell+ye
    delude: veuan, veua+n
    delusional: parku
    demand: lluith
    demanded: lluoth
    demanding: lluwich
    demon: daabul
    demonic: daeabuloa, abul-
    den, lair: gharro
    den, lair: valken
    dent: tolsio
    depart, take leave: madael
    depend: navoa
    depend: braviried
    depend on, dependant: vo
    dependant: navoach
    dependable, reliable: pwill
    depended: navoanen
    depending: navoanst
    depends: navoam
    deprive: amddifed
    deprived: amddiffenn
    deprivation: amddifadu
    descend: duswyn
    descend: haer, haer-, hae+r
    descendent of kings: Uries (yer-ee-es)
    descended: duswynue
    descendant: firden
    descended from great people: pensyfirdannu
    descendant of kings: pensyfirden
    desert: eradri
    desert, arid-land: beddur
    desert beast: keneu
    desert blood: kenen
    desert dweller: kenali, kenhali
    desert dwelling: kenaethue
    desert, from the: kenaeth
    desert, men battling in the: kenhaeafwer
    desert nomad: kennaldi
    desert warrior: kennau
    desire: thaom
    desirable: imrhos
    despot, strong-arm, tyrant, forceful: tirodinn (tEr-O-din), tirien, (tEr-E-en) (m) Tirien, Tyreon (tI-rOn)
    destine: vaaroa
    destitute, poor: tellou
    destitute man: telloudyn
    destitute woman: tellouwi
    destroy: faneu
    devil: kemmet, ameth
    devils, king of, one who is extremely devilish: (m) mahomet, (f) namieth
    disturb: taref
    disturbed: tarfu
    determined: tol, toll, tolk
    determined to build (m): Tolsaer
    devious: bechva
    deviant: bechanue
    devil: draak
    devil, the: Maldraak
    devilish: dryghori (dri-gor-E)
    divide, share: rhonnyyu (rahn-yU)
    did: aeth
    die, perish: margh, omwyr
    differ: ghath
    different: ghaeth
    difficult: anodd
    difficulty: anonnt
    dig, delve: drech, drek
    dignity: urddus
    dignified: urdasu
    dilemna, crisis: arghod
    dim, diminish: v+
    dim light, dusky: valuer
    diminish: steng
    dinner/supper: ankyde
    dinner time: ankyedu
    dining room: athabodwich
    direct: ban
    directed: banen
    direction: banu
    dirt: bauken
    dirt road: baukchau
    dirty: baust
    dis-: tyd
    disagree: ghyfathasu
    disagreement: ghyfathes
    discontent: perdaien, daientai
    discomfort: gysell
    discomforted: gyselltu
    discover, find: darth
    discovery: darthu
    discuss: vae
    disgust: dasbar
    disgusted: dasbarthu
    disinterest: nabothyd
    disown: pertyd
    dispute/doubt: amaut
    disrespectful: sannu
    disturb: illnethu
    disturbed: illnethwar
    divinate: elsech
    divine: elsai
    divine: els+, el+s, els-, el+sai
    diviner: elsemeth
    divine, one of divine ascent: arghillas
    do: ae, aa
    dock: por
    docile, tame, passive: vi, vi+(e)l
    doing: aauwich
    done: aes
    document, notice: aepyrath
    dog (feral): danghos
    dog (wild): hiroa
    domain: arddue (ar-dU-A)
    donkey, ass: dwaan
    doom: ghuldaw
    doomed: ghuldaon
    doomed place: ghuldawen
    dormant: trelluwo
    dormancy: trelluwogh
    doubt: amut
    doubt: kifrenn
    doubtful: kifred
    dour, dire: souru (sow-rU)
    dragon (species): dras
    dragon (animal): fenrod (fen-rOd)
    dragon egg: nymllon (nim-hlon)
    dragon kin: drasghul (drahs-gull)
    dragon kin (informal): drasc (drahsk)
    dragon kin demon: uldras
    dragon (powerful, great): gollvagh (gOl-vahg)
    dragon magic: ymgoll (im-gOl)
    dragon race: penvagh, dras
    dragon (sentient, m): wyrvagh (wEr-vahg)
    dragon (sentient, f): wenvagh (wen-vahg)
    dragonian: pendrasi (pen-drah-see)
    dragon lich: vagheuwyr (vahg-yU-wEr)
    dragon mother: vaghden (vawg-den)
    dragon slayer: brodwyr (brOd-wEr)
    dragon, were-: penwyr (pen-wEr)
    dragon kin, were: pengharu
    dragon young: llonwyr (hlahn-wEr)
    draw, pull back: llin, llindegh
    drawn: llindaghue
    drawing: llinwich
    dream: beddai
    dream-like: beddan
    dreaming: beddanest
    dreamt: beddanen
    dress: wyl
    drew: llinier
    drip, dribble: tlunigh
    drive: shaeffed
    driver: shaeffur
    drives: shaeffoak
    driven: shaeffit
    drop: treosti
    drove: shaeffeo
    drover: shaeffen
    drunken, antisemetic, mel: mel
    dry: syth
    dubiuous: kifrinnu
    dun, murk, gloom: daghul, mek
    dune: beddarue
    durability, lastingness, resiliance: kaaghuloa
    durable, lasting, resiliant: kaaghul
    during: thech, thek
    dusk, nightfall, twilight: nossir
    dutiful: wil, wil+, +will
    dutiful: will
    duty: ghorsedd


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    eager: purghal
    eagerness: purghalu
    eagerly: purghadu
    earnest, truthful, honest: pwilles
    earth, of the: ealsoa
    earthly, of the earth: (m) duaerth, dwaerth
    earth, of the: ihatrue
    easy: kaumpes
    easier: kaumpasue
    easiest: kauernad
    eat: birai
    eating: birwich
    echo: adlaas:
    echo: adlem
    echoed/reflected: adnabau
    echoing/reflecting: adnabwan
    echoing, he whose voice echoes on: adlemass
    echos: adlemeu
    edge, point of: arfinn
    educated: nabredyche (nah-brA-dIch)
    education: nadyne (nah-dIn)
    egg: nym
    elder: siar
    electric: trysden
    electrical: trysdur
    electrical attack: tryswanu
    electricity: trysdanu
    elements: draewi (drA-wE)
    elemental (adj.): druwylidd
    elemental (v): imaghor
    elevate: kiddwych
    elevated, lofty: kiddwen
    elevation: kiddwynas
    elf: elwen
    elf child (m): nelwen
    elf child (f): nelwi
    elf friend (m): aewyne, Aowyne (f) Aowen
    elf (f): elwi
    elf (m): elwen
    elude: sghathru
    elusive, obscure: sghath
    elven (m): elwyn
    elven females: elwidd
    eleven made: elwef
    elven elder: elwek
    elven werewolf (m): elfangh
    elven werewolf (f):elfenn
    elves: elwyfe
    elf, wise (f): Elbethwi, Elbeth
    elf, wise (m): Elwarek, Melmeth
    elf friend (f): Dannwen, Aowyn
    elite: sith
    ehh, expression of uncertainty: i... (ee)
    embark, depart: ghalarue
    embody: phurth
    embodied: firu
    embodiment: firied
    embrace: emad, ema+d, imad, ima+d
    embrace the sea (m): Morumar
    embrace the sea (f): Morwiad, Morwian
    emaciated: tannue
    emminant: rhoth, roath
    emmisary: kueswyn
    empire: tirus
    emperor: tirodaan
    empress: tirowen
    empower: kaath
    empty: ghwahanue
    enemy banner: kochwallue
    enchanted voice: telori
    enclose, envelope: vesh
    encompass: vao+(i)n
    encompassed by: vao+(e)nt
    enemy, foe: mir
    energetic: kydevwen
    enmity, hate: kas
    enormous: kauseth
    envy: aothileddu
    equal: rhu-, +rhu, rh+u
    equality: rhuso, rhuth, Rhuth (f), Rhusoa (m)
    escape: gholkai
    escaped: gholku
    escaping: gholkwich
    escapee: velchai, velkai
    ethical: valemo
    event, occasion: chausryd
    eventually, occasionaly, by and by: seod
    ever: aethen
    ever-blue: eoghlis
    everything: felyeyu (feh-lI-yU)
    everyone: wipech
    evident: moiyyer
    evil, wicked: kaaredak
    evil, embodiment of, true evil: kaarkarue
    ewe (f): phesan
    exalted: aos (A-Os)
    exalted- (names) (f): Aeo-, +aeo (A-O)
    exalted- (names) (m): Ao-, +ao (A-O)
    exalted brother: aodinn, Aodinn (A-O-din)
    exalted lady: aeowen, Aeowen
    exalted man: aowyne, Aowyne (A-O-wIn)
    exalted son: aodynn, Aodyen, Aodyne (A-O-dIn)
    exceptional: rhyen, rhy+en, -aien, -yen, y+an
    exceptional: rhyen, rhy+n
    exceptional fellow (m): Rhyen
    exceptional lady (f): Dyennes
    excite: pedwarr
    excitement-extreme or exceptional excitement: ypedwarran, pedwarraien
    excuse, reason, pretext: esyd
    exhumation: basio
    exhumed: baswyn
    expandable: wynan
    expendable: nep, nep-, +nep, ne+p
    expendable person: nepveu
    expert: arbennikkwir
    exploit: var
    express: vel
    expression: velid
    expressive: vellith
    extend: helai
    extensive: helloth
    extort/bribe: anogh
    extortion: anoghryth
    extraordinary: kasghulae
    eyelids: amrent


