(copy and paste into CONTACT, fill out and send) ================= RPG INFORMATION ================= * GM Name: (online name you wish to go by) * Valid Email: (required) * Login Name: (login name others will see) * Active Hours: (days and time of day you are most likely able to play) * Date: (date form is submitted) * RPG Kingdom: (choose one: middle kingdom - of planets, lower kingdom - underworld, upper kingdom - celestial, planar - elemental or other, the four kingdoms - all, other - specify) * Realm Genre: (medieval, modern, futuristic, scifi, steampunk, etc.) * Realm Name: (name of your rpg) * Realm Type: (fantasy magic, fiction no magic, fantasy limited magic, horror magic, horror no magic) * Dice: (yes, no, or limited) * Resurrections: (yes, no, or limited) * Character Types Allowed: (any, new required, genre specific) * RPG Description: (what players most need to know about your RPG) * Number of Players: (how many actual players even if only 1) 1.) Player Name: Actor Names: {Add each member, include yourself as GM as number 1} * Forum Faction Name: (submit if you would like to be added to forum under your own member group)