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    fae folk: shi, shidwae
    faery (f): mab, ghaf
    faery charm: mabwishiad
    faery mound, faery house: athbodwaef
    faeries: ghoffyn
    face of the beast: wynghar
    face: wyndlas
    fact: phrae, phre
    factual: phredienn
    failure: kighanue
    fair, handsome: adwyn, waelen
    fair place: waelend
    fairly: ghoa
    fair of skin: adwae
    fairness: e+l, el
    fairy men: urkai
    faith: dwiras
    faithful: dwirrenn
    faithful (name) (m): dwyir (dwI-Er) Dwyer
    faithful (name) (f): dywen
    faithfully: dwiranue
    faithful: bethan
    fake, unreal (adj): thasen
    falcon: aderinn
    falcon: adaraa
    falcon: ghosodd-
    fall: hae, hae-, hae+d
    fall for: llefer
    fallen: haeden
    false: phowden
    falsehood: phowdanue
    familiar, companion (n): hedwikk, hedwich
    family emblem: trelluseghul
    far: ghos
    far beneath: llefarue
    far traveled: dalf
    farm: byrch
    farmer: ghedd
    fate, destiny: vaa
    fated, destined: vaar
    father: thaed
    father of kings: urthaades, arthaad
    favor: kynwidd
    favored: kynwiss, kynnwiss
    fawn: faelu
    fealty, devotion: wireth
    fear: ghefes
    feared: ghefech
    fearful: ghefidd
    fearing: ghefeswich
    fear: ghor
    fearless: ghorghan, solgha
    fearless at all times (f): ghorwen
    fearless at all times (m): ghorminn, Ghormen
    feast: biri
    feat, deed, act: wir,-wir, w+ir
    feather: addar
    feathered: addaru
    feeble: di
    feed: birllu
    feirce in nature: adw+an
    feirce/feral one: adwan, fenrien
    fell: haed
    fellow: thue
    fellowship: thueis
    female: rhiel
    feminine, lady-like: kelwenue
    fen, marsh: ghwanku
    ferocious: adwanae, fenwendro
    ferocity: adwanan, : fennhonni
    ferociousness: adwanantu
    festive: taed
    festivity: taem
    feircely: adwanech
    fierce, feral, wild: fenryr, wul-
    fierce retribution: Wulfghar (m) wulf-gahr
    fever: duwad
    feverish: duegh
    fidget: injen, injan
    field: ghweld
    fight: kavo
    fight: omladd
    fight: omla+dd, imlod, omlad
    shapeshifter: imwasgharu
    fighter: kavwen
    fighting: kavwest
    figure: ghwasghue
    find: keffych
    find: evoch
    fine: ghoalue
    final: drua (drU-ah)
    finally: druif (drU-Ef)
    finality: druai (drU-I)
    finality of: dru+inn
    finch (bird): wipp
    finish: deod
    finished: deoden
    finite: druen (drU-en)
    fine: urn
    fiery: kasghul
    fire: kas
    fire: saaethue, kaan
    fire: affritt
    fire breather: kenanue
    fire elemental: ghoriffar
    fire-light: vaus, voss
    first: kynta
    first: anbir
    fish: wysoata
    fish: kiffed
    fished: kiffri
    fisher: kiffroi
    fisherman: kiffwerdd
    fishing: kifferdd
    fisherman, sea: morfired
    fix, repair: maghlue
    flame: svelgh
    flame: kasghulue
    flame: das
    flame, of the: iffrydd
    flames: dasid
    flaming: daswich
    flawed: sillef
    flee: phendir
    flood: llifen
    flooded: llifanue
    flora, plant life: brousta
    fly: adell
    flying: adellwich
    flight: adellu
    flightless bird: meinnghem
    flightless marine bird: meinghamor
    flesh, skin: firn
    fleshy, thick: firnue
    flew: adelaad
    fling, hurl, throw: tafel
    flood: denfinn
    flour: naepom
    flow: aeis
    flowing: aeist
    flower: shaffon
    flowers: shaffonidd
    flower-bud: shaffwyn
    flower-petal: shaffwae
    flowering: shaffwyfe
    flung, hurled, threw: tafelu
    focus: eanigh
    focued (name): Eanegh
    focused: ehanghue
    fold: wenam
    folded: wenamen
    folds: wenamith
    follow: deyfalue
    followed: deyfurn
    follower: deyfarnue
    following (v): deyfaluest
    follower (n): deyfeod
    following(n): deyfreo
    food: bira
    fool: kyth
    for: a/en, aen
    forgive: maddau
    forgiveness: maddeo
    foreign land: kemardd
    foreigner: kemos
    forest, of the: kel+n, Im+n, Y闁炽儲鐛�+n
    forest faery: dreyad (drI-ad)
    forest, from the: klinndurth
    forest valley: erasu, erasuwen
    forever: dathis
    form, shape: phurf
    foot: ghafue
    ford, river crossing: trebasu
    forgiveness, without: klast, emwyrei (em-wEr-I), andallu (ahn-da-lU)
    forget: diblenn, deogh
    forgotten: dianak, deogha
    forgotten, lost: pann
    forgotten paths: pannsoa
    forgotten realm: pannue
    forgetfulness: diblannue, deolwyk
    forgetting: deolyk
    fortified: drinn
    fortress: uesiel
    fortunate: disbath
    found: esvonn
    founder: seki
    four: kifeothok
    fowl: dowfynd
    fragile, delicate: bithwi
    free: rhyde
    free lady: rhydewi
    free man: rhydean
    freedom: rhye
    freedom: rhydeod
    free of cost: rhed
    free spirit: rhaphai
    free spirited: rhaphien
    freed, unbound, untied: rhapho
    friend: kulli, shae
    friendship: kulloi
    friendship: parthue
    friendly: kulwi
    from: lleth
    from a far place (f): ghandainiss, Ghanwinn
    from a far place (m): ghanarda, ghandaen, Ghandinn
    from the forest {m): euen, Euwen (f) Daneuwen
    from the golden fields (m): gwedaen, Gwedaen
    from the golden fields (f): gwennith, Gwenneth
    from the mountains: ealdrith
    from the valley: ealithroa
    from the river: ealsyd (m) Sydd, Illsyd (f) Elyssa, Syddana
    from this place:- aet-
    fruit: ylleth
    fodder: gwemp
    fond: aeoth
    fondness: aeotue
    -ful: -aeth
    full: aethid
    full of one's self: kydevloi
    funny, amusing: kurp
    funny: kifrenek
    furious: ghrighamue
    further/more: aethan
    furnace: fenrod
    furniture: athabodant
    furtive: malurion, merlen
    furtive, elusive: aver
    fury: ghrighem
    future, tomarrow: von, vonn


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    gallant: llem, +llem, ll+em, llen, lle+n, +llen, ll+en
    gallant, valiant (m): Ghaellen, Aellen
    game: kyddegh
    games master: kyddedreth
    gamester, gamer, one who plays games: kyddwen, kedwen
    game bird: kwao
    gap, rift: bullwyd
    garden: ghaerth
    gardener: ghaereth, Ghaereth, Ghaerenn
    gardening: ghaerwich
    gargoyle: enwok, enwogh
    gate: rhod
    gate, close: rhodid
    gate keeper (f): Rhodwen
    gate keeper (m): Penrod
    gate, open: rhodek
    gateway: rhoden
    gateway of wisdom: rhodemeth
    gateways, land of: rhodyne, rhodan
    gather: kyde
    gather: hel, hell
    gathering: kydera
    gemstone: kresiel
    genius: athrillith
    genius: kaes
    genius of strategy: kydfwiried
    gentle: shad, wyfe
    gentleman (name): eabrenn
    gentleman, genteel: som
    get: em
    giant: kauwyyr
    giants: kuwari
    gift: rhodd, rhad
    gifted: rhoss, rhas
    gifted: rhodden
    gifted man: Rhodan, Rhoss
    gifted lady: Rhodianna
    girl: kelikk
    give: belan, belaa
    give not an inch: klast, emwyr, andau
    glen: adell
    gloom: mek
    gloomy land: mektarth
    gloomy area: mekardinn
    glorious: gwenelloa
    gloriously: gwenelsai, gwenelsid
    glory: gwenellas, gwenellid
    glory, battle: gherrethdor, Gherreth, Ghaowir
    glory of battle: gherthdorhi
    glow: illeywi
    go: an
    goad, taunt: dokk
    god: pythanyyas, pyth-
    god, underworld: maho
    goddess: pyan (pE-ahn)
    goddess, underworld: nahi
    go soft: anin
    gone: och, ak
    gone soft: ochin, akin
    goblin: draeugh (drA-oog)
    goat: shaen
    goat, billy: shaendoa
    goat, kid (f): shaendyn
    goat, kid (m): shaendowyn
    goat-like: shae+nt
    goat, nanny: shaennas
    go home: an aelwyd
    going home, to go home: anaelwich
    gold/en-: ery-
    golden haired/golden leaf: edhell, Edhellien (m) imwed, Imwedden (f):
    golden wheat, the fields of: eallenwi
    golden virtue/golden leaves: edhallid (m) imwen (f)
    golden flower (f): genni, Genni
    golden hair: gwinn, Gwenn
    good: dell
    good, decent: dwye+r
    good, pleasant: rhos
    good deed: ebranu
    good will (m): Aebrenn
    goodly: dwyer
    good child: dellue
    good elf: delwyn
    good faery, good fairy: delwaef
    good fortune: lembeth
    good lady: delwi
    good fellow: edwyn
    good hearted woman: edwina
    good humored: avek
    good lady: edwinor
    good natured, one of: wen, dwythe, Danwen (f), Dwyer (m)
    good natured (m): Hason
    good natured (m): Hasowinn, Hasowen
    good son: hasid
    gown: wylaom
    grab/seize: avali
    gracious: rhiel
    gracious lady: Rhiellwi
    gracious host (m): rhiellwyn
    gracious host (f): rhiellwae
    gradual: thid
    grain: naepon
    grain: kifeothogh
    grainery: naepont
    grant, allow, permit: belenn, bel-
    grapple: treo
    grappled: treoso
    grappling, gripping: treost
    grass, green: kynnael
    grass: kynnel
    grassland: kynnen
    grass, dry: kynhennue
    grave: kausk
    graze: porai
    great: mar, ma+r, ghrimha (grE-mah)
    great desire: adwyd, issal
    great eagle: adarra
    great feat: pentwir
    great lord: Marukai, Marieth
    great hoax: markoagh
    greater form: wy-
    great merit: penghrim
    great (in size): aethech
    great deed: arthue
    greater (in size): aethem
    greater than: im, +im, i+m
    greatness (beholding of): arthuru
    greatest (in size): aethent
    great people: dannu, danue
    great power: ghorfoad
    great deer (f): vilai
    great fawn (m): viled
    great fawn (f): vilyth
    great stag (m): vilek
    greed: prof
    greedy: profian
    green: ghriael
    greenery: ghraelu
    greet/address: annurch
    greetings, well met: safenu
    grey: llewidd (loo-wid)
    grey: dior
    grieve, lament: ghephen
    grievous: ghephed
    grim, grave, dour: dath
    grimly, gravely, dourly: dathu
    grind: nadue, neddu
    grope: tengi
    groping: tengai
    group: ka+i
    ground (earth): deo
    grow: ath
    growl: koanek
    growth (in explanation): wye
    growing shallow: basai
    grumble: koanak
    guardian (f): herwikk, herwich
    guardian (m): hedwar, Hedwarr
    guardian: rhon, rho+n
    guide (n): ed
    guided: edfir
    guiding: adfir
    guide, lead the way (v): adfur
    guiltless, he who is: danai
    gust: waethi


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    habitat: trigien
    habitation: trigianu
    hail one: kydesefill
    hair, of silk: elswyn
    half-blood: torfir, torhao, torghir
    half-wit: pokk
    hall: nuath
    halls: nuaaden
    hallowed: thues
    hallowed, born: thue+n
    halt, stop: itael
    halted, stopped: itaelen
    halting: itaelwich
    hamlet: audyn
    hand: eraal
    hand, act with a heavy: klaseraalwir
    hand, magic: aethpwidd
    handed, firm: aethyd
    handed, hard: aethost
    handed, steady: aethon
    handed, strong: aethom
    handsome: asent
    handsome: daerogen
    handsome fellow: darostengh
    handsomest fellow, most handsome fellow: daroswengh
    handsome like the rose: eyndinn
    hangman: mohoanott
    harbor: porghathue
    hard: bront
    hard, tough: krig
    hard to shake: eofel
    hardly: ghoabrin
    hardness: brontu
    hard worker: arshaf
    harem: vaowyn
    harsh, severe: thaen, than
    has: idu
    hatch: nymflng
    hatchling: nymf
    hate: vekpar
    hatred: kasow
    have: idai
    haven: adira
    hawk: kefiss, kefes
    hawk-like: kefissue, kefestue
    hay: kynnersh
    hay fields: kynhershue
    haze: tou
    head, top, arch: pen, penn
    healer (f): Elendria
    healer (m): hebrill, Hibrel
    healing, touch: aethoch
    heart: ghreph, ghreff
    heat: ffritt
    heavy: leu
    heavily: leuth
    her: elsa
    her: rhinn
    her: rhi-, +rhi, rh+i
    her goodness shines (f): Rhinnwi
    heart of the eagle: adarghreph
    hearth: aelwyd
    hearths: aelwyden
    heir: tarho
    Hell: duma (dU-mah)
    Hell, of: dumas (dU-mahs)
    hellish: dum (dUm)
    hello: adasu
    hence-: aech-
    hibernate: lluossek
    hibernation: lluossoa
    hid: dirn
    hide: dirnad
    hidden: hala
    hidden world: hefridd
    hiding: diryllwesk
    hidden: diryllwasku
    high, elevated: uroas, Uros (yer-Os), arth, ur-
    high pitched: altroa
    high place: eltir
    high quality: imwel
    high rank: pendefidd
    high ranking officer: pendethao
    hill: enill
    hills: enygh
    hillside: anill
    hilly: annogh
    his: el
    hoax: koagh
    hold, grip: tre
    hold up, wait: vaek
    hollow: nal-, +nal, na+l
    homes: aelwiddbodid
    honest: kamthill, kamatel
    honor: kamdrinni
    honor, act with: gwinaethai
    honorable: kalled
    honorable man: kamdrinn
    honor: aeryll
    honored: llusegh
    honorable: aerkhyle
    hope: kell, kel
    hope (f): Rhiella
    hopeful: asant
    hopeful: (f) kalli, kali
    hopeful: (m) keli, kelli, Kelliden
    hoping: kelwich
    hopelessly lost: imatim
    horde: vok
    horn: hau
    horn, sharp: haukth
    horned: hauken
    horned creature: trugharhau
    horned menace: haukir
    horrible: karue
    horrible, it is: diotoren
    horrible, terrible: torath
    horror, terror: toran
    horror: karchur
    horse: rhu, ru
    horseman: tiru
    horsemanship: tafirhu
    hospitable: sethir
    hospitality: sathrue
    house: boda
    houses: dynbodid
    household interior: aedorian
    home, hearth: aelwidd
    huge degree: aon
    human: simmiad, simmanu
    humble: sybach
    humbled: sybachu
    humor: karpue
    humorous, witty: karthue
    humming bird: tuwellett
    hunger: braegem
    hungry: braegamue
    hunt: kaf
    hunter: kavas
    huntsman: kavur
    hurry: barhoa
    hurt (v): gwarr
    hurting: gwarwich
    husband: enfyne
    hush: tauella
    hushed, stealthy: tauellu
    hut: kouhau (kow-haw)
    hyper: kydevegh


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    I am: iaath-
    I am here: irthai
    I am not: irshal
    I, me: iaa
    if: said, syd
    ignorant, obtuse: naen
    ill-got, ill gotten: bulau
    illogical: rhesghul
    illusion: veuai
    image: veua
    image: gholwyngh
    imagine: ghosstwenn
    imagination: ghosstwyng
    imbecile: imdegh
    immerse: tris
    immortal: shennon
    immortality: shennonue
    impersonal: tylathu
    impertinant, smart-ass: lloaski
    impetuous, impulsive: kirval
    important: wesigh
    impose, force: ghorfodd
    impose: tasai
    impose a tax: taswyn
    impossible: daeyyu
    impress: arghraef
    impress: arghaer
    impressive: arghreph, ghul
    impressive (m): arghreff, ulghduin, ymghul, uldrasces (ul-dra-seez)
    impressive (f): gelghreff, elghduain, moryghul, drhuelyss (droo-el-ess)
    in: dial, di-
    incinerate: fenue
    incinerate them: trigfanu
    incite: warr
    incredible, fantastic, terrific: kauth, kauen, kausan
    indignation: soriun
    inexpensive: rheph
    infallible: Merich, Merik
    infamous, notorius: kaarlem
    infinite: dumar
    infinitive: dumaru
    infinite: para
    influence: ghrim
    influential, powerful: ghrima
    -ing: +wich
    ingenius: kaesan
    injure: kaued
    injured: kauten
    injury: kautanue
    injury: anef
    injure/lament: aneffas
    injustice: ghydweld
    inn, shelter: aaden
    innocent: duwai, duwye
    innocense: danai
    insane, crazy: karfaghlue
    insect: kraff
    insect-like: kraffue
    insight: elsen
    insightful: elseneth
    insignificant degree: oa
    insist: hir, hir-, hi+r
    insisted: hiren
    insisting: hirwich
    instant: hirbar
    instability: anaudalu
    instability, unpredictability: denghalu
    insult, offend: sen
    instruct: bantha, banthu
    intelligent: kaesor
    intelligent: pendal
    intend: aven
    intend to: avanti
    intention: avanue
    intense: sar
    intensely: sarnu
    interest: naboath
    interested: naboathen
    interesting: naboast
    intrepid, daring: arell
    intrepid (m): Tresarien
    intuitive (f): elswen, Elswen
    intuitive (m): elswyne, Elwyne
    intuitive: hael
    intuition: haelue
    invincible, invulnerable: shennok, arghir
    invincibility, invulnerability: shenneom, aghiru
    iron: ekaerd
    is: o, oa
    island: kaapul
    islander: kaaula
    it: di
    item: petaen
    it is: dio


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    jack rabbit: naapeku
    jailer: hasodd
    jaw, mouth: saf
    jerk, yank: bied
    jest: thadwi
    jested: thadwyf
    jesting: thadwich
    jester, court: masghuloa
    jog: napwai
    jogged: napwen
    join: pyde
    joy: dal
    judgment: barn
    judge: barnue
    jump, leap: drauloa
    jumped, lept: draulwoch
    jump to: draulwof
    jumping, leaping: draulwom
    jump over: draulwoth
    jungle: imwyyr


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    keen: ghaer
    keenness: ghaeru
    keen wits: ghardlau
    keen witted: ghardlu
    keen eyes (f): Elsbeth
    keen eyes (m): Elsidd
    keen vision: elsidd
    keep: thwye
    keeper: thwyfe
    keeping: thwyewich
    keeps: thyke
    kept: thweyen
    keep the peace: ghlyseiad
    kettle: tague
    kitchen: teg, tek
    knew: timmeth
    key: tras
    kill: kaed (kAd)
    killer: kaedai (kA-dI)
    killer: llathveu (hloth-vyU)
    kill swiftly: llathreth (hloth-reth)
    kin: kein (kIn)
    kindred: keinnen (kI-nen)
    king: urieth, artho
    kingdom: ureth, arthue
    kingdom in flames: ghorghiffridd
    king's man: ardden, Aerudyne
    king's servant (m): aroas, Aeros
    kingly: urian, arthur, Urian, Arthur
    kingly, high, noble: fenrigh, Phenrigg
    kitten: kuunoi
    knight: ketul
    knight errant: kehwesegh
    knighthood: kehwasghue
    knightly: kehwelled
    knightlyness: kehweladue
    knighthood: arghadinn
    knight of swords: thaedeom, thaedeon
    knock, bang, pound: taaro
    know: timm
    knowing, knowledgable: timmor
    knowing, all: timmorfel
    know it all: timmon


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    labor, strive: gwaehurth
    lady: wenn, -wenn, +wen
    lady of court: penwen
    lady of the field: adelaath
    lady of virtue: gwenalwi, Gwenalai
    lady who sings with a beautiful voice: Ellenwi
    lake: llynn
    lake: llonn
    lamb: keegh oaen
    lamb: pheswi
    lamp: vaul
    lance, stab, impale: braadue
    lancing, stabbing: braadst
    land: tar, -dor, imladd
    land beyond (the afterlife): immridd
    land of dreams (the true world) immridd
    land of war: imladdinn
    land owner: phurf
    landmark: petraas
    landmark: petraasek
    landscape: tirluen
    language: daenen, -daen, daen-
    language, of the dragons: ghriddaen (grih-dAn)
    lantern: vaud
    large degree: aom
    last: kaadu
    last born: dwyfe
    lasting, long lasting: kaem
    last: par, pa+r
    last count: parhaw
    lasts: pardu
    late, tardy: wid
    launch: tuwell
    law keeper: uedijen
    law officer: uetijanu
    law abiding, lawful: hasai
    lawful man: hasan
    lawful women: hasonyya, haswen
    lawkeeper: hasim
    leader: ardanna (f)
    leader: arwaen, ardaen (m)
    leadership: theoch
    leaf: kres
    league: dor
    leagues: dell
    leave: ghadal
    leaves: kreshid
    leaving: ghadalwich
    learn: nabythan
    learning: nabethest
    learned: nabethanen
    learn from the past: ghorphenn
    learn from the past (m): Ghorphen
    leave home: aedyn boda
    leaving home: aedyn bodwich
    left: gadoui (gah-dow-wE)
    legend: avllu
    legendary: avlluid
    legend: ghoaganu
    legendary: ghoaghan
    legendary dragon: wyrdraek
    legendary in battle: gherethir, Gherethir
    legion: turai
    lend: rhoi
    length: ghaphech
    lengthen: ghaphim
    less: aathai
    letter: pesh
    level, even: haed
    level headed: haem
    liberty: rha
    library: ganaos
    lich: duhagweit
    lie: meddeli
    lier, pretender (n): thadlau
    like, similair to: tru
    life: enor, imad
    lift up: urikk
    lifted up: Urikk
    lift: bes
    lifted: besen
    lifting: best
    light: isslyn
    light: eluer
    light (weight): boak
    lightly: boaksek
    lightness: boaksaku
    lightning, thunderbolt: taren
    light the candle: llumiadue
    limit, maximum: biethai
    lilt, dulcet: tel, tell
    lion: ghatoa
    listen: shwal
    listening: shwalue
    little: baech
    little boy: baem
    little girl: baenas
    living: ent
    lizard: vas
    lizard, great: krinnvas, Krenvas (m)
    lock: kestedal
    lock (n): wirghes
    lock (v): wirghas
    locked, secured: wirghasue
    lock it up: kestadalue
    logic: aethech
    logic, sense: rhes
    logical: rhesmeghis
    lonely: rhoak
    loneliness: rhoaketh
    long: ghaphai
    long-arm of power: tirodein
    longer: ghaphed
    longest: ghaphor
    long stride: ghafwyd
    longer: aethant
    long lasting: paroad
    look: shen
    looking: shennyme
    loose, detached: taech
    lounge: athabodan
    lord: deos (dE-Os)
    lordly: deoth (dE-Oth)
    lore: ari
    lore master: telari
    loser: kighesghal
    loss: kighasghlue
    losing: kighlo
    lost: kighloi
    lost: dydwen
    lost, get: dydem
    lost: imat
    lot: lau (law), laa (lah)
    loud: taro
    love: talir
    low: basaanoa
    lower: basaat
    lowest: basaad
    loyalist: haeslanue
    luck: ando
    lucky: andau
    lunatic: loaregh
    lunatic: rhenn


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    mad dog: ghohiroa
    made: erad
    mage: uriendor
    magic: urienghor
    magical: eughori
    magician (name): Urien
    magician (n): urian
    maiden: rhiaan
    maiden: kellwen
    main: ben
    main road: chawiben
    magic trick: durbyni
    make: ad
    make: eill
    maker: eredfan
    make a mark: ardrinn, ardren
    make unreal, fake (v): thasendo
    male (animal): sal
    male (person): oas
    major, arch: magh, magh-, +maegh, +magh
    majorly: maghue
    male (dragon): sog (sOg)
    malice: shaad
    man: daen (dAn)
    man-beast: wer, waer
    man of court: penwyn, pendaen
    man of merit: Naethan, Naethen, Naethon
    man of virtue: ghowenad, Eanedd, Ghowen, ghowenaeth
    man of solace: ghowaen, Ghowaen
    man who sings with a charming voice: Riaeldyn, Ghilriael
    manipulate: dureth
    manor, large home, home of a wealthy person: tirden
    many: aed
    many-: aed-
    march: deth
    mark, stamp, imprint: ryth
    marked, stamped, imprinted: rythen
    marking, stamping, imprinting: rythwich
    mark: hunn
    marked: hund, hu+d
    marked darkly: hurid
    marker: hyyunen
    masculine: sokk, soch
    massacre: ghowirsaf
    massacred: ghowirsefell
    master: kamfurn
    mastery: kamfarnue
    master: markuss, Markes
    mastiff: imdanghos
    mate: oa+s
    mate: oadae
    maze, labyrinth: silph
    meanwhile: traaenu
    meat: keegh
    meditate: synnue
    medium, middle: midd
    meet: ty+n, ty+nn
    meet with: eltyne
    mellow, tame, passive: koall
    mellow, tame, passive disposition: kallfurn
    mellowed, tamed: kalli
    melt: teleos, telos
    melted: telosen
    melting: teleoth
    member: pyth
    memory: athasue
    men: danyn (dan-nehn)
    men, many: dyevaeu (dI-vA-yU)
    mentor: oaghamue (O-gah-mU-wA)
    mercenary: valenti
    mercenary (m): Valen, Vaelen
    merchant: masnak
    merchandise: masnaku
    merely: deffroa
    merit: naeth
    merry: dalef
    merry heart: dalfen (m) Dalphen
    merriment: dalennu
    messiah: maedri
    messianic: maedrue
    met: tyeneth
    metal: kaerd
    methodical: tefalu
    mighty: asom
    mighty: kael
    might: kaab, drasces (dra-seez)
    milk: llaef
    milky: llaefue
    mill (to grind grain): naepwae
    mill (building): napwaef
    miller: naepwyn
    mindful (name): Edreth
    mindful: edrydd
    mindfully: adrodd
    mine: goffardd
    miner: goffen
    minion: haeslen
    mirage: veued
    mirth: dauf
    mirthful: daufen
    mischief: emp
    mischievous: empias
    miss: mestor
    missed: mestoren
    missing: mestorist
    missing in action: mestoria
    mist, of the: karnu
    mist: karn
    mistake: phoi
    mistake of youth: llanastrue
    mix breed, mutt, mongrel: sireth
    molten: taufritt, kaantau, kastau
    momentum: tros
    monkey: simanu
    monkey-like: trumanu
    monsoon: imdenn
    monster: gholagh
    monsterous: gholyeghas
    monstrosity: gholyegha
    moor: rhaos
    moors: rhaosid
    moorland: rhaosard
    moral: mos
    more: ead
    more: ies, +ies, ir, -ir, ir-
    morning: math
    morsel, snack: gholkaist
    most: -ias, i+as, i+ad
    most: iasue
    mother: miri
    motion: jen-, +jen, -jen
    mound: pyr
    mount (n-m): dan
    mount (n-f): dam
    mountain: esghaer
    move, shift: shefes
    moved, shifted: sheffid
    moving, shifting: shefest
    move: gn
    moved: gnen
    movement: gnai
    movement: gnai-, +gnai, gn+ai
    moving: gnwich
    move forward: troso
    much, great: ichi, -ichi
    muck: gwan
    mucky: gwanue
    mud: gwar
    muddy: gward
    murder: kavech
    murky: kathalyyu
    murky, gloomy, murkiness, gloominess: dagheth, meku
    multiple, mix: sir
    multiplicity, mixed: siran
    muscular, brawny: kenkor
    muscle, brawn: kankoro
    musician (f): telynwi
    musician (m): telyeoas, Athelos
    muzzle: sefall
    my: ith
    my son: ith dyne
    my sons: ith idyne
    mystery: druor


    Nav Home
    naive, overly trusting: kamarlluani
    narcotic: mesghul
    nation: imdannu
    natural: kurethed (kur-eth-ed)
    natural cycle: kurethyeten (kur-eth-I-ten)
    nature: kura
    near: gher
    necromancer (f): haghrue
    necromancer (m): haghredd
    needless: died
    needlessly: diadue
    negative: shyff
    negative case: na, na-, +na
    negotiate: kal
    negotiation: dekalu
    nerve, cannot be shaken: eofalue
    nest: imryss
    never: ves
    never forget: vesdeogh
    nevermind: vesoth
    never blind: eoghen
    never blinded: eoghanue
    nervous movement: kydevollengh
    new: birha
    next: nell
    night: noss
    nightmare: verhenn
    nightmares (conqueror of): Veren (m)
    nimble: ghell
    no: shaeai
    no: do
    noble: urddesaul, wyrdaogh
    nobleman: tirdaaos
    noble lady: marweneth
    noble lady of wisdom: Aeobeth
    noble man of wisdom: aometh, Aometh
    nobility, of noble lineage: eldras
    nobility, regalness: kaantue
    noble stock, of: aeo-
    noise: turo
    noisy: turoth
    noodles: rhamen
    not: shal, shaet
    noticable degree: aodd
    notify: kwoa
    notification: kwue
    notified: kwoasai
    notoriety, fame: kaarlamue
    now: ich, -ich
    nudge, urge: ped
    number: ifed


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    oak: duru, dru
    oak tree: durwyn, druwyn
    oath: llued
    oath, pledge an: anllued
    oath, break an: llufenn
    oath, destroy an: llufaneu
    obediant: kuedir, kudir
    obediant (m): Kuedok, kudoch
    obediant (f): Kudano, Kudwinn
    obey: kueth, kuth
    object: petaek
    oblige, compel: ghorfoad
    obscure: ghynnoss
    obscured: uudunaghen
    obstinate: nelsai
    occupation: mas, mas-
    ocean: myeor
    ocean, lives by the: Morwir
    odd: ghaed
    of: sai, sy
    of: sy, sai (sI)
    off: weth, wedd
    offensive: senth
    ogre: ophen
    oil: troch
    oil lamp: trochvau
    old: kryntesh, wynta
    old (f): wina, wi
    old (m): wyntae
    oldness: kryntashue
    omen: soreth
    on: ot
    one who is-: +diad, di+ad
    one whose: diard
    one who works the land: arddithwir
    ones: yyuidd
    only: deffrye
    open: ymsed
    oppose: shyre
    opposite: shyte
    oppress: lleth
    oppressive: llathrue
    or: ligh
    oracle (f): Elsameth
    oracle (m): Sameth, Elydyn
    orange: dwyelue
    ordeal, trial: sorri
    order: arkyde, kyde
    organize: ghalar
    organized: ghalaren
    organization: ghalaru
    otherworld: hefritt
    ouch: ych
    our: pech
    out: thas
    outdoors, outside: thasai
    outting: thaswich
    oven: potho
    over: lli
    overly, unreasonably: luwani
    owe: talue
    owe nothing: talghron
    own, possess: per


    Nav Home
    pact: vaethid
    pain: gwared
    pained: gwaren
    pain, cause: gwarghem
    pain, cause of: gwarghamue
    painful: gwarantue
    paladin: kyfenn
    paladin order: kyfannue
    paper: pyrn
    part: minn
    party, group: minnghiel, minnghial
    parchment: pyra
    passiveness, tameness: koallfarnue
    passivity: naf, na+f, +naf
    past: ghorphas
    passion: ghorlluth
    path: soan
    patient: amyn
    patient: na+i, nao+i
    patient, coldly: amynethghir
    patience: amynei
    patiently: amyneeth
    patio, veranda: ideyo
    pause: bal
    pay: tal, ta+l
    pay with blood: talfiri
    peace: hethwech, llonweth
    peaceful: ghlanaf
    peacekeeper: eregor, Ghirtheod, Ereghor
    peak: esghoth
    pebble: ghron
    penalize, condemn: dadleu (dahd-lay-oo)
    penetrate: sal
    penetrative: sarn
    people: veud, -veuen, vaeth
    perch: don
    perfect (adj): san
    perfect (v): arellu
    perfection: arelluwen
    perfection: iden
    perhaps, maybe: bathoa
    peril: ghoth
    perilous: ghothfel
    permit: vaethem
    permit entry: trosbelsyd
    perpetual, continuos: paroad
    person: veu, vae
    personal: lathu
    phase: darho
    philosopher: nabeeth
    philosophy: nabeethomae
    piece, part: rhonn
    pierce: saeth
    pig, swine: dregh
    pig herd, swine herd: aedrek
    piracy: mohoanon
    pirate: mohoanoch
    pirate ship: moswich
    pit: kaath
    pitiless: rhidama
    pity: damken
    pitied: damsengh, damsangh
    pitiful, pathetic: damkanue
    place: athabodyd
    place (to put): braegh
    place: -llinn
    place: imm-, +imm, +dinn, +inn
    placed: braeghue
    placement: braeghlia
    placid, tranquil: rhosir
    placing: braegliast
    place where elves dwell: elladdwen, Elladdwinn
    plain view, in: amlek
    plan, plot: ichwi
    plant: broust
    planular gateway: imdarho
    pleading/sobbing: bekaust
    please: koalfachue
    please, easy to: koafwaeni
    pleased: koalfech:
    pleasant: koafienn
    pleasantness: koafiannue
    pleasing: koafwaenyth
    plop: dywed
    plopped: dywel
    plopping: dywalue
    plotter: nichwi
    plough: aredigh
    plucked string: twyngh
    period: adegg
    poet/bard: aewyn
    poetic: aewynu
    poetry: aewyyd
    point: dyfeinn
    pointed: dyfeir
    polearm: dyekel
    polearms: dyekelidd
    polished: ghrann
    poor, bad: draugh
    poor loser, sore looser,: kighyfonlluid
    pop: wynal
    pork: keeg moach
    possess: ghrem
    possessed: ghremen
    possessing: ghremwich
    possessive: ghremial
    possible: thueasi
    possible (all things are): thuaswyne
    possibility: thuwaswyne
    possibly: thuisech
    possibly: bathue
    pot: tegul
    power: druas
    power: kaa
    powerful: druir
    powerful: kad, keida
    pray: kyfarparue
    predict: haeth
    predictable: haen
    prepare: ereth
    prepared, ready: eris
    preserve: saku, sachu
    preserved: sakun, sachun
    pretense: delrikk
    pretty: darllu
    pretty child: mollienn
    prophecy: maedirue
    prophetic visions: maedir
    priceless: trellu
    pride: ynokk
    prison, dungeon: kerhydd
    prison: hasek, hasech
    prisoner, captive: kerhaeth
    prison cell: koerem
    prison warden, warden: kerem
    privateer: mohoanoff
    progress: wich-
    project: sijred
    projection: sijrellued
    promise: addyyu (ad-yU)
    prompt, sudden: delai, de-
    prompt, on time: delaam
    prompting: delest
    promptness, suddenness: deled
    promptly, suddenly: delek
    progress, make progress: ad thekrau
    property: aediran
    prosper: lluyn
    protect: kys
    protective wall: paroak
    proud: ynid
    proud man: dynevan
    provoke: pedir
    public speech: meddiannue
    pull: biedoa
    pulp: erfeni
    pulverized: erfen
    pupil/apprentice: nabeethoth
    pure: ebrenn
    purity (f): gwenelled, gwenellen
    purity (f): Rhiann
    pyramid: driydd


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    quality: wel
    quarry: edalig
    quarry, prey: vaowich
    queen: danaeo
    queen's servant: Danaeros
    queenly: dannar, Dannar
    queer, strange:
    query, inquire:
    quick, fast, fleet, swift: braagus
    quick, hurry: des
    quickly, hurry up: desta
    quiet: dillen
    quietude: dillanweth
    quietness: dillanwethdu
    quite: naes


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    rabbit: naapek
    radiant: lluer
    radiance: lluar
    race: dengho, den-, -den, -den-
    rage, fury: gorafel
    rain: den, denn
    rain shower: thidenn
    rain-soaked: dengiss
    ram (m): pheseg
    rampart: garddeo
    ranger: aroas
    rascal, imp: vodd
    rat: meks
    rat, giant: meksue
    rate, equate, score: rhus
    raven (f): wenvel
    raven (m): velak
    raving mad: gorfalwich
    raze, burn: nath-, +nath, na+th
    realize: naewidd
    realm: nue
    reasonable: aethan
    reason: aethant
    recall: daeth
    recalled: daethan
    recalling: daethech, daethost
    recluse, hermit: wyrvo
    rectangle: petrid
    recite to/relate: roathuir
    recognition: naewom
    recognition, to receive: naewont
    recognize: naewon
    recognize: naeu
    recognized, to be: naewoch
    recognizing: naewost
    recollection: daethai
    red: braeth
    redness: braethue
    reflect: laewirku
    reflect: ver
    reflection: laewirkyde
    refract: veuak
    refrain: padloa
    refuse: gometh
    refuse: gormeth
    refute: gormidd
    regal, noble: kaan
    reinforce: atgefanyyu
    release: rhyddhau
    relief: rhyddhad
    reluctant, hesitate: velwyd
    reknowned: penddur
    reknowned warrior: Penduran
    relate: napech
    relate to: napem
    related to: napen
    relation: napent
    relative: napur, kyne
    relate: kynehar, kynenar
    related: kynehes, kynenes
    relative: kynewis, kynnewiss
    relative to-: kyenegi-
    relative of-: kyneneg-
    relax: athau
    relaxing: athost
    relaxed: athes
    relaxation: athase
    relent, submit: imadael
    relief: hebryng
    relieved: hebrillwyng
    religion: kyfathes
    religious: kyfathasue
    rely: hanue
    remain, tarry, linger: komyr
    remain, stay, don't move: keur
    remaining: keuroth
    remained, stayed: keurok
    remarkable: kall, kallae
    remember: athoff
    remembering: daethwen
    remote: pell, pel-, -pel, p+el
    remoteness: pelue
    renounce: vaethan
    renew: llith
    report: roathaed
    reproach, scorn: dir
    reputation: nelseu
    reputations: nelsid
    repute: nelsek
    reputed: nelsen
    reputed (f): Nelswen
    reputed (m): Nelson
    research, investigate: vauken
    researcher, investigator: ulvauk, vaulken
    resemble: tebeg, teb-, -teb
    resent: segor
    resentful: segar
    reserve: saako
    reserved: saakon
    resident, inhabitant: trig
    resolution: goddwed
    resources: abanid
    resources: napees
    resourceful: napeesk
    respect: penz
    respected: pend
    respectable: gregorian
    respond, reply: rhao, -rao, ra+o, rao-
    resourceful: adnaebue
    resourcefulness: abasu
    resolve, solve: megis
    rest: athlloa
    restless: illneth
    rest: brefad
    rested: brefaered
    resting: brefaerst
    rested: kwonndai
    restful: kwonn
    restless: kaidd
    restless heart: kaidann
    restlessness: kaidda
    retaliate: kirrhag
    retaliation: kirheo
    retoric: rhedeg
    retorical: rhidegi
    retreat: kerhalg
    retribution: fgar (fA-gar)
    return, send back: rhag
    return from: adfer
    returning/coming back from: adfest
    reverant: beathyd
    revere: beath
    revery: beathech
    revive, restore: lliath
    revolt: argai
    revolution: arguss
    revolutionary: argyle
    rich land: gwaehardd
    ride: shaef
    rider: shaefas
    ridden: shaeffai
    rides: shaeffek
    ridge: esid
    ridicule: driflan
    ridiculed: driflenn
    riding: shaefwyd
    right: hau
    right of passage: trasbelanu
    ripe, mature: athfeod
    ripen, mature: athfedue
    risen: +gill, g+ill
    rite, ritual: taen
    rival, opponant: voth
    river: torhi
    river bank: torlinn
    road: chous
    roar: rhuar
    robber, bandit: mohoani, Mohoni
    robe: tasekk, tasech
    rock, stone: kaabul
    rock: dagas
    rocky: dagasue
    rocky shore: traak
    rode: shaefodd
    rogue: mohoan, Mohon
    roost, nest: dom
    rope: rhaath
    rot: annwilla
    rot, decay: wenarg
    rotten, decayed: wenargen
    roughness: krefftir
    rough ground: nedeo
    rough hands (m): Eaned
    rough hewn: krefftaura
    round: gembul
    routing, plotting a course: chawichwi
    royal: theo
    royal blood: theod
    rugged: , bryllien
    rugged man: Daenedan
    ruins: hallion
    rumble: rhuag
    ruse: thad
    rush, hurry: vul
    ruthless: krell
    ruthless (f): geowa, Dangeowa
    ruthless (m): geoma, Argeoma
    ruthless, one who is: krellwyn
    reverberate: nabwano
    reverberation: nabwasy
    reverberated: nabwasech
    reverberating: nabausem
    riddle: nabuwyd
    rope: thasu
    rose: waenem
    rose bush: waenan
    rose scent, rose oil: waeninn
    roses: waenid
    run: braeue (brA-yU)


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    sacred: imdiel
    sacred, magical: tu
    sacrifice: rhimen
    sacrificial: rhimanta
    sad, sorrow: geph
    safe, protected: idech
    sage: edwyne
    sage (name): Edwen
    sagacious: edurien (ed-yuri-enn)
    said: medd
    sail: galanas
    sailed: galfwyn
    sailer: galfon
    sailing: galfwi, galfwich
    salmon: aog
    salt: kured
    salty: kuredue
    sanctuary: kaesio
    sand: beddai
    sandy: beddyde
    satin: wiss
    satiny: wist
    satisfaction: rheth
    satisfy: rhathu
    saturated: giss
    savage: thuokk
    savage, born: thuodd
    savagely: thuost
    savageness: thuonn
    savagery: thuomm
    save: sak, sach
    say, says, speak: medd
    scale: kaamen
    scaled: kaamendig, dras, dross
    scaly: kaamenddwinn
    scarce: prinn
    scarcely: prinnu
    scavenge: gwastraffue
    scavenger: gwathwar
    scholar: banven
    scream: kaafnio
    scrutinize: gwasgarue
    scrutiny: gwasgarue
    scout (v): Idfred
    scout (name): eadfred
    scroll: pythor
    scroll: igam
    sea: mor
    sea, by the: samor
    seafaring (f): morwen
    seafaring (m): morwarr
    sea, of the (m): Morgenn
    seamstress: maura, Maura
    search: sedd, godd
    season: tivhas
    second: kenn
    second-: kenn-
    secret, private: narn
    sedate, quiet, calm: vaust
    see: shennych
    seek an end: goddwedd
    seeking an end: goddwich
    seer: shenneth
    seed: keled
    seedling: keleth
    self-sacrifice: rhintu
    senate, parliment: suana
    servant (f): gauswinn
    servant (m): dengaus
    servant: gausan, gausen
    servant, young: gauswyne
    serve: gauwyn
    served: gausech
    serving: gauwich
    settle, sort out: gwasog
    shade: dag
    shadow realm: imdagu
    shady: dagu
    shall: duaa (dU-A)
    shall not: duaath (dU-Ath)
    shall not: neshaled
    shallow: basek, basu
    shallow: basu
    shallower: baseki
    shallowest: basam
    shallows: basaan
    shark: morgath
    sharp: ven, vinn, feinn
    sharpen: veniasue
    sharply: venai
    shore: imhrys
    surround: vao, va+o
    sharp tongue: taeven
    sharp sound: kefen
    sharp eyes: shennen
    sharp-tooth: maeko
    sharp teeth: maekid
    she: rhia
    shed: tyrch
    sheep: phasgue
    sheep farm: phasnoa
    shield/cover: nabueswyne
    shield of valor: eolaeth, eolith
    shift: seti, ti-, +seti, se-ti, seti-
    shift direction: sheffych
    shimmer, glow: illiad
    shimmering: ilaswich
    shine, shimmer: ila, ilas
    ship: galan
    shipping: galanwich
    shit: kwemp
    shit (little), punk: kwempo
    short: pekk
    should: nelen
    should not: neshalo
    shrewd: gwasgar
    shrewdness: gwasgur
    shrink, whither: buent
    shrinking, whithering: buest
    shrub: kreshue
    shrunk, whithered: buese
    shrunken, whithered: buesech
    sick: hepao
    side: tri
    sides: triydd
    sign: siaugul
    signature: siaugloa
    silent: shau
    silence: shauen
    silently: shausai
    silent strides: eolleng
    silk: eloa
    silken, silkiness: eloak
    silky: elo-
    silly: daulf
    silliness: dowid
    silliest: dafir
    silly person/creature: dauf
    silver (n): arienn
    silver (color): myr
    silvery: myreth
    similairity, likeness: bogamue
    simple: kaumen, kau
    simplicity: kaumanue
    sinew: kenhed
    sing: llenwith
    sings with a beautiful voice (f): llenwi, len+wi
    sings with a beautiful voice (m): +riael, riael-, ri+ael
    sincere: purth
    sinuous: kenhadue
    sire (v): tadd, thadd
    sire (n): taddek, thaddek
    sired: taddu, thaddu
    siring: taddenth
    sired daughter: taddwen
    sired son: taddin, Thaddi
    sister: danna
    skirt: wid
    sky: aewir
    slave: gausai
    slayer: kavodd
    slayer (f): geowar, Argeowen
    slayer (m): geodar, Argeodar
    sleep/asleep: athllu
    sleep, asleep, sleeping: kenllefen
    slept: kenllefanue
    slender: aseat
    slender: dawinn
    slender: gaed
    slenderness: dawich
    slice: chaes
    sliced: chaethsin
    slicing: chaewalu
    slide, drag: maumiel, maumial
    slime: kipiel
    slimy: kipial
    slime: gwes
    slime, foul: gwesgir
    slimy: gwasgarue
    slip, slide: sgrialu
    slip: sti-, +sti
    slippery: sgriel
    sloth, lazy: malue
    small: -baeg, man-, ma+n (mahn), baet (bAt), bit (bEt)
    smoke: surn
    snow: gira
    slow: araaf
    slow down: araafu
    slowed down: arfarnue
    slowing down: arfuirn
    slug: emalu
    sluggish, languid: emaleth
    smart: llaeg
    smart move: llaegue, llaegadu
    smart answer: llaeged
    smell: imwan
    smooth: graesh
    snake, serpent: nag-, +nogg, na+g
    snare, trap (v): telam
    snare, trap (n): talamu
    snub, disrespect: senn
    so: om
    soap: telk
    soapy: telkue
    sob: sgwelken, sgwelkan
    sober, serious: odyrn
    sober fellow: dyro, derai
    soberly, seriously: dyrnue
    soft: in, -in, +in
    softly: inni, -inni,+inni, in+in
    soil, rich: gaesh
    solace: gwaen
    soldier: duran
    soldier of fortune: penddarue
    son of good fortune (m): Elros
    son of kings: urdyneus, Ardyne
    sorrow: tristan
    sort, type, kind: gal
    sorts, types: galid
    sour: subech
    source: tareth
    source, the: tarethu
    spawn: waith
    speech: meddienn
    spread: hull
    spring: paagen
    square: petryde
    squirm, wriggle: wep
    stabbed: thaedir
    stairs: methos
    stairway: methenien
    stallion of a herd: pentiru
    stalwart, brawny, strong: torh, haagir, hagg-, ha+g
    stand by: illien
    stand for: illion
    stand up for: llifen
    stand fast: elek
    stands fast: el+ek
    stands fast, he who (name): Elrek
    stag: fasal
    stall: imbal
    start: gafelech
    starting: gafelawich
    steady hand: eregaen
    steady handed (f): eruwinn, Eruwinn
    steady handed (m): eregonn, Eregonn
    stealth: taael
    stealthily: taeyn
    steel: duren
    steel band: durth
    steel reinforced: sekdurth
    step: drata
    stepping: dratawich
    sticky, adheres to: guweld
    still: syke, syche, -syke, syke-, s+yke
    stillness: sykeue
    stone: dagus
    stoniness, stony: dagusu
    stone wall: gurdd, roak
    storm: duwir
    storm cloud: duth
    storm elemental (m): tryedar
    storm elemental (f): tryewen
    stormy: duwaer (dyU-wAr)
    stove: pothi
    stumble: napoa
    sturdy: hilo
    sturdy: he-, heo-, he+o
    submit: kuedoa, kudo
    submissive: kuethoa, kutho
    sulk: sorai
    summon, call, beckon: tuch
    summoned, called, beckoned: tuchen
    summoner, caller: tuchan
    superior rank: treloch, Trelokk (m) (tray-lahk)
    support, brace: hauwda
    supported, braced: hauwden
    surrounded: vaod
    surrounding: vaost
    suspicion: hafue
    suspected: hafen
    suspect: haf
    small: naepyde
    small: vyeen
    small: bue
    small, the-: -bue
    smaller: bues
    smallest: buen
    small bird: adarwaen
    small child: baubanue
    small degree: oach
    smaller: naepythe
    sneak: shauni
    sneaking: shwennek
    sneakiness: shweneku
    sneaky: shauna
    snuck: shauenta
    sofa: athabodam
    soft: bethem
    softness: bethenue
    softly: bethen
    son: dyn (dIn)
    son born of common blood: aelredd
    son of the sea: Mordyn
    song bird: adarwyn (m), adarwen (f)
    speak: kwoeth
    speaking: kwoethost
    spear (noun): kren
    spear (verb): krebech
    speared: krebachue
    spearman: krendyne
    spearmen: krendaan
    special: arbennig
    speculate: nabid
    speculated: nabiden
    speculation: nabidem
    speculating: nabidest
    speculative: nabidir
    spike: kemven
    spiky-: kem+ven
    spider: athaeper
    spider: karoa
    spider-like: karganue
    spider, venomous: athaeped
    spider bite: athaepet
    spider web: athaepeo
    spirited: adlwi
    spirited: kurk
    spirit: kureth (kur-eth)
    spite: sauth
    spiteful: saudai
    spite, an act of: sodia
    spill: kelch
    spilt: kalchoa
    spoil: anwill
    spoken: kwoyyuwyn
    spring, artesian: andellu
    sprout: kelathue
    spy: atroi
    spying: atroist
    squander: silfeu
    squeak: sgwi
    staff: gemri
    stalwart: *
    stamp: ardryd
    stand: kurth
    standard, banner: kochwelth
    stand-off: kurwikk
    star: seruss
    starting: ad thekruwich
    started: ad thechraed
    stay: loa
    stay home: loa aelwyde
    stay at home: loaedynae
    stay behind: kroasellu
    stay there: kroasaowi
    stay where you are: kroashauil
    stay beside me: kroasholi
    steady: aethwyn
    steady: vaus
    steadiness: vauth
    steady heart: vaugreff
    steadfast: kydwel
    steadfastness: kydweldue
    steal, take, theive: shaudd
    stealing: shauraa
    stealth: krebech
    stealthiness: krebechue
    stealthy: krech
    stern: klas
    still: shausek
    stillness: shausem
    stole: shaurthin
    stolen: shaurai
    stone worker: asen
    stone, like: dagusel
    stone, strength of: dagamalue
    stoniness: kaabulue
    stout, hardy, hail: kydesef
    stout hearted: kyderenn
    stout heartedness: kyderanu
    strange, odd: kem
    strange: rhyefedd
    stranger: kemel
    strangeness, oddity: kemalue
    strange one: kemen
    strange lot: kemennue
    strange luck: tolli
    strap: pal
    stapped: palen
    strapped together: palenyyu
    strategist: kydedrodd
    strategy, tactics: kydesed
    stream, brook: aaeliss
    streaming: aaelith
    strength: kaech
    strengthen: kaed
    strike swiftly: korlenn
    stringed instrument: telian
    strip: doru
    strong: kaea
    strong constitution, hearty: dangos
    strong, one who is: kaaead
    strong in spirit: aluri
    strong as a bull: bwyldague
    strong influence, powerful influence: grimus
    strong thread: agor
    struggle: kydledd, kydladd
    stop, wait:
    stop/prevent: aval
    story teller: asem
    strike as with talons: adarluyn
    strong: ason
    stubborn, willful, dogged, tenacious: kurn
    study: nabethech
    studying: nabethest
    studied: nabethen
    stuff shirt, snob: ynvich
    stupid, dunce: blong, deg
    subject: tes
    subjects: teseu
    subjugate: teseg
    subjugation: tasegue
    submerge, immerse: finn
    subordinate, underling: sha
    success, succeed: kyddae
    successful: kydfwiriadue
    suddenly: delyn
    suffering ordeals: kydredeg
    suffice: shefys
    sullen, morose: dren
    sun: melen
    sun: oriath, +ori
    sunlight: meles
    sunrise: mathru
    superb, superior: kausai
    superior, stupendous: grymven, grivven
    support: atgefenn
    surface: wain
    surfaced: wainen
    sure footed (m): eofinn
    sure footed (f): eofyn
    surly, dour: dath
    swallow (bird): elrikk
    swam: dydam
    swan: elark
    swans: elarkid
    swarthy, dark: kanghen
    swarthy one of the wood: klinndarth
    sweep: beom
    sweet: keer
    sweetheart (f): darllau
    sweetheart (m): daroagan
    sweetheart, lover, mate: talira
    swamp: gwaroa
    swell, expand: lliad
    swell, expand, stretch: wye
    swift: asan
    swim: dyedash
    swimmer: dyedan
    swims: dyedeodd
    sword: kemur, kemhur
    sword: thaed
    sword bearer: kemryd, kemharue
    swordsman: kemell
    swordsman: thaeden
    swordsmanship: thaedur
    swordsmanship: kemathue
    sword master: thaedeo, thaedeok
    sword wielder: thaeda, thaedann


    Nav Home
    table: athabodwinn
    tactical: kydeosad
    take without permission: klathwyren
    take a fall for: llaferu
    talk/speak: anurch
    tall: asead
    tall: gafeodd
    taste: duwed
    tasted: duweden
    tasty: duwethu
    tattoo: hurn
    tattood: huroden
    tax: taseg
    teach, educate, instruct: bantha, banthu
    teacher/mentor: nabeethon
    teacher of principles: droga
    tea-pot: taklue
    tear, rip: rhig
    technique, method: tefal
    tell: boad
    temperate: sham
    temperate: hasom
    temple: sykir
    tempt: gwaed (guh-wAd)
    tempted: gwaaden
    temptation: gwaedue
    temptation: traaddeo
    tent, lean-to: pao
    tenacious: phernik
    tenacity: phernue
    tendency: sam
    tendency to be silly: dafen
    tense: tyne
    tense rope: tyraath
    tension: tyneu
    terrible: dach
    territory: gorlanwi
    that: menn, men
    thaw: telaud
    the: a+n
    theft: mos
    their: a/uer, ahr
    them: dasran
    then: leth
    there, that place: kar
    they: dasrenn
    thick: thoss, thahs
    thief: mo
    thieves' guild: mosgefark
    thin: gaf
    thin: tanog
    thing: peth
    things: petaeth
    thinner: gafas
    thinning: gafwich
    this: manu
    thorn, prickly: dran
    thread: egir
    threshold: rho
    threat: begyethaed
    threaten: bygeyyuth
    throne: gorseth
    throne: gorsaf
    throng, mob: kehaufan
    thrust, stab: thydeu
    thrusting, stabbing: thyduwich
    thunder: taranue
    thunderous: rhugor
    tidal wave: morvul
    tilled land: arddyn
    tilt: gwamel
    tilted: gwamaleo
    time: oad, oadd, eos (E-Os)
    time: odd-, +odd, e+os
    time strider (f): oaddwen
    time strider (m): oadden
    time striding: oaddest
    timed, measure time: oaddid
    timeless: oadai
    timeless land: tareod
    timelessness: oaddek
    timing, measuring: oaddist
    time keeper (m): oaddyn
    time keeper (f): oaddanna
    time travel: pargann
    timid: aedgur
    to: av
    to: a/em, aem
    token: suwir
    tongue: teph, tae
    torch: vaudir
    toss: haek
    toss up: haeko
    tossed up: haed
    touch: imech
    towards: avaa
    traitor: karfaan
    transluscent: shiv
    trample: sathir
    trampled by a horse: satherhu
    traveler: iradel (m) elirwen (f)
    traveler of weary miles: illiddel
    track: geolang
    tracker (f): Danwaeth
    tracker (m): geolaen, geowaen, Argeoda, Argeolan
    travel: elir
    traveled, well: gann
    treacherous: karfaagul, Karfaks
    treachery: karfaad
    treasure: kresialue
    treat, deal, handle: triv
    treaty: trivaeth
    treaty: girthyd
    tree, ancient oak: melen
    tree, oak ring: melyn
    tree, evergreen: kelegar
    tree, hardwood: euwyn
    tribulation: aoltheshrau
    tributary: ennen
    trick, dupe: dur
    trip/stumble: baglen
    tripped: baglan
    tripping: bagladust
    troop, company: minnue
    try/endeavor: aniel
    trying: aniallust
    true blue: eoglaes
    truthful: geosha, gosha
    trust: kam
    trusted (m): Geddwen, Geliad
    trustworthy, trusted: kamthiall, kamar, kamatal, amaru
    trusty staff: kamgemrid
    trusty mount: danoad
    trusting: kamarlluinn, kamarllu
    -then, -at that time: -leth
    then, hence,: leth
    thence, hence: -aech
    therefore: lethfet
    they who fly far: adarlu
    think: nabue
    thinking: nabuwich
    thorn, like a thorn: yvaer (I-vAr)
    thorny: yvaerith
    thought: nabuech
    thoughtfullness: nabuemu
    tide: timmor
    too, also: rhyf
    tower: tir
    tower of the eagle: tirdar
    towering: tirth
    town: aedynbodan, aedynboden
    trickery: imdur
    tunnel (v): dreku
    tunnel (n): imdrek
    turn sour: subachue
    twisted logic: rhasgulue
    tyrant: kenghreff
    tyranny: kenghraphue


    Nav Home
    ugliest: anharthu
    ugliness: keffelue
    ugly: anhurth
    ugly, unbecoming: keffid
    un-: (or negative aspects): af
    un-: ek-
    un-, not: ty-, -tai, +tyb, ty+b
    unapproachable: ronn, +ronn, ronn-
    uncertain: daakoled
    uncertainty: daakoladue
    uncertain, not sure: barnue
    uncommon: tybeo
    uncouth, rude: tydam
    undaunted: trellu
    undead: wyt
    under-: llek-
    undergrowth: kaffloa
    understand: imfal
    understanding: imfael
    underwater: baswyn
    undo: ek
    unearth, exhume: basid
    uneasy: keddai
    unfair: anhaag
    unfinished, not finish: tydeod
    unfortunate man: Haeden
    unique: elit
    unique: eli+t
    unique, one of a kind (m): Eliut, Eli娑斿澅
    unkempt, untidy, messy: grellegnak
    unlady-like: tydann
    unkind: rhaeb
    unknown: eswyn
    unlucky: llaad
    unmoved: syks
    unjust: ghydwel
    unjust, wrong: argam
    universe: gofel
    unreal/of dreams: riell
    unreasonable: resymal
    unseen: nofeo
    unshakable (m): Heord
    unstable: anaudel
    unstable, unpredictable: denges
    untamed heart: thuwyd
    unreal, appears: thasid
    untrue: thy (thI)
    unwilling: nelek
    unworthy: karfaanu
    up: ur (yer), -ur (er), +ar, ar-
    upheaval: dinn
    upper: trell
    upper body (m): trelluoch
    upper kingdom of the dragons: Yllinndras
    upper kingdom of men: Yllinndaen
    upstanding: eolek, eolekai
    upstanding: ghreghor
    upstart: arfog
    urge/incite: annogg
    us: las
    usurp: rhothir, roathir


    Nav Home
    vague, obscure: uudugad
    vague: gynnon
    vagueness, obscurity: uudunague
    vain, arrogant: ynan
    valley: eras
    valley of animals: erasgar
    valiant: eolau
    valiant (f): Danllen, Llenwenn
    valiant (m): Aollen, Eollem
    valiant act: llemyn
    valor: llamue
    valor: eolu
    value: llyyu, -llu
    valuable: llubir
    vampire: nossgir
    vanish: imsteng
    vanity, arrogance: ynaust
    vapor, ether: duwyn (dU-In)
    vapor, mist: nimm, nimm, +nimm
    vast: kamue
    vast, unending: imdeth
    veil (v): nubith
    veiled: nubos
    veil (n): nubaath
    vendeta: tybur
    vengeful: kur
    vengeful-: kur-
    venom: daechrau (dAch-raw)
    venomous: daechraeyu (dAch-rA-yoo)
    venture: +menta
    vice, sin: lef
    victor, one who overcomes ordeals: kydred, ardwir
    village (dragonkin): ymradyn
    village: haedyn
    village square (dragonkin): ymbodek
    village square: haedynbodek
    vindictive, malicious: shaach
    violate: tymal
    violation: tyth
    violence: trosbelenn
    virtue (f): gwenna
    virtue (m): gwinaer
    virtue, act on: gwenaethech
    virtue, without: gwenaethost
    virtuous (f): gwenaen, Gwenaeth
    virtuous (m): Naethan, Gowenn
    visible/obvious/famous/evident: amluig
    vista: esghen
    voice: llenwi
    void: gwanue
    void of: gwa+n


    Nav Home
    wail, howl: sgwal
    walk: kes
    walked: kesen
    walking: kest
    walking stick: kamgemur
    walks with grace (m): Elodyn, Elodain
    walks with grace (f): Aolaen
    walk without sound: eollweng
    wander: ferr
    wanderer: ferros, kesgal
    want: thaen
    war: kaven, dinnor
    warrior (m): Rhuwir, Rhuir
    warrior: kirgoth
    warcry: rhyfelgri
    war hammer: haodd
    war-like: grido
    warlock: vendi
    warlocks of anwynn: vendai
    warlord: hagir, hagor, haeg
    warlord: ha+r, hae-
    warlord: rhyfel
    war-like: kavem
    warf: porgurth
    warmth: mel
    warrior: kavyd, kavwi
    wash, clean: welen
    wasteland: beddir
    watch: gur
    watchman: gurin
    watchman: gurdaen
    water: madru
    waterfall: rhaeadra
    water lilly: shaeryl
    wave (v): tonn, to+nn
    way: *
    we: lan
    we-: da+n
    wealth: uth, uth-
    wealthy: uthiti
    wealthy lord: uthur
    weak: nelo
    weak willed: neloch
    weary: delyd
    weary traveler: illdelyed
    weasle: phaegul
    weasle (n): wepekk
    weasle-like: phaeglue
    weave: egar
    week: waith
    weightless: boa
    welcome: sef, seph
    welcomed: sefen
    welcoming: sefid
    welcome everyone: sefel
    welcome to my home: sefaeden
    well, fine: or
    well-: or-
    well behaved: hasith
    well done: aerek
    well behaved: shaantue
    well born: adwir
    well born: dwyt
    well mannered: drellio
    well met, it is good to meet you: adaaeu
    wet: llon
    whale: morfel
    what: baet
    what: kwynnue
    what about: baet em
    wheat: gwed
    wheat field: gwadue
    where, place: lladden, +llad, ll+ad
    whereof-, at what time: laed-
    white, pale: mael
    whither: llomm
    whithered, shriveled: llom
    wind: pleg
    winter: thynas, +thyn
    winter star: perthynas
    with: -iel, iel-, i+el
    with: el, -el, el-, +el+
    without: rhi
    witty: lloakae
    werewolf: kogar, wiras
    when: dyg
    whenever: dygech
    wherefor: aenao
    while: trae
    whisper: sibrowd
    whispered: sibrelidd
    white: gwenn
    white lillies, the: eallanwi
    why: kehau
    why is that?: kehaufan, kehaufen
    wide: brow
    wild, untamed: oran
    wild heart/wild/barbaric: anwarr
    wilderland: ranu
    wildfire: dasranu
    will, shall: nel, nel-, -nel, ne+l
    will, spirit: nol, no+l
    willful, intrepid: kellwaer, kellwir
    willing: nelai
    willow tree: baeoweth
    willow branch: lluidd
    wimp, welp: wepai
    wind: waeg
    windy: waef
    wing: adael
    winged: adaalu
    wink: amrantu
    winter: gireu, giru
    wisdom: bethwaa, methwaa
    wisdom, ancient (f): Henwenn, Henbeth
    wisdom, ancient (m): Henmeth
    wisdom, far reaching (f): Henwyn
    wisdom, far reaching (m): Hendyn
    wise (m): Timmethi, Ulfrykk
    wise (f): Ulfbeth, Halfryth
    wise: ulmeth, ulfel, ul-
    wiser: bethwyth, methen
    wise one: dringad
    wiseman: siared, siarad
    wish: thaod
    wish for peace: thaoden
    witch: meg, meg-, -meg
    witchcraft: ulmeg
    witch's coven: megdarthue
    witch's haven: megduir
    with, from: gan
    witheld: helek
    within, inside: diel
    with strength: elkannue
    wizard: luwenn (f) uroas (m)
    wolf: koanan
    wolven: koarfenn
    wolf-like: koarfannue
    wonder: rhyfeddu
    wonderful: rhyfeddol
    wood: krellom
    woodcutter: hyyuen
    woodsman: kelendir, kelandro
    woodland, forest: keleni, euwun
    woman: danaes
    women: wenvae
    women, many: wenvaeth
    women of merit: Dannaeth
    word of trust: kamsaf
    work: arthengis
    working: arthangost
    working hard: arshafue
    world: ardda
    worth: llufir
    worthy (f): lluen
    worthy (m): lluidd
    would: dienn
    wouldn't: diannu
    wraith: skaaed
    wreckless courage: arelluwani
    wrist: arth
    write: nabeth
    write: aud
    writer: auwyn
    writing: audust
    writing: nabest
    written: nabethur
    wronged: anhaak
    wrote: nabethy
    wroth: uma, um+a


    Nav Home
    year: bluwyth
    yearly: bluwurth
    yearn, long for, pine: thadwikk
    yearning, longing: thadwich
    yield, surrender, relent: gullwich
    yellow: dellur
    yes: ado
    yes: shes
    yet, still: lle
    you: fe (fay)
    your: feg (fayg)
    yours: feal (fay-al)
    young: burh
    young: llana, lla+n
    youngest daughter: llanyyu
    young lady: llanwi
    young man: llandinn, dillan
    youth: bwaern
    youthful antic: llanestri
    youthful: llanyyu


    Nav Home
    zenith: mantus


    Nav Home
    wait until the next crossing: tras nell wid
    all good: wenfel
    are you serious? Kifredd wyn
    the arrow's flight: drosoch
    be silent: shausan
    bring an end to it: hyyuen anem wedd
    chop the wood: hyyud ladrata
    clear the way, open the way, make way: chaus vynn
    come morning: mathu
    cut down the tree: hyyud ladret
    cut it: hyyuel
    cut it down: hyyualu
    end it now: hyyuen anem weddue
    good at: dadwenfel
    good morning: mathrhos
    happened to, occasioned to: chaudwi wyladrata
    he jumped (m): draul wythoa
    he jumped over: draul wothoan
    heading this way: ban chau manu
    heading that way: ban chau men
    I am ready: i eris
    in the time it takes: chaudwi wyladret
    it's all good: dadwenfel
    keep hope: kelch redeg
    kill with one stroke: hyyuwik, hyyuwich
    the land is gloomy: mek tarthu
    now that is very funny: kifreth fiannu
    on course, en-rout, head-way: chau iban
    over there: lli-
    over here: lliem
    no wonder: hadu
    place the prisoner in a cell: kesegredi, kesegredigg
    she jumped (f): draul wenni
    that is very funny: kifri fienn
    that strap: palmen
    there is hope: kelkaro
    there is hope yet: kelkarolle
    this strap: palmantu
    she jumped over: draul wothyn
    battle dress: oriasu (or-ree-ah-soo)
    strike with a sword: thyaaded
    to have faith: pyth
    to serve faithfully: pythlen
    to be faithful: pythul
    you don't say: haist
    the walls are slimy: gwesfirroak
    weild a sword well: thyaadek
    well fitted for battle: oriess (or-ee-ehs)
    without fear: heddeg
    you must be kidding: kifredigg
    you think?: feha
    you would: feddienn
    you wouldn't: feddiannu


    Nav Home
    one: yyuen
    two: tor
    three: drig
    four: faus
    five: draa
    six: wyth
    seven: shwae
    eight: dab
    nine: vaug
    ten: deaga

    Unmatched Words

    Nav Home
    *: navidd
    *: a+nt
    *: ant
    *: +sh
    *: de+l
    *: dirkaf
    *: dirkafu
    *: dirkif
    *: dirkef
    *: dirkafu
    *: direnn
    *: dirannu
    *: ech
    *: edfir
    *: edfarha
    *: ealom
    *: ealon
    *: ealoath
    *: esstano
    *: gwelana
    *: gwelyn
    *: gwelichu
    *: gengalchu
    *: hofren
    *: hofran
    *: ielwen
    *: ielwan
    *: llafargen
    *: llafarganu
    *: llenku
    *: merthir
    *: naawyn
    *: nebydd
    * +nt
    *: rhiav
    *: swkroa
    *: gesed
    *: trosgl
    *: treostyn
    *: treostynt
    *: di
    *: imd
    *: dilled
    *: dilladu
    *: dyfel
    *: du+en
    *: imd
    *: duyn
    *: im
    *: dir
    *: chef
    *: im
    *: dir
    *: chafue
    *: imedai
    *: imadael
    *: imegir
    *: imeheng:
    *: imehangue
    *: imaefl
    *: imafael
    *: imurys
    *: imareos
    *: imesyd
    *: imetyb
    frustrate: imonel
    frustrated: imonud
    frustrating: imowich